Family pt 2

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Family Pt 2
" So you decided to join us huh boy savoir," Jinx calls seeing Ekko.
" Jinx be nice," I said in a motherly tone.
" Don't get it twisted im here to protect the Firelights and my family," Ekko's voice was strong and firm, nothing like the boy i watched when he was little.
" That's good enough for me, do you want to lead us in," Vi says, making Ekko snort.
" No offense but I'm not going crazy in Firelight," Ekko said, looking at Vi as if she had two heads.
" it's fine we can head back to the room and talk about what we are going to do next," Thankfully caitlyn defused the situation.
As soon as we got back I could tell there was a tense atmosphere. We all sat down at the table looking at the projected map infront of us.
" So what's the plan," Ekko was the first to speak.
" How are we supposed to come up with one, this is new for any of us," I said as Caitlyn looked over at me confused.
" What do you mean, from what i've seen everyone in the undercity is always fighting? How is this new? '' Vi shook her head.
" Because in the undercity you don't normally fight the person to get them back, you're fighting a person to kill," Caitlyn slightly pailed at Vi's words.
" She's right none of you know not to kill, some more than others," Ekko piped in, leaving a job at Jinx.
" Fuck you," came Jinx's replie
" Aye yo no profanity," Vi yells
" You are not aloud to cuss omg," Says Caitlyn
" This doesn't feel right," Ekkos face turns to one of discomfort.
" You do realize this is a room full of killer right," Jinx's deadpan expression caused me to break into laughter and allow the other to soon follow.
" This reminds me of when we were younger and me used to play-"
" Little monsters," Ekko and Jinx finished for me.
" What little monsters," Caitlyn asks.
" Me and Vi would always pretend to be monsters and chase Ekko and Jinx. They had to run through a maze to get away from us," I chuckled at the memory.
" The monsters got so elaborate that we created names and backstories for each of them," Vi laughed
" Oh shit I remember that, you were a crusher, the mutant rock with fists of bloody steel here to eat the blood of innocent children to stay strong," I said in a mockingly onimus voice, and we all started laughing again.
" Who were you again it was f-"
" Fishbones yea, the mutant fish from the sea with a metal jaw and could blast energy from my hands," I laughed as I acted out the movements of faked power blasts.
" Then not too far from who you are today," Vi jokes, stopping mid action. I slowly let my hand fall as I looked at it bringing sparks to my fingertips. I look at Ekko and Jinx and start laughing in an evil tone. Everyone looked at me with a questioning gaze.
" I am Fishbones and I'm gonna get you," I yelled as I leaped for Jinx. She faked a scream and started running around the room with me chasing her.
" I am crusher and your net," Vi was the next to yell ''C chasing after Ekko and Caitlyn. Jinx moved out of my line of sight and soon replaced Ekko. We stop and stare at each other before he takes back off towards the other room, I see Vi chasing Jin and Caitlyn tied to a chair and laughing. Jinx sees me and yells.
" Fishbones help me," SHe yells laughing.
" Fishbones to the rescue," I yell and jump on Vi's back. Me and Vi start pushing each other around as the two teens start chanting.
" Fight, Fight,Fight," They both yell.
" Go Fishbones,"
" Go Crusher," Ekko and Jinx yell. Me and Vi look at each other than the kids, Laughing we run forwards and tackle them to the ground tickling them intel they gave in to our win. Laughing as we laid on the floor, I reached up to the couch and grabbed the rope pulling Caitlyn to the floor with us. Starting another wave of laughter.
" Hey guys," Jinx speaks after we have all caught our breath. Her voice was light and slightly worried.
" Can we all still be family," Everyone fell silent not expecting such a question to come from the blue haired girl.
" Of course we are family," I smiled as it was Ekko's reply.
" And when we get Vandor back our family will be even bigger," Vi says, pulling everyone into a big hug.
" For family," They all say.
" Family," I muttered with a smile on my face.
I pulled out a blanket and layed it across both jinx and Ekko. She was curled up into his side as his arms wrapped around her in a way to protect her from things that lay in their dreams. I felt another smile make its way to my face. No matter what front he puts on he will always love her. I know for I have felt this love, your first love is not someone you can forget they stay with you in your heart till days end. Even if it doesn't work out like it did for Ekko and Jinx or it does for me and Vi, you never forget this love because it will always teach you something important. I hear footsteps and turn to see Vi her jacket was off and she had a tired smile on her face.
" Come on let's go to sleep baby," She mutters and I nod my head walking up to grab her hand and give her a quick kiss before she pulls me to bed. Laying down I feel her pull my waist into her.
" Vi what happens when this is all over," I ask, my voice breaking slightly from fear.
" What do you mean Hon," She asks, shifting slightly behind me.
" After we get Vandor back, Jinx has what Jinx does, me and Ekko have the firelights and you and Ciatlyn have Piltover. We are all from different places as of now, I want us to all stay as a family but we need glue to keep us together," I felt tears well from the worry I felt.
" When we find and get back Vandor, we will all stay and we will continue to help each other and Vandor," She pauses and turns me around, " None of us are leaving you, you are our glue," She pressed a soft kiss to my forehead before i laid myself in the crook of her neck and fell into a peaceful sleep.

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