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" No, I watched him die," Vi stood up.
" Did you," I asked, which seemed to anger her much more.
" Excuse me," Her voice was low and threatening, she had never sounded like this before. Not to me.
" I'm not saying you didn't see what you saw, I'm just saying maybe you misunderstood what you saw," I said carefully, for once I was scared of Vi's reaction. What she would do scared me.
" Yeah, well maybe you didn't look hard enough," She snapped clearly.
" I searched everywhere Vi his body was nowhere," I spoke calmly
" Yea and how do you know you searched hard enough huh," At this point she was now yelling.
" I searched-"
" Well clearly you didn't search well enough, but that's to be expected from you right i mean you couldn't even find Ekko," That was it.
" I know I searched everywhere because I was looking for you!" I yelled , stopping Vi from speaking any further.
" I was searching high and low for you because I didn't want to imagine my life without you, but I didn't find you, or Vandor, and I was left to think you were all dead because I was weak," I seethed out. I could see the conflict in her eyes, she knew deep down I was right. But anger, anger that I had no clue where it was from blinded it all.
" If you looked so hard, then why is Powder the way she is now? '' She snapped a thump from outside the window but I chose to ignore it as I was now angry as well.
" Funny coming from the bitch that left her," Her anger was now replaced with shock and hurt. I have never spoken to her like this before. " It's funny coming from her so called sister, when you are the one who doesn't even except her for who she is," I continued
" Powder-"
" Funny coming from the girl who gave Jinx her name!" I shouted, staring her down.
" You don't even understand what happened that night, do you,"
" Wha-"
" Powder killed Silco, you could see it in her eyes for a moment, to save you, to spare her sister but in return Jinx killed Powder," I finished.
" Powder is dead now Vi, Just like Honey died but you changed too, you changed so much you don't even accept us for who we are now," I finished laughing slightly.
" Honey I'm-"
" It's Bee now, Honey is dead remember," I voiced ," I should have known asking you for help was no good, i mean you don't care about Zaun you chose Piltover. I'd get more help from Jinx than I would from you Topsider," I went to turn around but Vi grabbed my waist and turned me around.
" No shit I can't accept you changed, i fell in love with Honey, i still love you," She whispers to me ," Please just stay in Piltover, with me." She muttered trying to move closer but I pushed away, giving a tired chuckle.
" Should have known," I shook my head before meeting her gaze for the last time.
" I'll make this real simple, Don't remember me, I show them that I'm stronger, not like in your memory, now that I've broken free you're not someone that I need, I won't hold on any longer so don't remember me," And with that i walked out of Caitlyn's estate only to be stopped at the bridge from the least likely person.
" Jinx,"
Violet POV~
She walked out and I felt tears well in my eyes. She was right. She's always right. God dammit, why can't I listen? Why am I so destructive? God dammit why do i take my anger out on her, i love her, it's myself i hate! I hate that I couldn't save them! I hope that I can be there for her! I hate it's my fault Honey and Powder and gone. Caitlyn walked in seeing my distressed state.
" Vi what happened," She asked, rushing forward.
" I did it again, I messed up again," my voice cracked slightly, Caitlyn nodded understanding what I meant, I had snapped at her multiple times as well.
" I have to go back to Zaun, I have to get them back,"

Bee POV~
" Hey Bee," She said, walking forward before enveloping me in a hug. I wrapped my arms around her as well pulling her closer. I had only seen Jinx one time since the incident mostly because I was with the firelights but we were never on bad terms.
" I heard what you said to Vi," So that was the sound from the window. " Did you mean it," She looked up at me with her bright pink eyes.
" Every word, We will always be family Jinx no matter who you become," I cupped her face before pulling her back for another hug.
" Really," Her voice was fragile.
" I don't care if you had wanted to become a boy, didn't want pronouns, even if you are a murder or do countless bad things, you will always be my family and i will always love you," I spoke in a calming boice to her as tears streamed down her face onto my clothed sweater.
" I know about the Hound, I want to help, I want us to be a team," She said whilst pulling away and meeting my gaze.
" We are,".

( Im sorry for the short chapter today, Schools be lacking but I promise I'll continue to post even a little love you guys💜.)


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