The Base Violence Nessary for Change

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The Base Violence Necessary for Change

A few Minutes after Vi left I got up. To see what was really going on. She never bothered with the toy before, why now?
" Hey where are you going?" Clagger asked
" Gonna get some air, be back in a bit." I said before closing the door.
" Their fucking," Mylo spoke
" Definitely," Clagger says, not missing a beat. I shake my head at their stupidity and head out. I was looking down the streets at every shop, but everything was boarded up and everyone was hiding. The Enforcers were coming. I walked by Benzo's and noticed the door busted open. Going to the side of the building I climbed up to the top and slid through the opening of the back door. Walking quietly inside i make my way to the front room of the shop, only to see Vi sitting there waiting.
" What the fuck are you thinking," I spoke calmly not showing my anger at the situation.
" Honey what-"
" Did you really think this was the best option! For you to be thrown in prison! What about the rest of us Violet! Did you think about what would happen to us if you left!" I yelled finally losing my composer, It didn't take long for her to fire back though.
" I'm doing this for all of you! If I go then they get to amek an example out of me! They stop tormenting all of you!" She said, raising her voice.
" Bullshit! They wouldn't stop with you and you know that Vi! God dammit what about Clagger. Mylo, Powder!" I yelled again, grabbing her shirt with both of my fists. I continued!
" What about me huh Vi? You think I can make it without you! I'd lose my god damn mind if you weren't here! Why, Just why! You weren't even going to say goodbye!" I started to tear up
" Because if i did i knew you would try and stop me," She said in a soft tone pulling me into a hug.
" I'll try and stop you no matter what." I muttered into her shoulder as I wrapped my arms around her. Detaching myself from her I started pushing her towards the door.
" No I'm going Honey," Vi tried to fight.
" I'm not letting Powder lose her sister, and I'm not ready to lose you either," I said, going and taking her spot in the chair.
" No, No you are not taking my spot in this Honey," Vi argued
" Why not? I'm not needed in the lanes or anywhere, at least here I can keep everyone safe." I said
" You can't Just tell me I can't pull this shit and then go and do it Honey." Vi yelled
" At least I'm saying goodbye." I joked, Vi was about to speak again when Vandor busted through the front door with Bezo.
" Vandor?" Me and Vi asked in simulation. Vendor walked up to us and wrapped his arms around the both of us and Benzo walks behind us.
" I'm so proud of both of you, you know that. You two have such good hearts don't ever lose that. Don't you two ever lose each other you got that." He hugged us tighter.
" Now Benzo," Came from Vandor as he lifted us and pushed us through the door that Benzo had opened. I hit the floor and felt a sharp pain shoot through my side.
" Ack!" I shout, Vi looks over at me worried.
" Are you ok!" She asked as she looked at me over, I put my hand on her shoulder and stopped her.
" I'm fine." I breathed out, She got up offly quick and pounded on the door, It sounded like there were voices on the other side but i couldn't hear anything.
" Vi what's happening!" i shout
" Vandor is turning himself in!" She yelled back, At this point both of us are banging and yelling at the door. Backing up I saw shadows passing the green stained window.
" Vi, What's going on," She got quiet, she looked at me and went towards the window.
" I don't know," She states as we both look at the window, soon I hear mostourus screaming and people yelling, In an instant blood splatters against the window. Red. The light had been tainted red. The bridge. Red. Death. Red. My breathing became ragged as Vi started screaming at the window, We soon fell to the ground holding each other. After what felt like hours my breath evened out and my tears began to stain my cheeks. The door opened and a new light entered the room. Ekko walked in and stood there for a moment But soon broke down in tears.
" I saw it, I saw all of it," Ekko cried into Vi's chest.
" What about Vandor," Vi asked
" They Took him," Ekko cried
" Where," She demanded, I backed up and grabbed a map of Zaun and handed it to Vi. Once she got what she needed she began to head out.
" You go ahead, I'll stay with Ekko for a bit," I said and she just nodded and left. Me and Ekko sat there for a few minutes before I picked him up and Carried him to his room.
" I have to go, will you be ok," i asked the small boy
" I will be," Was the reply I got. Kissing his forehead I left and headed to The Last Drop. Running there I see Vi, Mylo and Clagger leaving. When I reach them Vi faces me, I'd never seen that look in her eyes before.
" Your not coming Honey," Vi spoke in a monotone voice
" Like hell I'm not Vi," I said raising my voice slightly.
" Your hurt and we all know you won't fight, I won't take you," She said more sternly than before,
" Never stopped you till now," I shot back,
" I won't take a hazard Honey!" She snapped at me but as soon as she did her eyes widened with realization of what she said.
" I got you to want me to stay, but that was low," I said, turning around and walking in the pub before anyone could say anything further. Walking down to the rooms I hear Powder screaming and crying. Rushing down I throw open the door to see her on the ground and the crystal hitting the floor creating a blue type of energy. The same energy from the apartment, the same energy from the explosion.
" I can help them," mumbled Powder. Without wasting a second she gathered up the monkey and started putting nails in the thing.
" Powder, what are you doing?" I asked her from potentially making a mistake.
" Good you're here, with these we can help Vi and the other Honey! We can save them!" She must have seen my hesitant face because she soon started pleading with me.
"Please Honey, please please please please ple-" I cut her off
" Ok, let's do this and then get back here since we were told not to leave now huh," A smile made its way to Powder's face as we get everything we needed and headed to them. Getting there I started to get this iry feeling. We shouldn't be here. I tell myself but push forwards anyway. We climbed up the side of the building to see Vi fighting off many people. She's amazing. Out of the corner of my eye I see a familiar looking man drinking some purple liquid. Soom his body began to morph into something much more dangerous. He came and attacked Vi, throwing her across the metal bridge. God i fucking hate bridges. Me and Powder start getting the bomb ready.
" Shit Honey it wont move on it's own," Powder said, beginning to panic.
" It's fine I'll just have to set it off manually," I tell her, taking it from her hand. I was about to slip through the window when she pulled on my loose shirt.
" Be careful. Please," I send her a nod and continue into the building. No one was able to see me as I was hidden behind the boxes everywhere. I noticed the building had an echo. I had to get that thing away from the door.
"Aye yo unlgly!" I shout, gaining everyone's attention.
" If I threw a stick, would you leave?" I asked with fake innocence.
" Let's find out!" I yelled, throwing the bomb at the monster successfully setting it off. But the blast was far too big. Sending me flying back through the wall of the building. I hit the ground below me and felt shots running through my body. My eyes began to blur and my ears ring. I don't think anyones coming this time.

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