When These Walls Come Tumbling Down

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When These Walls Come Tumbling Down

" Get her!" Group of men yelled after me as I'm running down the alley. I needed tools to liquidize the energy in the crystal. Sadly I got caught in the act of borrowing some supplies. Feeling an abrupt pain in my side I fell to the ground. The drop of the metal tools makes a loud noise as I fall to the ground. Looking down at my side I see red slowly dampening my shirt. Looking up I see a woman holding a pistol in her hand. The bullet had skimmed my side. I was bleeding. Red. They caught up to me. Red. They started beating me. Red. The woman punched me in my nose. Red. I felt my nose start to bleed. Red. I start to laugh. Red. And laugh. Red. And laugh.
" I think I want to see more red." I said, calming my laughter, staring at the people in front of me, all with confused looks on their faces. Slowly standing up They slowly stagger back in shock.
" I want more red!" I yelled before lunging at the people in front of me. Laughing. Red. Kicking the man's head in. Red. Grabbing the ladies face. Red. Pushing her eyes inside her skull. Red. Their screams echoing into the night. Red. Turning towards the last boy who was on the ground. Red. He wore a hazard mask. Red. I walked towards him. Red. I grabbed his mask and pulled it off. Red. My eyes stayed on the mask as I was crouched in front of the boy. Red.
" Who are you?" The boy asked, crying. Red. I didn't answer for a moment. Red.
" Hazard," I said, turning to look at the boy. Red. I froze. Red. The boy looked like Powder, The same blue hair.
" Powder." I spoke softly, reaching my hand out to cup her face. I felt a hand slap mine away, and I saw the boy running away. I slipped the mask onto my face and sat there the blood from the others pooled around me. Red.
Jolting awake I let out a feared gasp. I felt frozen as my brain scrambles itself. I heard Vi whispering my name, trying to pull me out of my trance. I didn't react to her though. I felt the power flowing within my veins and forming around my fingertips. Getting up i grabbed my mask and walked out to the back of the building. I needed to release the energy before I became explosive. Walking out to the concrete wall I started punching it relentlessly. By the time the sun had risen the wall had been reduced to dust. I knew it was time to go back in, I knew that. I slipped my mask back on before walking in.

Vi's POV~
I felt Honey jolt awake next to me, Slowly sitting up i look in her eyes and notice she isn't really here. Touching her shoulder I noticed she didn't react to my touch. Rubbing her back I started whispering her name in hopes to bring her out of this trance.But it didn't seem to be working. I felt a jolt run through my hand from Honey causing me to flinch my hand away. Out of the corner of my eye I notice a flickering light looking down. I notice it's coming from Honey's hand. Blue zaps of what looks like electricity were coming from her fingertips. I felt my eyes widen at the sight, before I had a chance to register anything. She was already walking away. I figured she needed space so I let her be, but it wasn't intel after sunrise did she return wearing that mask.

Honey POV~
Walking back in I noticed that Caitlyn was now up along with Vi. I'm glad that i decided to put my mask back on, at the end of the day Caitlyn is still an Enforcer i can't trust her. As I sit down at the table, Caitlyn speaks up.
" Where did you go," She asked accusingly. She doesn't trust me either.
" Just out back," I answered calmly.
" If it's alright I have a couple of questions," She spoke once more in her usual confident tone.
" Go ahead," I said, waving her on with my hand.
" Why did you help us," She asked almost immediately after.
" I didn't help you, I helped Vi and I did so because she's close," I answered her, I noticed Vi shift slightly as her eyes trained to me.
" Ok then next, on the night of Progress day why did you help me," She continued,
" I helped you? Huh don't remember that" I said teasingly " you sure that was me," I continued, Caitlyn's face contorted into one of frustration before she took a breath to calm herself.
" Just answer the question, would you," Caitlyn spoke, bringing her hand to the bridge of her nose.
" Ok fine, it stopped you from walking in the tent cause I figured it would be a shame if ya know died,' I answered.
" Ok, finally how did you call your daggers back to you on that night," Ah so that's what she really wants to know.
" Why so serious princess," I said noticing how her tone changed
" You are a wanted criminal by the Enforcers and for some reason most of Zaun wants you dead as well. Now I have only seen something similar like that from Hextech, so how do you have that technology?" She spoke in a demanding voice.
" I didn't steal tech from Hextech, I stole from Jayce before Hextech was even created." I answered she looked at me skeptically.
" Hey Vi remember when i had brought back, those blueprints and journal," I asked catching her attention, " You said if anyone could figure out what they were talking about it be me," I continued as she nodded her head continuing, " Well turns out they were blueprints talking about how to turn the energy from those crystals we found, into liquidized energy, from there on you could put it into a vessel creating a weapon." I finished.
" What does that have to do with anything!" Caitlyn asked, irritated.
