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I start to stir when I notice I'm no longer on the roof but on Vi's bed in the pub. Getting down I look and see everyone is asleep other than Violet, She's nowhere to be found. Walking up the squeaky wooden stairs I walked into the pub. Noticing that there are only a few people in the bar including Vandor I'd say that it's still pretty early in the morning. The sun isn't out yet. I walk up to the bar and Vandor turns his head to look at me.
" Ah, Honey finally making an appearance huh?" Vandor says, causing me to give off an nervous chuckle.
" I haven't a clue what you're talking about," I reply in response he rolls his eyes.
" Vi's on the roof if that's who your looking for," He stated
" Who else would I be looking for?" I asked amused
" who knows your barely here these days, little bird's leaving the nest," Vander says wiping away a fake tear.
" Funny, very funny," I say, walking away to find Vi. Opening up the creaky metal door I find Vi punching the cold concrete wall. Shaking my head I walked over to her.
" You know that's why your knuckles are always bloody right?" I speak up, causing her to stop and look at me.
" Yea, that's why I brought wraps," She responded, nodding her head towards the old wraps in the corner. Sighing I shake my head and pick up the wraps.
" Alright that's enough, Come here," I say sitting down on the cold floor. She chuckles and comes to sit in front of me. I undoo her bloodied bandages from her hand before whipping away the leftover dirt and blood. As I start to rewrap her hand Vi starts to speak.
" I'm sorry about Mylo, he just doesn't know when to shut up, He shouldn't have said those things to you." She speaks slowly, getting angrier as the sentence continued.
" Vi It's alright, It was my fault what happened, If i had tried to fight it could have gone differently." I replied not looking up but continued to speak, " Besides we know why he's really angry with me," I said, finishing her hand and looking up to meet her eyes.
" Don't make it any battery Honey." Vi says moving to sit by my side.
" It's not your fault he's jealous." She added.
" No but I can understand where he is coming from, I'd feel the same way if our places were switched,"said leaning my head on her shoulder.
" I would too." She agreed
" Oh really? What would you do if I were with someone else?" I asked curiously.
" They wouldn't stick around long." She said giving me a side glance, i started laughing at her response and she soon joined me.
" By the way, In that apartment I found some weird blueprints and journals." I spoke up,
" Yea they were everywhere."
" Yea but they were talking about creating magic, I didn't find any recent ones. They are about 3 years old but I think they could still be useful." I say as Vi leans her head on top of mine.
" I don't know, but if anyone could figure it out it's you." she said, moving her arm around my waist. I giggled a bit at her comment. We sat in silence for a bit and my eyes trained down to the bandages on my own arm, Not from fighting but from burns. Hideous scars that cover my arm. Soon Vi's hand covered my own on my arm.
" You're beautiful, you know." She spoke quietly, she always knows what I'm thinking.
" Keep talking like that i'll start to think your visually impared," I said jokingly
" Seriously though Vi how long have you been up here?" I asked if the cold finally seeping into my bones.
" Since I put you to bed." So she hasn't slept all night, Again. Sighing, I got up and offered my hand out to her.
"Then it's time for you to get to bed." I say pulling her up.
" you'll be laying down with me too, right?" Vi asked as we opened up the metal door and descend down the stairs.
" Of course, when have you known me to give up extra sleep?" I asked, gaining laughter from the girl behind me. As we made it down to the room everyone was still fast asleep, so me and Vi climbed into bed to get a few more hours of sleep before our day has to start once more.

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