"The Boy Savior Pt 2"

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"The Boy Savior Pt 2"

" Hey, a-are you ok Honey," Ekkko spoke from behind me. Quickly drying my eyes I turned around and placed on a smile.
" Of course I am silly," I said, forcing a laugh.
" I noticed you haven't been fighting a lot recently, do you wanna talk about it," Ekko pushed some more. Looking at his chocolate eyes I could tell he was genuinely worried for me, so for once I opened up.
" Am I a monster," I asked, Ekkko looked confused so i continued, " You know how i am when i fight, its how i was raised, it was how they taught me am I really a monster? Am i really a hazard," I spoke, my voice breaking towards the end of my sentence as my gaze shifted downwards. I hated that I was weak, especially in front of Ekko, I'm supposed to be strong for him.
" You're now a hazard, you're a Honey Bee," Ekko said, shocking me, looking u i see him looking at me with a bright smile.
" What," I asked, still confused.
" You're a Honey Bee, because you only strive to project and we all need you," He said, rushing forwards enveloping me in a hug. Tightening my hold on the younger boy I felt a genuine smile make way to my face.
" What would I do without ya brother," I said ruffling his hair, he looked up at me with a shocked expression.
" I'm your brother," He asked trying to hide the happiness to his voice,
" Well of course, why wouldn't I," I said, sending im another smile.
" I'm happy for you, my sister Honey Bee," He said, giving me another hug.

" Fuck," I yelled kicking over one of the bins in the alleyway. I have been searching for hours and I couldn't find those damn firelights. Yelling I kicked the wall only to have pain shoot up from my foot.
" Shit," I cursed to myself as I clutched my foot.
" Are you alright miss," A velvety voice called from just outside the alley, hearing lopsided footsteps a pale face came into my view. He had brown hair and emerald eyes. He was well dressed too.
" Yea I'm ok," I answered further, taking in his appearance.
" You're a little too nice looking to be living in the Undercity who are you," I asked. I noticed a soft blush covering his cheeks.
" My name is Victor and you," I didn't answer him right away, I didn't know what name to give him.
" Miss," He spoke breaking my train of thought.
" I'm not too sure right now," I answered him honestly.
" I'm not sure i understand," He said scratching his hand, Walking closer to him i leaned against the wall,
" I'm not sure who I am anymore, two names, two different people," I replied. He hummed in response before taking a place next to me.
" Well who were you in the past," He asked looking at me,
" Honey,"
" And now,"
" Hazard,"
" That is a very drastic change,"
" It's been a chaotic couple of years," we both chuckled at this,
" I couldn't agree more," he said, shaking his head slightly.
" What about you, what holds your worries," I asked. Taking a moment he told me about his sickness, Hextech and eventually his troubles with this invention he called the Hexcore.
" Wow, that is a lot," I said once he finished. After a moment he started to re-adjust himself, getting up.
" Well it was lovely talking with you, and I hope you figure everything out," He said, nodding his head. I nodded back watching him walk away from where he once stood. Getting myself off the wall I started walking deeper into the Undercity. I knew if I were to find the firelights, I'd have to get a hold of people with connections.
So that didn't go too well. Standing around me were a group of meen each equipped with their own weapons and very angry looking expression, i guess they weren't to found of me.
" Well, well I'm getting deja vu," I smiled manically to the men around me.
" Vander won't be here this time," I said as I felt energy built up within me.
" Vander's been dead for year bitch," One of the men sneered,
" And you still haven't learned anything," I snapped back. Soon the men started to close in on me, releasing the energy that surrounded everyone. Everything stilled, only sound were the men around me struggling to breathe much like Silco was.
" I wonder what would happen if I were to... squeeze," I voiced slowly, focusing on compressing each one of them. As their shouts ran out each one of them combusted into a bloody pulp.
" Oh look.. Red," I laughed. My laughter echoed through the night, but was soon cut short due to a gunshot.
" That came from the bridge... Its always a fucking bridge," I growled to myself as i ran towards the commotion. Going on the side of the bridge I jumped over the rails only to see Caitlyn a few feet in front of me and on the floor next to her laid...
" Ekko," I said, stepping forwards causing people to snap their gaze towards me.
" Honey," Caitly asked, confused.
" Stand back," The Sheriff Enforcer yelled at me, painting the gun to my head.
" Caitlyn!" I heard Vi's voice yell behind me. Second, I saw what looked like firelights but.. Not? One landed on the railing close to me, getting a closer look I was able to work out Jinx's art.
" Get Down!" I was able to yell as they went off, the blast sending me towards the center of the bridge where Ekko was lying, I felt pieces of the explosives lodged in my back and arms. Soon I saw Vi run up. She stopped looking at me for a second before running past Caitlyn. Next to me Ekko started to stir, he slowly got up to see me,
" Honey Bee," He questioned in disbelief,
" Hey Little Man," A smile made to his face before he got distracted by the commotion happening before us.
" go," I said. He hesitated but nodded and went to help non the less. Slowly sitting myself up I see vi struggling past with Caitlyn around her shoulders, She stopped looking at me, and then the other side of the bridge, contemplating on what to do, on what she could do. I knew deep down she didn't want to leave me, But i also knew she couldn't leave Caitlyn. Years have passed, people change, I need to let go.
" Go Violet," I spoke only to have her shake her head in disagreement.
" I'm not leaving you Honey," She said sternly.
" You already have," I remarked, triggering Vi's eyes to widen. I almost saw tears in her eyes as she began to walk away. Clenching my hands into fists I took a deep breath to subside the pain from my wounds and heart. Getting up, I walked through the smoke to find Ekko on top of Jinx freezing to end his childhood friend and love. I felt a pang in my heart at the sight, but my eye quickly caught the bomb within Jinx's hand. Rushing forwards I grab Ekko and cover him with myself as the bomb goes off. Pain erupted in my back as we fell to the floor. The sound of someone yelling was the last thing I heard before everything went black.

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