The Boy Savior Pt1

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"The Boy Savior Pt 1"
" Hey Honey, do you think Powder would ever y'know marry me one day," Ekko asked,
" Wow, there Little Man where did this come from," I asked setting down my tools and turning away from Benzo's clock.
" I don't know, I mean you and Vi ended up together and you guys have been friends forever so do you think that could be me and Powder," He said getting shier my the second.
" Ya me and Vi did, but you don't have to fall in love with someone you grew up with silly, that's not how love work," I spoke softly
" I know, but I think I really love Powder," He raised his voice slightly from excitement.
" Oh, how do you know that," I asked
" Because I want to protect her, i can't now but when i get older i will," He said raising his fist in determination.
" Ok, ok I'm sure she will see how amazing you are don't worry," I said laughing
" Hey Honey you staying for dinner," Benzo said whilst walking in
" Yup," I replied giving the older man a smile
" Alright then, let me know when it's ready," He rais ruffling my hair and walking to the back of the shop. I rolled my eyes and turned back to Ekko who was holding his gut laughing,
" Yea , yea laugh it up," I say
" Hey will you sing me to sleep again tonight Honey, like you always do," He asked after a bit.
" Of course Ekko,"
Memory End~

The sound of sobs and belonging breaking was all you could here within my abandoned building. Or what was left of it, Silco's men had attempted to burn down the building. Most of the building had been reduced to ashes though some walls still stood. Tears streamed down my face as I threw everything within reach.
She left you
"No! She was taken!" I yelled to those I could not see but spoke.
She's here for the Enforcer
" No, she said she wouldn't leave me!" Y sobbes into my hands, sinking to the brun floor.
Then why isn't she here
"She was taken,she was taken, it wasn't her choice," I started muttering over, and over, and over.
" My sweet,sweet Honey look at you," I deep silky voice spoke from behind me. Looking over my shoulder I see the one and only, Silco.
" You're here to kill me," I asked, my voice pitched and shaking from crying.
" No, No my dear, I just want to help you," Silco said, moving to stand in front of me.
" You've haunted me down for years, and you want to help me,'' I chuckled bitterly, looking at the ground.
" Everyone always leaves you Honey why," He asked before continuing, " You changed for everyone, to make everyone happy. Stopped fighting for Vandor, went out of your way for years to protect Jinx for Vi, did everything Jinx wanted to make her happy, acted like the happy big sister for Ekko," he paused once more squatting down in front of me, taking my chin and turning my head up towards him. " You have changed yourself so many times to make others happy, have you taken the chance to understand yourself," he finished awaiting my reply. I was stuck, I opened my mouth to answer but nothing came out. I felt more tears fall from my eyes as I tore my face from his grip.
" I'll tell you who you are Honey, you are Hazard, now start acting like it, be yourself be Hazard," Silco started speaking once again, this time much harsher.
" No,no,No,No," I muttered over and over, covering my face.
Your a Hazard
" Stop please," i pleaded
" Stop,"
" STOP" I screamed out clutching my head, I felt a painful energy burst from all around me. Feeling my hair start to rise I slowly lifted my head to see a red energy surrounding everything and making everything including Silco float within the air. Looking at Silco I see him choking on the energy within the air.
" HaZaRD," he seemed to choke out. The voices dissipating the energy let everything go.
"Do you think she still loves me," I cried.
" She will always love Honey child, but she will never accept you as Hazard," Silco spoke once he caught his breath.
" Do I have to be a hazard then," I cried as Silco wrapped his hands around me.
" It's who you truly are my dear," he whispered to me. Shaking my head I cried harder into his chest.
" im alone, im alone im alone, I have no one," i sobbed,
" Now now dear, why do you say that," Silco questioned.
" They all left, Vi for Caitlyn, Jinx for Silco, everyone else dies around me i-they-" i started to choke on my tears as the person holding me soothed my cries before I continued ," Everyone leaves a Hazard," i finished
" And if I can give this Hazard a home, you'll never be alone," They said holding me tighter
" Never alone," i repeated
" that's right, never alone, Silco has you," He said
" Silco has me,"
"No," said again
" Stop talk!" I snapped, ripping myself from Silco's grasp.
Nobody stays
Leave first
"I SAID STOP," I screamed
Or you'll be hurt
" Hazard calm down," Silco
Make him LEAVE
" I SAID LEAVE," I shout as the red energy returns behind Silco in a compact set of rings pulling him in making him disappear.
" They always leave."

Just finished watching the last episodes of Arcane, and I'm crying 😭. Like i get it I know its how Powder became Jinx, thats what the story is, but god damn that was emotional!

Also your thoughts? Where do you think Honey will end up? Will she stay Honey and go with Vi and Caitlyn? Will she choose to become Hazard and continue to protect Jinx? Or is there a Third party waiting to set fire and light a knew path for the broken Honey?


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