Welcome To the Playground

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Welcome To the Playground
"Alright guys hurry up," Vi yells from above us. Powder is ahead of me struggling to keep up pace with Vi as Clagger and Mylo are climbing up below us.
" Hey Powder, come take a look at this!" We hear Vi call from uptop of the building. Getting up we see clear skies and beautiful homes embroidered with gold. It was nothing like home. Powder squills as a motorized blimp passes overhead.
" One day I'm gonna ride one of those." She says dreamily.
" And one day I'm gonna shoot one of them down." Mylo continues receiving a slap from Vi. We continued walking across the rooftops when Clagger speaks up.
" Guy's i don't think we should be here what if Vandor-"
" He isn't going to find out, And this is the exact type of job Vandor would do when he was our age," Vi cuts him off before continuing. " Are you guys in or what?"
" Vandor is gonna kill us." Clagger groans
" Only if we screw up, So don't screw up." She says moving to the next rooftop, us moments behind her.
" Ok that's the place, follow my lead and don't look down," Are Vi's parting words as she slides down to the gutter, swinging herself over to a porch raining and jumping to the other roof, successfully avoiding death from the far ground below. Next Mylo and Clagger follow suit, each making it across the space of the buildings. Each of them turn around to see me and Powder on the other side, heastitant, still.
" Oh great, called it this is on you Vi," Sarcasm coming from Mylo
" I'll get them-"
" No," Vi cuts off Clagger once more. Poor guy can't even get a word in. Vi turns her head over towards me.
" Honey, You got this." Is all she had to say, I know what she meant. Convince Powder.
" Powder, do you remember what Vi said to you before we left?" I asked turning to her.
" That I'm ready." She tells me looking into my matching blue orbs,
" Then you got this! And I'm right behind you," I say, giving her a smile, returning the favor she turns clumsily stumbling down the roof to the gutter and onto the railing, My breath catches in my throat as she jumps almost falling off the roof. But Vi catches her arm just in time.
" Come on Honey Hurry up." Mylo yells. Raising my hand in the air I flip him the bird causing Powder, Vi and clagger to Clagger. Backing up a bit to get more momentum I look at the building. Not that far of a jump, right?
" Honey, what are you doing?" I hear Vi say.
" Wait No-" I heard her say again, but I had already propelled myself down the roof launching me to the otherside. I successfully made it to the otherside but disappointingly landed on my back.
" Honey what the hell were you thinking!" Yells Vi
" What if you didn't make it across?" Says Clagger
" What was that" Asked Mylo
" Are you ok?" Says Powder
" Huh? I didn't think of that." Was my response causing them all to shake their heads.
" Come on let's go," Says Vi, getting everyone on track to the Building we were in...... Borrowing from. We all jumped down onto a porch that looked fairly nice, The railing looked like the inner workings of clocks but gold and copper plating on them.
" There's a lot of Enforcers down there." Clagger comments looking down below him. I walk up beside him and look below. Everyone looked... Happy.
" That means we are in the right place." Vi responds looking back at Clagger but eyes stopping at me. Meeting her gaze she offers me a soft smile, she knows what i'm thinkin. She always does. Returning her smile we hear Mylo cuss out in front of the door.
" Gonna get that door open anytime soon?" Vi asks snarkily
" Funny, Seeing as i'm the only one who can pick locks-" Mylo starts to rant but is soon cut off by Vi kicking down the door.
" Animals." Was what came from Mylos mouth next as everyone walked by.
" You're not the only one who can pick locks." I say walking by him.
" Only one who can do it right." He says bumping my shoulder as he walks by. Glaring into his back I go to look around the apartment. The apartment looked slightly messy, there were books and blueprints everywhere. The person here must be an inventor.
" Holy shit, Where did you get this tip Vi?" Mylo and Clagger ask, looking at some type of thing?
"I-I don't know it was a tip from Little Man." Vi says. Little Man? How did he know about this place? I asked myself as I continued to look around the apartment. There were some blueprints that caught my eye, I couldn't understand a lot of it but it looked like stones and magick? Weird, I grabbed the blueprints and stuffed them into my bag. Continuing along I found some journals, they looked very old, the handwriting was messy but it looks like a person named Jayce was writing about creating magic. Looking at the date I see these are about 3 years old. Finding these interesting, I stuffed them into my bag as well. Maybe they'll help explain the blueprints. Looking further i see Powder in what looks like a bedroom waiting a very tasty looking sandwich,
" Just gonna hog all that to yourself?" I feigned hurt, scaring Powder.
" Sorry," She giggled while passing my other sandwich as we looked around this Jayce person's room. Powder moved some of the blueprints aside to find a metal box, fiddling with it till she got it open. Inside we see a container full of blue like crystals.
" Wow." Me and Powder say in sync. Looking at each other we giggled before inspecting the crystals.
" Powder! Honey! Hurry got to go" Shouts Vi causing panic to spread through me and Powder. We quickly pick up all of our pockets before reaching out to everyone else.
" Go, Go I'll be right behind you, just get to the roof." Vi yells once more. All of a sudden bright blue covers my vision as the building explodes. Opening my eyes and shaking the dizzy away I look to see over half of the patio crumbled into dust. Looking over the edge we see Enforcers down below staring right back at us.
" Guy's go, go, go!" I yelled as the enforcers started to make their way towards us. Running through Piltover, Enforcers throw restraints narrowly missing us.
" Come on, Faster!" Vi yells from ahead, Pushing people out of my way. I grab onto Powder's hand pulling her out of the way of the restraints, almost catching her foot. The bridge starts to rise as we all jump across it. Pushing further ahead I hear the yelling of the enforcers gaining closer to us. Vi leads down an alleyway, each of us slamming our shoulders to the wall from the speed of our run. I recognized the alleyway and I knew where she was leading us, damn not again. We ran faster into alleyway Vi ripping off a steam pipe cap causing coverage for us. Sprinting down that alleyway we get to our location. I bend down and rip off the trash pipes top before backing up, as one of the lightest I'm not going first. Don't feel like being crushed by Clagger again.
" Ah not again I just got this shirt." Mylo complains from in front of the pipe. Vi gets behind him and kicks him down the pipe. Next was clagger and Powder.
" You go," I say to Vi
" Now way you first," She argues.
" I can get the cap back on and you have the goods," I say she hesitates but eventually agrees going down the pipe. Grabbing the Cap I lowered myself into the pipe holding on the cap. Jumping down the cap catches the top of the pipe locking into place, letting go and I slide down the pipe only to land in Vi's lap.
" Well hello there." I say looking up at Vi, causing her to blush and push me off her.
" What the hell happened back there?" Mylo asked, causing everyone to look at Powder.
" What? I Didn't do it," Powder defends.
" You could fill a library with all the stuff you and Honey don't do," Mylo replied cause me to throw a can at his head and Vi to speak up.
" Guys, We just cleared out an apartment right under the Enforcers nose, So if you're done, leave to get this back home." She said breaking up the argument. As we are walking down the dirt I notice me slowly starting to tail us. Moving through Mylo and Clagger I tugg on Vi's hand and nod behind me, she nods back.
" Get to Powder." I nod and fall back to walk in pace with the younger girl.
" Nice haul?" Aske a blonde male to the side of us
" You could say that," Came mylos reply, Idiot.
" So you're dragging it through my streets," Snapped the male
" Your streets," Vi bellowed, four more men surrounded us.
" Look, we don't want trouble." I spoke up, The male turned to look at me and laughed.
" It doesn't have to get messy, Just got to give us a little taste." He mocks, Mylo was about to reply but was stopped by Vi,
" Just a Little Taste?" She asked shyly
" Yea just a Little-" The man was cut off by Vi slamming the bag across his face and tossing it towards Powder. Me and Powder back against a wall as we watch the fight in front of us unfold. I take a glance at Powder to see how she is doing and see the panic in her eyes, i put a hand on her shoulder to remind her she isn't alone. Protect Powder. Soon a man was thrown in front of us, when he looked up he saw we had the bag and smiled. Grabbing onto Powder hand we started to run. Throwing and pushing objects down behind us to slow our chaser down in a chance we could get away. Running down the dock we turn the corner only to find it boxed off. Powder hides behind the wall as I look for a way through. I heard a thud behind me and noticed that Powder had knocked over some planks. She looks at me with wide eyes, what do we do? Powder takes out one of her bombs and shakily fills it with nails, will it work this time? I know she has been working on these for a while, but is it going to work? She whispers something to her contraption and throws it in front of the man. It exploded... Into a pink dust. Scared Powder and me back up into the railing as he gets closer.
" Powder Sink It." I yell and she does just that, Taking off the bag and throwing it into the murky depth below us, that no one dares to enter.

