Years Of The Past

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Years Of The Past
Nobody did ever come, I had woken up days later under falled debri covered in dry blood. Stumbling up I was able to get my balance holding onto a large chunk of fallen building. Where was Powder? Shit what happened after the explosion. Out of the corner of my eye I see something shining. Walking over I see Clagger's goggles covered in blood.
" No, no, no, no," I started whispering to myself looking around frantically for any signs of anyone. Tripping over something I fell to the ground looking to see what it was. I find myself looking at a hand. It looked so familiar. In a panic I started unbarring the body, to my dismay I found two. Falling to my knees i let out a cry.
" Ahhhhh!" My pained voice spread through the still air of the evening. I don't know how long I stayed there with the corpses of my departed friends but it didn't feel long enough. I got up and moved Mylo and Clagger's bodies. Stacking them in a clearing I lit them on fire and watched as my best friends and family burned back into the world. Maybe I will meet them again in another life. I laughed to myself thinking about how I first met the two knuckleheads.

Walking down the streets of Zaun, I look for unsuspecting people to grab a few extra coins from. Walking I noticed cries coming from an alleyway, looking down I saw a skinny looking boy being beaten to death by a very large man. Looking around I see a metal pipe on the ground. Picking it up I ran down the alley jumping onto the man's back holding the pipe to his neck. I pulled back, throwing the man off balance and forcing him to the ground. Jumping off so he didn't land on me, I took the metal pipe and swung at his face. I don't stop, I never did in situations like these. You never stop until they can't get up again. I stopped when I couldn't recognize that he had a face. Dropping the pip i turned and looked at the scared boy in front of me.
" What's your name," i asked
" Mylo," I answered shakily
" Well Mylo, my name Honey, now let's go get some food," I said to him as I left the alleyway, seconds later I heard him running to catch up with me. Days later me and Mylo had become close friends, He introduced me to his friend Clagger, a fairly large and strong kid. At first I had wanted to fight him but he was so nice I couldn't bring myself to. I soon found out their parents too died on the bridge, so I brought them to Vandor and he took both the boys in.

Memory End~
I felt tears fall down my face as I lived through our memories. Bringing my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around my head to muffle my cries. Maybe, maybe if i never stopped fighting, then you, you could have saved them You god damn failure! No... remember, remember why you stopped, you were a monster, you couldn't save anyone.

I held the daggers tightly in my hands as ten men surrounded me. I had stolen something from them, apparently they wanted it back. To bad im not a giver and I don't remember what the fuck i took.
" This doesn't have to get messy little girl," A dark haired man said in front of me.
" Awe why? I really do enjoy knife play," I laughed jumping and the man sticking one of my daggers deep into his throat. Lifting my body weight up I swung my foot and kicked the man pursuing back leaving him to fall and hit his head on the floor. Throwing my two daggers I sunk them into the two closest to me, both hitting their hearts. The six other men looked at me with anger, feeling my belt. I see I only have one dagger left, seeing an alley I make a break for, running as fast as my legs would carry me. Hitting a dead end I turn around to face them only to find them no longer there. I hear someone walking towards me, at first i'm relieved to see Vandor but then i'm nervous.
" You killed three men today Honey." Vandor spoke with a very gruff and authoritative voice.
" If I didn't they would have killed me!" I snapped.
" You don't know that,"
" Yea well i really didn't feel like finding out." I replied.
" You can fight without killing," He said in a calmer voice this time.
" I don't fight Vandor, I kill, Because if they get up again it gives them a chance to kill me," I replied meeting his gaze
" You kill to protect yourself," he said and I nodded.
" Then learn to fight to protect others," He said before continuing ," Learn to fight but don't, never fight, never kill, unless someone else may die. Never ever pick up these daggers unless you have to," he finished holding his hand out for my dagger. I put it in his hand and he snapped it in two.
" Hey!" I yelled but he held his hand up to stop me. He told me he would explain back at the pub. When we got there he showed me two twin daggers, he said they were mine to never touch. That i would never pick them up unless someone's life depended on it. And I never did, I never fought after that, and soon I forgot they were left untouched.

Memory End~
The fire was out by the time I finally came back to reality. I got up and started walking towards The Last Drop, maybe Vi and Powder are there, Vander too. I was almost there when I saw Powder go down a street with a strange man. Running i called out to her, i was surprised when she turned around and held a gun towards me.
" Powder what's going on, where's Vi and why are you with this man," i spoke, anger overtook her features,
" Vi's gone Honey, Vander's gone and you should be too!" She yelled and I saw the man begin to smile.
" Finish it Jinx," He told her. Jinx?
" Powder-"
" It's Jinx!" She screamed at me pulling the trigger hitting my shoulder and sending me to the ground.
" Let's leave Jinx, She'll be dead soon," Said the man, and just like that they were gone. I pulled myself up and made my way to an abandoned Last drop. Falling behind the bar I pressed a towel to my wound. And took a drink of water. Opening the floorboards I pulled out the two sealed daggers.

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