" Those blueprints were written by a man named Jayce, the same guy from Hextech. He never finished it, But i did." I answered.
" So you finished his work, where's the weapon?" Caitlyn asked this time much softer from her curiosity.
" You're looking at her," I said, causing both Vi and Caitlyn to look at me.
" You injected yourself with it?" Vi spoke up finally
" Yup," was my only reply.
" Wouldn't that kill you," Caitlyn asked, trying to understand.
" That was the point," I said, both of them looked stunned but neither of the girls said anything.
" If it worked, then there was a weapon strong enough to beat Silco's Shimmer, and if not then i died at the time it seemed like a win win situation," I explained.
" How the hell would you die to win Honey!" Vi yelled
" Honey?" Caitlyn questioned
" Because at the time I thought that everyone was already dead or had left! I didn't think i had anything left Vi," I raised my voice
" What about Powder huh?Don't think I didn't notice she's not with you! And Supposedly with Silco!" She yelled I could tell the entire situation was frustrating for her, but that didn't stop me from snapping back.
" Who do you think was the one who shot me causing my 'death' Vi? Huh? Yea it was Powder! SHe shot me day's after you left, And i still have been looking after her from afar all these years because YOU haven't been here!" I yelled back at her, leaving her stunned.
" Powder shot you," She muttered, Rolling up my sleeve you saw the rappings covering my burns but right above was a nasty scar from a bullet.
" yea, but at least she didn't get my pretty arm right?" I joked bitterly.
" So that's why Zaun is after you?" Caitlyn asked if I couldn't help but roll my eyes. It's not like they could see anyways.
" No, that's why Silco is after me. There is a difference between Zaun, The Lanes and Silco's men princess." I responded snarky, this time Caitlyn rolled her eyes and Vi laughed.
" Well thank you, for that night and you probably want this back," Caitlyn said softly, holding out my missing dagger. I opened my hand and it appeared there. Shocking Caitlyn, but soon she laughed from what I assume was amazement. I heard cans rattling out from back.
" Quiet," I said sternly. Slowly I walked to the back window to see Silk's men closing in on the building. Grabbing my jacket and daggers, I ran back to the girls.
" Silco's men are here, too many to fight while you are injured. Come on let's go," I said, leading them to the safety exit. Healing Vi out, we got spotted.
" Run," I yelled as we bolted down the alleyways. Soon I noticed Vi slowing down. She is still exhausted from losing blood. Slowing down I put her arm around my shoulder and we walked down the abandoned cavern. It's been years since I've been down here. Noticing the sign we stopped.
" Common lets get down," I Heard Vi say, and Caitly tried to stop her but she already jumped. She started out ok, but eventually her exhaustion couldn't hold her, she tumbled the rest of the way down.
" Idiot," I muttered, jumping down, much like Vi but a lot less painful. Caitlyn followed moments after. Noticing a familiar building, I picked up Vi.
" What is this place," Caitlyn asked, shining her light at the damaged people in the dark.
" It's where the people you topsiders don't want to think about end up," Vi spat.
" It's never been this full though," I followed up walking into the building. Setting Vi down on the wooden seat in the corner I noticed fresh blood coming from her wound and sweat beading on her forehead. Lifting up her shirt to reveal her toned stomach to be covered in blood.
" Shit," i muttered peeling my eyes away from the sight to compose myself.
" That bad," Vi chuckled. Looking back at her I gave her a soft smile.
" Naw, you're gonna be just fine, can't you leave me quiet yet right," I said cupping her face, she leaned into my hand. Backing up, I walked over to Caitlyn.
" She reopened her stitches," I said and Caitlyn looked at me worried. She was about to speak when Vi started murmuring things and moving around slightly panicked.
Caitlyn pulled out a handkerchief and tried to whip Vi's forehead only to have her hand swatted away.
" look I know you don't like me but for this to work you are going to have to trust me,'' said Caitlyn making me snort.
" It never works, you topsiders always find a way to screw us over," Vi muttered painfully. I moved closely to Vi taking the Handkerchief from Caitlyn and whipping Vi's forehead.
" So i suppose topsiders are to blame for all of your problems," Caitlyn shot back, Vi's vision went to the wall covered in skribbles. Powder's skribbles.
" No not all of them," She muttered, " I'm sorry I left," Vi continued before she started to freak out once more, I knew her words were meant for Powder. But she wouldn't calm down, Caitlyn looked shocked and not sure of what to do. I slipped off my mask no longer caring if Caitly where to see. I grabbed Vi's face and made her look at me.
