hunjae was too stunned to speak | 11

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The next scene would after Noble finishing their first full album with Hunjae as their producer and winning five wins on music shows in a row for their title track, 'Moonlight'.

"Thank you Noblesse!", Leo shouted as Noblesse screamed even more.

Hunjae smiled at the cute boy and put his arm around Leo who looked up at him with a big smile that made Hunjae almost want to kiss him.

They thanked Noblesse one more time and walked backstage and to their changing room. Insecret's main vocalist, Taesung was there waiting for Haebom. Haebom's eyes lit up when he saw Taesung and ran to him, hugging him.

"Hey baby. You did good.", Taesung whispered in his ears sweetly.

Haebom smiled and nuzzled into his boyfriend's chest who chuckled at his cute boyfriend.

"Congrats guys. I'm actually kinda scared you're going to take away that album of the year award away from us.", Taesung joked which made Hunjae laugh.

"Oh come on hyung. I produced your group's album of the year."

"That you did."

Hunjae winked playfully and flopped on the chair, groaning in relief.

Taesung and Haebom were no longer hugging but rather cuddling each other, more so Haebom laying his head on Taesung's lap.

"Aren't your members questioning why you're not at the dorm or the studio?", Haebom asked his boyfriend.

Taesung looked down at Haebom, continuing to stroke his hair.

"I made up an excuse. Anyways, I just wanted to see you.", Haebom laughed softly and reached up to pinch Taesung's cheeks softly.

"You cutie. We saw each other like three days ago."

Taesung pouted and laid a hand on Haebom's hand.

"Three days too long.", Haebom smiled at that.

He couldn't lie that he was in love. In love with Insecret's Jo Taesung. His Allen.

"Ugh! You guys are so lovey dovey, it's annoying!", Hunjae suddenly blurted out, ruining the sweet moment.

Haebom rolled his eyes and turned to his annoying twin.

"You're just jealous the more handsome twin has someone and you don't.", Hunjae gasped, his hand flying to where his heart is.

"You have broken my heart, dear twin. How can I ever recover..."

Haebom chuckled and shook his head, turning back to face Taesung, who the whole time was just looking at him. Haebom's cheeks flushed as he tried to hide it.

"Hyung! I can be your Taesung!", Everyone was shocked.

Leo smiled at Hunjae like he didn't just confess to him. Even Taesung was shocked at what he's seeing. Hunjae was even more shocked at what Leo just said.

"H-huh? W-What d-do you mean, Leo?", Hunjae stuttered, cheeks slowly turning red.

"I'm saying I can be your boyfriend. What else?"

"Huh?! B-boyfriend? D-do you know what that m-means?"

Leo just nodded, almost innocently before he said something we didn't expect to come out of his mouth.

"We date.", He shrugged.

"HAHAHHA! Look at his face! Oh my god! Leo you made him look like he shit his pants!", Haebom laughed at how his twin was just frozen.

"So, hyung? What's your answer?"

Haebom just stared unbelievably at Leo. Since when did Leo like Hunjae? Well, since they first met, Haebom almost slapped himself for even questioning that.

"W-wait. You're not joking, right?"

Leo shook his head and even stopped smiling. Looking serious. Hunjae gulped nervously and nodded.

"Okay. Y-yeah, we can date. I mean I do like you and all and I hope this isn't just a joke and you don't actually like me-"

Leo grabbed Hunjae's arm and pulled him up. Hunjae squeaked at how strong Leo was and couldn't fight back from getting dragged out of the room.

"They're going to make out, aren't they?", Taesung asked even though he already knew.

"Yup. Surprise of the year.", Haebom said with a shake of his head.

That was none of his business anyways but seeing Hunjae act around Leo like that made him relieved. At least he was dating someone his age or younger. Not that jerk of a producer.


a/n : next chapter will probably be the last of the drama chapters and will be back to jakehoon!

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