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" Wait, go over again, what it said to you," Ekko paced in front of me.
" Vi, Honey- Stay Together," Looking at my hands, thoughts swirled around in my brain.
" Does that mean anything to you," Ekko stopped pacing and stood in front of me. " I'm so proud of both of you, you know that. You two have such good hearts don't ever lose that. Don't you two ever lose each other you got that."
" No," Came my response looking up at Ekko. It was clear I was hiding something but didn't push any further.
" So what are we gonna do about it?" He sat down next to me.
" Make a stop next to an old friend," I said getting up, I grabbed my bag and was about to leave when I felt two arms wrap around me pulling me into a toned chest.
" Be careful, you remember what happened last time," Ekko muttered to me. Flashes of the incident crossed my mind, shaking the thoughts away. I tilted my head backwards to look up at Ekko.
" You know im older, i should be fucking taller," I grummbled out as Ekko laughed at me letting me go in the process. Waving goodbye i made my way out. Making sure i was extra careful in the tunnels i made my way out towards the Bridges. Finding Heimendingers old boat i layed down and made my way across the bridge. Once I got across I slowly crawled up the barricaded wall and hid in the shadows. I was now in Piltover, getting caught over here would mean immediate execution, it's been that way for months now. After minutes of walking I finally found myself in front of Caitlyn's resistance. The one place i knew i would find Vi. Climbing through a side window the door slammed open and there stood Caitlyn holding her gun.
" State your name and put your hands up," Caitlyn shouted.
" Holy shit It's me princess," I yelled, falling to the floor as I tripped.
" Honey," Caitlyn put her gun down and helped me up.
" People normally call me Bee now but yeah," I said, getting up and giving her a hug. We had never been close but I knew she was having it hard. The explosion killed her mother, and her father soon retired afterwards leaving Caitlyn in control of the state.
" Why are you here Ho-Bee," I chuckled slightly but was touched.
" I need to talk to Vi, It's Important," Looking up to her eyes she nodded and led me out of the room and down the hall, stepping into a large room I noticed Vi standing there back faced towards us.
" So who was it this time," Vi asked back, still turned.
" That would be me," I said, causing her to spin around.
" Honey,"
" Actually people call her Bee now," Caitlyn cut in and Vi smiled remembering the nickname.
" Ekko," She asked
" Yea," I smiled.
" So why are you here, it's been months," Vi got serious.
"Yea and who's faltis that," I snapped. I could tell she was getting angry.
" You! You were the one who left," She snapped back.
" Bullshit, you sided with Piltover, you left us and what's worse was this time it was willingly," I shouted getting in her face. Both of us were sad and angry. Memories of what happened flooded my thoughts.
" What," I was shocked.
" Yeah, I'm staying in Piltover. I need to help, you should too," Vi said, shifting nervously.
" And what about Jinx huh," I stood up, taking steps closer to her.
" Either way you see it, going after Jinx leaves us coming back in body bags," Cautlyn spoke up. Bi nodded her head agreeing.
" That's crap, you saw her when you were talking to her, there is still good, she just needs help Vi," I yelled
" Yeah your right i did see, i saw her opening up to me intel YOU disagreed," She stuck her finger in my face whilst speaking in a low tone
" Fuck you," I spat ," I was just telling the truth, Powder is gone, Powder is fucking dead, And now we have Jinx, she is different now yea, she need our help yea, but she is still our fucking family," I seethed out. Vi was beyond angry now, not at me i could see that, she was angry at the situation itself, just taking it out on me.
" Leave then," She backed up.
" What," I stood shocked.
" Fucking keave for all i care," She spat.
" Fine," And so I left, letting a stray tear fall down my cheek.
Memory End~
" You guys seem to have a lot to talk about, so I'll give you guys some space," Caitlyn said, breaking me from my memory. I backed up and leaned against the wall. Calming myself.
" I'm not here about Jinx though it's something else," Sitting down in a chair she nodded for me. And so I told her everything that had happened.
" So this Hound knows us," She asked in shock.
" Yeah, and I don't know about you but I never got close to any beasts as a kid," I said looking at her.
" Your saying it used to be human," I nodded
" I think part of it still is, the hounds eyes looked so familiar and human-like, then forming words, I think someone created it," I said, walking closer to her and sitting down on the chair in front of her.
" But who would do this," She asked
" I've only heard rumors but, people are saying Silco's man who created shimmer is still alive, if he created shimmer he could-"
" Create the Hound," Vi finished for me. " But who would it be," Still confused, I voiced my opinion.
" It would have to be someone who has already taken to shimmer, and someone clearly familiar with The Lanes and us," I spoke.
" And that's not many people. Everyone we know like that is dead or fine and well," Vi said " Right," She asked, noticing my hesitation.
" Those years ago, when I found Mylo and Clagger," I hesitated before looking at Vi.
"I never found Vandor's body,".

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