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Waking up as the sun slowly starts to hit my eyes. I try to get up but find a weight holding me down. Looking back I see Vi with her arm wrapped firmly across my waist still sound asleep. Looking at her calm face I decided to stay in bed for a while, Leaning into her I traced the gears tattooed onto her skin. The further I traced down the more scars I found. What has happened to you all these years? I know the prison is horrible, The guards that switched out from te=he island, I could always overhear them and how proud they were of the beatings they distributed amongst the prisoners. Though never in my years did I ever think that Vi was there. Maybe I could have done something? No prison is full proof, I should have known, I should have known that the explosion didn't kill her. I should have tried.
" Hey I know that face, what are you worrying about," Vi's morning voice broke me from my trance. Her eyes were only half open and drowsy from just waking, yet she still managed to look beautiful.
" Hon, I know I'm hot but really staring, you already got me to yourself," Her gaze trailed down to where my hand was on her lower scar. " This wasn't your fault Honey you didn't know," I slightly flinched at the way she called me Honey. It's been a while, I wasn't sure if that name could ever truly be mine again.
" You always know what's on my mind, haven't you? '' I smiled as she pulled me closer towards her.
" You're easy to read Hon," She kisses my neck and her hands slowly start to move downwards. Her kisses started moving further down as her hands pushed apart my thighs.
" Haven't you had your fill from last night," I said, moaning slightly as she sucked on the sensitive part of my neck.
" I haven't been active like this in years Hon and gots lots of stamina," She chuckled, nipping at the skin on my neck. She grips the inside of my thighs causing me to arch my back slightly and let out a soft gasp. Her hands move slightly up as she hums into my neck.
" Hey bee can we- AHHHH" Jinx yells upon opening the door to see Vi nearly on top of me.
" Oh my gods JInx," I yelled out as she crouched covering her eyes and me and Vi rushed to get covered by the blankets.
" I'm sorry I wanted to check on Bee not see you trying to crawl into her," Jinxed. Holding the blankets to my chest I smiled lightly.
" It's ok Jinx, you just wanted to make sure i was ok thank you," She peaked slightly through her fingers before smiling and jumping onto the bed between the two of us.
" Well Caitlyn went to go get food something about ' Vi should be awake if you have a knife,' and ' not being safe,' or whatever but she left me with the task of finding out where Vandor might be next that way we could find him," She spoke cheerfully as if she didn't just admit that Caitlyn left in fear of her.
" Did you find anything," Vi lifted her arm and put it behind both me and Jinx.
" Actually yes," She says, pulling out a tablet from her pocket and pulling up a map. On it showed a glowing blue dot. It was Vandor.
" Only one problem," Jinx said.
" What is it," comes Vi. My eyes widen as I realize where he lies.
" He's under the Firelights ,"
" So you're telling me you actually found Vandor," Caitlyn asks after we explained everything we knew.
" Is that really something to be focused on right now Caitlyn," I slightly hissed out as Jinx pouted beside me.
" Yes you're right sorry, why are the Forelights a problem again you both know them," Caitlyn said oblivious to the problem.
" Last time the Firelights helped us it was because Ekko knew me and he ended up really hurt, not to mention we are working with Jinx as well Ekko isn't the happiest with her right now," I spoke putting my hand on Jinx's should as to not let her feel bad about her presence here.
" I suppose you're right, they weren't exactly welcoming last time either," Cautlyn put her hand to her chin in thought.
" I'll talk to Ekko, if anyone knows a way down it would be him," I said getting up.
" Let's go, you guys will wait outside the tunnels," With that we were off.
Stepping to the big stone wall I knocked three times and waited till it was pulled open in front of me. Mika gave me a nod as I walked in. Children ran past me with bright smiles on their faces. The warmth of the tree and home almost made me forget what waited below us, almost made me forget my worries. Passing a few people with quick hellos I walked into Ekkos room.
" We're busy," Ekkos voice comes through as I see him and Heimendinger working on the boards together.
" Even for me," I said. He turns around with a smile and gets up to give me a hug.
" Never," Chuckling he departs from the embrace.
" So what's been going on? How was the talk with Vi," His eyes trained to mine and eyebrows furrowed slightly seeing the seriousness in my own eyes
" You're gonna want to sit down," I warned. As I told him the details of everything that has been happening for the last two days, many emotions took over his feature. Fear, anger, pride, it was all there but he waited to say anything.
" You're working with Jinx," Was what he said when deciding on an emotion. He chose anger. Vi fucking rubbed off on him.
" Ekko i know you're angry and sad of what happened to Powder, but Jinx is still family," I tried to calm him down.
" She nearly killed the both of us Bee, Powder wouldn't do that, Jinx killed Powder, Jinx killed-"
" The girl you loved," I finished for him. He lifted his gaze to meet mine once more. His anger fading away to sadness.
" Yea," Slumping back down into the chair breaking eye contact.
" You don't have to trust Jinx, Vi, Caitlyn or anyone else, i just ask you to trust me, you sister," I said crouching down in front of him ," Even so you'll want to help considering where he is," Ekko looked back at me eyebrow raised.
" Where is he,"
" Under us,".

( Everyones getting back together what do you think will happen when they find Vandor?) - Karmma

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