Honey Bee

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Red is the color of blood, and because of this is often associated with war, pain, anger, or passion. That's what they taught me. That's what they want. Or wanted a killer.
They pulled on the chains.
They whip my back.
"Do you know what you did wrong Honey?" The shrill voice of my mother came from behind me.
" I lost my mother," came my weak response.
" Do you Know why you were named Honey?" She questioned again.
" To throw them off guard," My dull eyes trained to the ground as my mother circled around me.
" And why do we want to throw them off?"
" To win,"
" TO WIN!" She snapped, stomping forward grabbing my chin forcing my gaze to meet her grey eyes.
" You win fights, we get money, that's the only reason you're here Honey, you need us ok? And you won't have us if you don't win, you know that right." She squatted down in front of me.
"Yes I know mother, I'll do better I promise," My monotone voice matching lifeless eyes.
" Good, Sevika got in here and cleaned her up," my mother walked out of the damp cell. Sevika walked out from the corner with a solemn look on her face. Unhooking me from the chains she started cleaning my wounds.
" I'm sorry," was all that could be heard from Sevika.
" Why," looking up, I see her freeze her actions.
" I don't think it's right, a little girl shouldn't see so much red, you shouldn't be forced to be-"
" A hazard," I finished for her getting up and walking out the door.

A soft breeze trickles my face as I lay under the sun's rays. I hear footsteps approaching from afar, Its Vi.
" Whatcha doing Hottie," Vi slumps down next to me,
" Thinking about everything, do you think we'll get out of here Vi," I asked , turning my head to face her.
" Do you want to get out of the Undercity," Vi asked, putting my head in her lap.
" I just want a safe place for us to find home,'' I said quietly, leaning into her touch.
" Then we will do just that," I opened my eyes to look at her. She was staring off into the sky as I was moments before.
" We will build a place for us to be happy and safe," She looked back down at me. Reaching up I cupped her cheek and pulled her in for a kiss.

Ekko POV-
Honey laid in the bed, sweat dripping down her forehead as Heimendinger tended to her wounds. She would accationaly say something in her sleep or gasp in pain. I started to bounce my knee up and down as I watched my sister stir in her plainfield sleep.
" Whats wrong with her," I asked Heimendinger,
" The explosion affect her physically, its something else that's affecting her mentally," He signed looking back at me.
" She needs rest," He tried to reassure me but it did little to ease my worries.
" I just got her back, i'm not losing her again right," i asked taking Heimendinger by surprise.
" If she's anything like you, no" He said waddling out of the tree hut. Turning my gaze back to the girl who has changed so much I wondered when she would wake up, and if she would still be my big sister.
Honey's Mind-
Walking into The Last Drop I see Vandor behind the counter. Stopping, I stare at him. Something isn't right. Then it clicks.
" Am I dead," Vandor looks up at me and sets the cup he was cleaning down.
" Now why would you ask that Honey," He says, staring at me.
" Because you are," My voice quivers slightly
" You don't know that, I mean you never found my body right," He chuckles, motioning for me to come forward. As I sit down, Vandor pours me a drink.
" So what's the last thing you remember," Vandor says. Thinking back, I remember the bridge.
" The fucking bridge," i growled out. As I feel anger sweep across me the pub door opens. Turning around I find myself staring at myself. No, Staring at Hazard, who my mother wanted me to be. As Hazard walks forward she has a sickening grin as she reaches the bar. I noticed her vibrant red eyes much different than my normal brown color.
" Yeah we remember right? We failed," she mocked, pulling out one of her daggers and tracing my cheek with it. As we hear the Door below the bar open and close her dagger swipes my cheek drawing blood.
" Such a pretty red," Hazard says, licking the blood from the dagger.
" Hazard, please stop tarazing the poor girl," A silk like voice comes from the side of us, Again she looks just like me, yes her curly hair is let loose unlike Hazard who has it tied up and her eyes a bright blue.
" Yea whatever Honey," Hazard rolls her red eyes sitting back in her seat. As Honey walks towards us her yellow dress swaying as she walks.
" Wait so if you are Honey and your Hazard, who am I," I asked, still not fully understanding the situation.
" Well that's for you to decide," Looking towards where Vandor once stood was now Vi. Looking at her I feel my heart speed up slightly.
" I- I don't know," I looked down.
" I was born to be Hazard, for years I have been slowly becoming her, but It's so lonely I just want peace," Tears welled in my eyes as everyone stayed silent.
" I have been Like Hazard for so long, what if I don't have it in me to be Honey anymore," tears were now running down my face as I felt the bar around me disappear. Looking back up through my blurry eyes I see Jinx standing right in front of me. On her side were the toy guns from the arcade and the real ones she uses nowadays.
" Who are you," Jinx growled
" Who are you," I hear a voice behind me say, turning to see Ekko.
" Who are you?" They repeated walking closer to me.
" W-what," Standing up I look between the two
" Who are you," they started to raise their voices.
" i- Im." I was hesitant to answer
" WHO ARE YOU," the screamed at me causing me to snap,
" I DON'T KNOW,'' I yelled back only to have Ekko hold me down from behind me and Jinx jump on top punching me relentlessly.
" WHO ARE YOU," they continued to yell but their voices no longer sounded like their own. But like mine.
Ekko POV-
Honey started screaming in her sleep, with Heimendinger not in the room. I limp over to her bed and grab ahold of her trying to calm her down, what seemed like hours of struggling her eyes snapped open in fear.
" I-i don't know, I don't know who I am," She cried as I pulled her into my chest. She repeated that fraze once again before I answered.
" Your Honey Bee, Your my Honey Bee, " I whispered to her, intel i was sure she was hearing me, intel i her breathing her was steady.
" You are my big sister, You are my Bee."

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