" Look at me Vi, I'm right here, You are right here, we are here right now can you focus on that for me," I spoke quietly receiving a nod from Vi before she reached her hands up to my own face and pulled me in. Her lips were warm and soft, I could tell she was gaining a fever, but I slowly melted into the kiss, forgetting caitlyn was here, Forgetting Vi was injured, forgetting that I was ever alone, forgetting the red. Pulling back I realized that Vi was about to slip into sleep. Laying her down to rest in my lap I looked up at Caitlyn who was blushing.
" I'm going to go see if there's anything to help us," She said, trying to shake off the blush.
" Ok be careful," I said as she walked out the door. Looking down at a VI started to play with her darker locks of hair. It used to be such a bright pink, it has grown to a darker shade now. I wonder if that was due to the lack of light in the prison? I started tracing the tattoos on the side of her neck, I found them extremely attractive. I wonder where she got the idea to get them? Whilst focusing on her tattoo's i failed to notice her eyes opening.
" Like what you see love," She teased, I felt my cheeks warm up.
" Definitely," I answered her, laughing slightly. I felt her hand come up and hold my face. I leaned into her touch. She always makes me feel safe, she makes me feel at home.
" I- What happened to you," She said hesitantly, Taking a moment to stare into her eyes,
" You left," I answered her, my eyes never leaving hers.
" I'm so sorry Honey, for everything," She whispered voice almost cracking.
" It's not your fault Violet, it's not your fault," I said moving my hand to brush through her hair again,
" I'm never leaving," She spoke up after a moment " Not again," She finished,
" Promise?" I asked unsure,
" I promise," She answered, I leaned down to capture her lips with my own.
" I love you Vi," I muttered against her lips.
" I love you too Honey," She murmured back to me before kissing me once more. She lost consciousness once more after that. Her fever was getting worse, and honestly it was starting to scare me, what would happen is Caitlyn didn't find anything to help. What was going to happen to Vi. Soon Caitlyn walked in with a vile of something.
" It will help her," She said as we tried to wake up Vi.
" Come on Vi, drink up," Caitlyn said as Vi groggily swallowed the liquid. After a second she screamed searching forwards from the liquid. Grabbing onto me she squeezed intel calming down slowly sitting up.
" We need you back on your feet," I whispered to her as she examined her wound to find it completely healed.
" What was the name Sevika gave you, Jinx?" Caitlyn asked
" Right Jinx, how could I forget," She answered, though Caitlyn didn't seem to catch it as she saw she had a look in her eyes. Does she know?
" We are going to have to be more careful now, Silco will be watching,' Caitlyn said leaning back onto the pillar to have it move from her weight and shake the building slightly. As she stabilized the pillar she noticed the writings on the wall.
" You used to live here, Who's Powder," She asked, i sharply in healed at the question.
" My sister, I thought she died but now," Vi paused. " I have to try and find her," She finished.
"How do you not know if your sister is alive or dead<" Caitlyn questioned leaving me to shoot her an ' are you fucking serious' look.
" It's hard to check up on people from inside a concrete cell," Vi said standing up, I could tell she was getting upset as her voice sounded as though it was about to break.
" What you two don't have parents," This made me stand up next to anger flashing through my vision. I felt Vi grab hold of my wrist so I didn't do anything rash.
" No, they were killed by Enforcers," Vi said, anger evident on her facial features. Caitlyn's eyes widened in shock and remorse. She looked as though she was about to say something more when we heard a noise come from outside the unstable house. A familiar voice stood out above all. Silco. I noticed Vi grow angerier as well. Before opening the door , shocked to see Silco holding the Shimmer and people groveling at his feat. He gave a chuckle before looking up.
" Vendors prodigy," He spoke before his eyes trained over to mee widening slightly from shock.
" Ya bitch i'm back from the dead." I spoke seeing his shocked face, instantly turning into one of distaste though. He didn't reply to me though only looked back towards Vi.
" I regret that we have never had the opportunity to speak," Silco said to Vi
" What have you done with my sister," Vi demanded, stalking forwards leaving me at the threshold of the house.
" I freed her, kinderly I thought you were the prize of your secondhand family, But Jinx" He paused ," Ah she's more than i ever imagined." He finished proudly.
" Okay pedo," I muttered causing caitlyn to give out a giggle behind me
" I'm going to find my sister, and erase whatever fucked up illusions you've put into her head, but first I'm gonna bring your bullshit empire down all around you," She seethed out, Behind me i noticed Caitlyn knocking into the pillar casing to to sway slightly, catching on o what she was doing i got ready to strike it as well. She wasn't strong enough to do so on her own
" You need to know your limits girl, that's why Vandor killed and what drove your sister away and is why you are here right now," Silco responded calmly and his dogs crept forwards.
