Happy Progress Day

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Happy Progress Day

I step back and look at the blue liquid, Turning my gaze to the dark blue crystal. It looks lifeless to how it appeared once before. Looking back at the liquid I attached it to the hypodermic syringe. Sitting down with the injection in hand I go over all of the possibilities. I could die. What if I just make things worse? I could become mindless like Silcos beasts? Would it matter? Would anyone care? No. I know that. Taking the injection I stab it into the side of my neck letting the liquid flow into my body. My body immediately tensing, I gasp for air as pain shoots through my body entirely. Falling onto the ground curling up into a ball, I feel the forgien liquid moving through my body and veins slowly reaching my heart. No longer being able to take it I let out a glass shattering scream.
Gasping awake I look around to find my room in complete darkness. Looking around I catch my reflection in the window, the only thing you can see is the vibrant blue glow from my eyes. Grabbing my pillow I chuck it at my reflection. Getting up from my mattress I find the lever at the side of the door and turn on my lights. Looking at the time I see it's early morning, the sun would be rising a bit. It's also Progress day, meaning Silco would be sending out his bitches to get a load from the air docs. Sighing I moved my short curly hair from my face. Pulling off my nightwear I put on my sports bra And slip my black tank over the top, Grabbing my jeans and boots I slide them on. Grabbing my belt holding my daggers I put one around my waist and the other around my thigh. Grabbing my hooded jacket and mask, I stare at myself in the mirror. It's been years since Honey died. Everyone knew honey was killed by Silco's man Jinx's. Now people knew me, Knew my mask as Hazard. I guess Vi and Mylo were right. With that i slip my mask over my face and leave the building hoping to get some food before jinx kills someone. Heading up to my favorite food place, I remember what it used to be like coming here.

" The blue tentacles are definitely better than the red. You get so much more flavor!" Esclames Vi
" No way the Red is definitely the best!" Powder argues. With mirrored movements they turn to me,
" Who's right Honey!" They ask at the same time causing me to laugh.
" Sorry I don't have a favorite," I say , still giggling. Both of them grow, then turn to Mylo and Clagger.

Memory End~

" I'll have an order of the Blue Tentacles Mike." I say, I guess I lied back then. I always order blue now. Finishing my meal I head to the air dock, when getting there I don't see Jinx anywhere in sight. But I do see the metal armed bitch and the oger twin. Looks like some of the barrels are tagged. It's probably the shimmer if I had to guess. But that would be a lot of shimmer. Silco can't be expanding already can he? That's gonna drive him into a corner. Piltover's new found achievements due to Hextech would kill his business. Especially in the lanes, The only way he would make this type of move is if he had insurance Piltover wouldn't get involved. He's got a deal with the Enforcers. I feel my eyes widen at my conclusion. I mean could he really? Vandor did but who would make a deal with that psycho. Fireight speed past me into the airship trapping robo bitch and oger. They started dumping out and destroying Silos haul. Seconds later Jinx came out. Looking behind me I see the docks are in chaos, people trampling over each other to try and get away from the danger. I look back at Jinx to see her holding the arm of a pink haired girl.
" Oh no," I muttered to myself, steadily moving closer. When she snapped out of it she took out her gun and started shooting everything ducking down. I looked in front of me and saw a man in the way of the fire. Jumping in front of the man I tackled him to the ground just missing a bullet to the head. Looking below me I notice the man shaking in fear.
" T-that m-mask, You HAZARD!" He shouted at the end of his sentence drawing attention to me, I cursed under my breath before making a run for it. Running through the streets I can hear people yelling for me to stop, getting to the edge of the bridge I jump off landing on one of the beams below, then running across I jump and slide down one of the building roofs. Making it to the ground I head to the one place I know I can hide till they cool off my tail. The arcade. Stepping over the broken glass I look around the place that used to be a second home to me. I remember Powder running around fixing everything, Mylo complaining about it, The conversations me and Clagger would have,and Vi always at the boxing machine. She is always amazing to watch. Turning my gaze at the scoreboard I see even after all these years she still has the top ranking. I feel a small tear fall down from my eye. Taking off my hazard mask, I wiped my eyes. I was there for a few more minutes before I put my mask back on and left the old arcade.
I was walking around late at night when I noticed Jinx sneaking away to the Topside.
" What the hell are you doing Jinx?" I asked myself following her. She was going to the Progress Day speech? That's not like her, why is she here. I noticed her walking into what looked to be a circus tent. I decided to wait outside, whatever she was doing clearly wasn't good but I also wasn't about to be blown up. When she came out she had her fire paint can with her drawing her Monkey sign on the side of the tent she lit it aflame before hiding in the shadows. What are you planning? I asked myself as Enforcers ran over trying to put it out, Five walked inside. I started to hear the clicking of her bombs' jaws. One of the enforcers started walking towards the tent. It was about to go off, Throwing two of my daggers in front of the enforcer stopping her from going any further, She looked towards me, her dark hair slightly covering her face. Then the bomb went off causing her to fall, I called my daggers back to me but only one returned.Looking towards the other dagger i see it in the hands of the Enforcer her staring at me with shocked and fading eyes. Out of the corner of my eye I notice Jinx making her escape. I knew I had to get out of here, and so that's what I did. Running as fast as my legs would take me I made it back to the abandoned building I was calling home. Taking off my mask and gear, I sit myself down on my mattress. I feel a chill run up my spine. Getting up I look out my window to see fireworks in the far distance. Whatever happened tonight is just the beginning, I can tell from here on it's going to get a lot worse.

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