prologue | rivals or boyfriends?

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a/n : this story might be longer than what i usually write so just a disclaimer :) anyways, please comment as much as you can, i love reading comments and i didn't expect this prologue to be so long hsrbdjdh but i hope it gets you excited for their story :)



I crossed my arms and faced the Australian in front of me after pulling him into an empty room to continue our argument. I picked one of the trainees first and he argued with me saying he picked him first.

"Hey! I picked him first!"

"Oh really? I don't remember that."

He smirked and crossed his arms. I grumbled and walked closer to him as he looked at me with wide eyes.

"Jake. Let's be good mentors and not fight in front of the cameras.", I gave him a fake smile as he snickered.

"You know you're two faced. You act like you're an angel but you're just a egotistical jerk that thinks he's superior.", I gasped, hurt by the comment.

"I am superior! Your rapping is horrible!", I knew I made a big mistake saying that as I heard gasps.

I looked around and saw the directors and cameras on us. When the hell did they get here?! I cursed under my breath and faced the annoying Australian. I was surprised to see a hurt look.

"Screw you, Park Sunghoon.", He said and pushed my shoulder, almost pushing me over.

"What?! Hey! You-", I held back from saying anything more and chased after him, ignoring the calls of my manager.

I chased him until we got to a dimly lit corridor as I held his arm. He shook it off and I backed off, trying not to anger him anymore.

"You happy now? Insulting my rapping? I thought we were friends, Sunghoon.", I sighed and nodded. He was right. Friends aren't supposed to insult one another.

"Look, Jake. I..I didn't mean what I said, okay? It was in the heat of the moment and anger got to me. I mean, you should've just gave the trainee to me!"

Jake scoffed which made me take back whatever I said about him just giving the trainee to me.

"Okay, I'm really sorry. I know what I said is not okay and considering how much time you spend to improve your rapping skills only for me to say it sucks is not the thing I should've said."

"You can have the trainee on your team. I'll just choose another one. Just, don't be mad at me. I can't handle it when you're mad at me.", I admitted and faced the ground, too guilty to face him.

I suddenly felt fingers tilting my chin up as I came face to face with Jake. He smiled and pinched my cheeks softly which made them flush.

"You dork. I can never get mad at you. You're my best friend, aren't you?", I rolled my eyes playfully.

"I mean you did call me two-faced."

I'm definitely not hurt by that as true as it is.

"Hey, you can't just blame it on me now. It's not fair.", I smiled and reached up to ruffle his hair. He's so cute sometimes. Well, maybe all the time.

Jake and I have been friends since high school. We had the same dream and we auditioned for the reality show. Jake ended up debuting with the final group while I didn't make the cut. Of course, I wasn't mad at Jake. I was actually happy for my best friend.

When I heard a famous company wanted to recruit me and make me debut in a boy group, I told Jake about the great news and as usual, he was more excited than me.

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