" yea well, You talk too much," Vi said, turning around to strike the pillar at the same time as me, causing it to shake and soon start to fall. Vi grabbing our hands pulled us out of the falling building and we ran as fast as our bodies would allow. Climbing out of the cavern we heard Silco shouting below us, not wasting any time we got up and ran, Sliding down a newer looking pipe we made our escape. A lot nicer than when we were kids. Sliding out, Vi bumped into a man almost starting a fight before Caitlyn pulled her away, Though to before Vi noticed a Blue smoke call coming from the tower. Turning around i noticed it as well,
" Powder," Both me and Vi said before racing towards the blue. Slowly reaching the top of the tower we notice her standing there, her hair so much longer. I haven't seen her up close in years. She has changed so much. Vi was the first one to speak.
" Powder," She said causesily, Powder slowly turned around to see her sister.
"Vi," She said in disbelief, it seems she hasn't noticed me yet.
" Oh Powder," Vi said, running forwards and embracing her sister in a hug. I noticed Powder drop something from her hand, that seemed to be like the crystals we used years ago but different somehow. Tears slowly started to prickle in her eyes as she started to realize her sister was here. Hugging her back, Powder let the tears flow from her eyes.
" I'm so sorry Powder I tried to come back, I did, but I got arrested." Vi spoke
" Marcus," Powder questioned
" I don't know.. It doesn't matter." Vi responded clearly, just happy to see her little sister again. " I just.. I never thought I'd see you again," Sh continued before hugging the younger girl again.
" Are you real?" Powder questioned, I know over the years, she was never able to get over what happened that night,to Vlagger, Mylo and what happened to her and Vi. Shs doesn't believe that she deserves her sister anymore.
" Yes, of course/ It's me, Vi, your sister." Vi reassured " I'm here, I'm right here," she finished.
" Things changed when you left. I changed, I did- I - Honey," Sh bespoke between sobs.
" I know, Pow-Pow, I know. You did what you had to do to survive," Sh said ," And it's on Honey, she's ok," Vi smiled
" What matters is we are all together now," I said, motioning for me to step forward and I did. Powder's eyes turned over to me and instantly filled with more tears. Rushing over she enveloped me with a hug.
" I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" she kept crying into my chest.
" Shhh... It's ok, I'm ok you, that wasn't you Powder that was Silco," I whispered to her as I hugged her back. I had missed this, I missed her. Vi came over and put her arms around the both of us, we were a family again. I was home. But Caitlyn came running up catching Powder's attention. Pushing back she pulled around her gun and pointed it at Caitlyn.
" Who is she," Powder questioned
" WHo are you," Caitlyn shot back,
" It's okay, she's a friend," Vi spoke
" Sevika wasn't lying, you're with an enforcer." Powder said the wheels in her head were turning. I know that look, I've had that look before. She's snapping.
" Your sister is Jinx," Caitlyn said finally putting the pieces together.
" Caitlyn just listen, we can work this out," Vi tried to compromise.
" This is a trick! You're playing me!" Powder yelled " I'm in no mood!" She snapped at no one in particular. They're here, The voices, she's hearing them again.
" We didn't say anything," Caitlyn spoke. Really girl read the fucking room.
" I wasn't talking to you!" Jinx snapped, swaying her gun around.
" Powder, it's okay," Vi tried calming her down, It's too late.
" Stop calling me that!" Jinx snapped ," It's Jinx now, Powder fell down a well.," She said, looking away slightly.
" You're not a Jinx, God, she never should have--"
" Stop talking to me like a child!" Jinx cut me off pointing the gun to my head.
" Nope, been there done that," I said, moving the gun to the ground only to have her turn it at Vi.
" I'll take it back," I said almost instantly, only to be ignored.
" Was that why you came for this stupid stone?" Jinx accused. Why would we be after the stone?
" No, I don't even know what that is," Vi said
" You class act sister, Siste thought I missed her. Bet you wouldn't miss her." Sh started talking to herself
" Powder, I'm here for you, Only you!" Vi yelled desperately. ," You can fire that thing if you want, but I'm not going anywhere." She sat with more determination this time. ," I am not going to abandon you again." She ended speaking softly.
" Everyone shut up! I need to think1" Jinx snapped, seconds after I heard a noise.
" Do you hear that!" Jinx asked to prepare her weapon.
" Yup," I responded, pulling out my daggers. Soon we saw fireworks coming from the tunnels.
" Shit," I yelled out as Jix started shooting at them, Vi backed up with Jinx fighting side by side as I threw my gaggers hitting its target letting the Firelight fall to the ground, as more landed I soon moved to close combat. Fighting off all of those that got near me, so was Jinx. I stood up to notice Vi unconscious hanging over the side of a Firelight. I lunge at them only for them to disappear into black smoke.
" Vi," I heard Jinx say softly
" Vi!" I screamed, causing Jinx to look at me, walking over slowly.
" Honey," Jinxed asked causesouly. I didn't answer for a moment, But i slowly looked up to see Jinx's eyes.
" I want to see their Red."

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