" You did what!" I hear Mylo scream as I approach everyone. I had Powder go ahead of me to check if he was still following us.
" I'm sorry I didn't know what to do." she says weakly. Mylo was about to rely when I cut him off.
" It wasn't Powder's fault Mylo, I told her to sink the bag, so be mad at me, not her." I said Causing Mylo to look at me with an Angered expression.
" Of course it was you Honey! It always is, You don't think shit through you just act all the time it doesn't matter who you affect! You're a goddamn Hazard!" Mylo snapped only to be yelled at once more.
" Just drop it ok, It's gone, but at least you guys are ok." Vi speaks leading us into the building.
" Are you ok? What about me? I have my face bashed in and it's ok because they're fine!" Mylo complains
" Yup." Was Vi's short reply we walk into the elevator and it starts to go down when Mylo speaks again.
" Every time you go on a job with us something goes wrong, You're a goddamn Jinx." Mylo says getting into Powder's face.
" Cut it out Mylo!" Vi and I snap, We descended the rest of the way down in silence, preparing ourselves for when we get home.
Walking into the pub I see Vandor has a client, that would give us time before he lectured us. Making an executive decision, I slip away and head up to the roof. No way was I going to be apart from another Vandor lecture. I was up there for what felt like hours messing around the rooftops when Vi and Powder came out. Vi motioned for me to come sit with them. I sat down feeling tiredness start to take its toll on me. Laying down on Violet's lap I fell asleep to her telling us about everyone's past mistakes. Sometimes I wondered if we all would change. I liked how they were. I knew that no matter what I would be fine as long as I had them. As long as I had my family.

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