Metting You Again

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Meeting You Again

" Come on hurry Honey," Vi called from ahead of me.
" Where are we going? You never told me," I asked, catching up with her, only to have her grab my wrist and drag me up a flight of stairs. Reaching one of the top rooms she takes me through a window.
" Your not taking me up here to kill me and make it look like suicide right? Is this about the bagel? I said I was sorry," I said as I reached the roof behind her. She turned around to look at me.
" No, this isn't about the bagel, but you still owe me for that," She said, I laughed a little and walked up to her.
" Ok so then why are we up to her Vi?" I asked again, this time my voice was softer.
" Just to eat and watch the stars, maybe we'll see something funny," She said, looking down and fiddling with her fingers. I knew that wasn't the whole truth but I didn't want to push it any further. Behind her there was a blanket laid out with a couple snacks. Walking Over to the blanket I turned to look at her with an amused grin.
" Who knew you were such a romantic Vi," I teased. I was going to continue but I saw a blush dusting her cheeks, it caught me off guard, " Hey Vi,why are we really here," I asked again, curious as to why she was blushing. Was it me, Oh gosh is there something about me!
" I wanted to ask you something Honey," I heard Vi speak, breaking me from my train of thought. Looking up to meet her gaze I realized she was a lot closer to me than she was before.
" Ok, what is it," I asked slowly,
" Do you, maybe want to be.. My girlfriend," Vi said softly not meeting my eyes but staring down at her hands. I was shocked, I didn't move or say anything at first. It wasn't intel i noticed the panic look on her face that i snapped out of it.
" yes," I said a smile growing on my face, Vi snapped her head towards me with wide eyes,
" W-wha-"
" Yes," I repeated again, wrapping my arms around her. As we pulled away, she cupped my face with her hands, and pulled me into a kiss.
Snapping my eyes open i feel tears trickling down the side of my face, why do i have to think of Vi why now, why? More tears sprung from my eyes as I rolled over onto my side, hugging my pillow. I hope to forget about the past and get at least an hour of dreamless sleep.
Hours later I got up, I hate doing things like these. I'm left with myself. Silco has been staying quiet lately, I haven't even seen Jinx come out to cause trouble. They must be planning something, to get my mind somewhere else I head to the back of the building, to do anything to take my mind off the past. Practicing throwing my daggers and bringing them back to me was what I was currently doing. Throwing kicks and punches into the fallen concrete walls as I focus on my daggers as well. If Silco was really planning something then I had to be prepared. I can't not be able to bring my daggers back to me like on Progress day, that won't be good during battle. I was like this most days, to take my mind off of things, i would be training, or starting fights with people on the streets. Hours later I decided to stop, covered in sweat. I headed inside to clean myself. Rummaging through my things to find a towel. I came across Vi's old glove. I still remember when she got them.


Me andVi were on our way to the arcade, everyone left ahead of us because we had to help Vandor out in the pub for a while. It was our consequence for starting a fight. As we were walking I spotted a booth, deciding to take a detour. I was confused at first but followed me none the wiser. I just wanted to go and take a look at things, maybe slip on or two things in my pockets. I turned around to see Vi looking at a pair of knuckle gloves. Except they were both for your left hand?
I looked up at the buff man running the shop,
" How much for the gloves," I asked. Vi looked at me, eyes widening slightly.
" You can't buy these with money, girl," He said in a very scratchy voice.
" Then with what," i asked irritated,
" Arm wrestling, against me," He said cockily, Vi was the first to answer.
" Alright easy," She said preparing herself,
" Not her," He said, annoyed.
" But I want the gloves," Vi replied.
" Don't care I'll wrestle her," this was common, people often looked at me and saw i was weak, especially when next to Vi.
" Ok," Was my simple answer. We walked out of there with both gloves laughing from the shocked face of the merchant.

Memory End~
Throwing the glove to the ground I grabbed the towel and went to clean up. God damn why am I being so nostalgic today, this is bullshit. After getting cleaned up and dressed I put my Hazard mask on and decided to go get some grub at Mike's. Passing an alleyway I hear a loud crash and the sound of a fight.
" What the fuck," i whispered to myself, pulling one of my daggers, i walked towards the cammotion. I turned the corner, Sevika and Vi fighting, no, Vi's dead, no, no.
" Where are Powder and Honey!" Vi demanded, Sevika laughed
" Powder, She works for Silco now, He treats her like his daughter and Honey, oh Honey's been dead for years now," Sevika continued to laugh. I lost focus for seconds, but it was enough for Sevika to get a hit on Vi, Stabbing her. Sevika stood up, shaking me from my trance, before she could get another word out there was a dagger lodged into her throat. She stumbled back as I walked out of the shadows. Walking over I had failed to notice a second bystander, holding a gun to me. I quickly stepped in front of Vi, closing my eyes as I heard the gunshot, but opened them up to see the man scrambling off the ground and running. I turn my head to see the same Enforcer from Progress day just above us. I nod to her and quickly bend down to Vi.
" Who the fuck are you," Was the first things she said to me, i simly laughed tho it must have sounded disoriented due to my mask. Putting her arm over my shoulder i picked her up and started walking back to the place i call home.
" No, I'm not going anywhere with you," She tried to push me away, i noticed the lady Enforcer was now behind us and still had her gun out.
" God dammit Vi, for once in your life stop being stubborn," I snapped at her, shifting more of her wait onto me. Looking over my shoulder I called out.
" You coming princess," She hesitated for a moment before putting her gun away.
" Don't call me that," Was her reply
" Ok princess," i said and for the rest of the walk it was quiet, though Vi kept looking towards me. Finally reaching the building i take them inside and put Vi down on the mattress. Rushing I grabbed everything I had for first aid, Setting everything down I got to work, gaining no argument from Vi but the Enforcer never took her eyes off me. When i finished I grabbed cranberry juice.
" Drink this, it will help you restore your lost blood quicker," I said, passing her the bottle. Slowly she opened it and started to drink.
" Who are you," The Enforcer asked, diverting my attention from Vi.
" Isn't it polite to introduce yourself first,'' I asked, avoiding the question.
" Right, I'm Caitlyn and you," she pressed further,
" Hazard," was my short reply. Getting up, I grabbed extra pillows and blankets, giving some to Caitlyn and the others to Vi.
" Yes, I know you are 'Hazard' but who are you really," She pushed further.
" Haven't been anyone else for a while now, so I hardly think it matters," I said. " Gst some rest, you need it," I continued letting Caitlyn know the conversation was over. Taking the hint she went with her pillow and blanket finding somewhere to lay down. Minutes later she was asleep. But Vi was wide awake. I didn't speak until she actually got up.
" You need to rest, Vi," I said, getting up from my spot on the ground.
" Take off the mask,"
" What?"
" Take off the mask Honey." I stopped. After a minute I reached for my mask and pulled it off.
" It's been years since anyone has called me by that name," I said looking up to meet her gaze, I felt tears forming in the corners of my eyes. Rushing forwards, Vi pulled me into her arms, I wrapped my own around her being careful not to touch her wound.
" I've missed you so much, I thought you were dead Vi, I thought I lost you," I whispered softly crying into her shoulder.
" I missed you too Honey, I missed you too," she whispered back. We stayed like this for a couple of minutes before I pulled away.
" You really need your rest, come on, lay down," I said , wiping my face and leading her back to the mattress. She just laughed. When she layed back down i moved to walk away but she grabbed onto my wrist.
" Lay down," That's all she had to say. I layed down with her and covered us both with blankets. We started to fall asleep in each others arms. Vi is back, my Vi is back.

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