im not working with him! | 6

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Today was the day. Today was the day that I was meeting the entire cast. I had a call with Jake the night before and we agreed to pretend that we still hate each other but not too much or they'll think we're not going to work for the main couple.

Here I was in the meeting room, sitting at the table while flipping through the script again, this time taking time to read it properly. The sound of the door opening made me look up and I smiled as Jake walked through the door.

"Morning everyone.", he greeted with a smile as everyone greeted back with the same enthusiasm.

Jake walked over to me and sat beside me.

"I love your smile baby but everyone's going to think we aren't rivals.", he whispered under his breath.

I realised quickly and my smile dropped almost instantly. Jake chuckled under his breath as I glared at him. I crossed my arms and acted like I was angry at him.

"Okay, is everyone here?", Jaehee asked before someone raised his hand.

"We're missing one, Director." Jaehee raised an eyebrow.

"Who? Let me see.", The staff member passed the paper to Jaehee as he read it.

"Ah. We're missing our Hunjae."

Hunjae? Who..Oh! Hunjae is one of the characters in the drama. If i remembered, Hunjae will be in the same group as me in the drama and is also my twin brother? Based on his lines, he sounds like an asshole. Hopefully, his actor isn't one. I wonder how they found an actor who can play as my twin.

"I'm sorry I'm late! It was raining like crazy."

I froze at the familiar voice that I've grown to hate over the last year. It can't be him, right? There's no way he's my co-star.

"Oh, don't worry about that Sungyoon, we were just about to start. Why don't you take a seat across Sunghoon?"

"Huh? Sunghoon-"

Our eyes locked. His smile dropped to a frown. I wanted to choke him. His face alone gets on my nerves.
I stood up abruptly which made everyone look at me.

"I'm not doing this anymore.", I just basically said I quit.

I walked out of the room with Jaehee and Jake shouting for me to come back.

Why did it have to be him? That liar? After what he did to me, I didn't want to see his face.

"Sunghoon! Stop. I'll quit! Don't walk away from this drama just because of me.", I stopped and turned to him so quick he stepped back, startled.

"Well thank you for the kind offer, dear angel of a twin. I think that might be the first time you've said something nice to me after what you did.", he sighed and rubbed his face, frustrated?

"I've already apologised, Sunghoon. I didn't mean to do what I did-"

"But you did! You fucking did! You knew he meant a lot to me! Jake meant a lot to me! And you still led him on! Made him think I was the one he had almost slept with!"

"I was drunk, Sunghoon, please trust me that I didn't mean to do that.", I scoffed.

"Jake means a lot to me. He's my boyfriend now. Don't fucking come even one meter near him."

Sungyoon nodded like an obedient dog. Which fits him so well. I pushed his shoulder and he stumbled slightly before catching up to me.

"Have you spoken to mom?", he asked me as I rolled my eyes.

"No. Why should I? She only loves you."

"Sunghoon, you know that's not true-"

I stopped which made him bump his nose on my back. He stumbled back, holding his nose.

"Not true? I vaguely remember her saying you're her favourite. Sungyoon, making this family proud by being an actor while your twin wastes his life being a useless idol."

He looked at me with a guilty look.

"Sunghoon, she misses you. I told her that being an idol is just as great as being an actor. Even I miss your annoying stubborn face.", He said with a smile.

Sungyoon and me weren't always like this. We were actually twins that loved each other. I only started to hate him when he became an actor and mom favoured him over me. Then, I hated him even more when he almost slept with Jake. Even though he wasn't my boyfriend at that time, he still meant a lot to me and for my own twin to use his face to make Jake think it was me was disgusting.

"Whatever.", I rolled my eyes and turned around, storming back to the meeting room.

I opened the door and Jaehee quickly rushed over as he put his hands on my shoulder.

"Oh thank god! I thought you really quit. I don't have anyone who can play the role of Haebom and if you really quit, this drama will never happen and-", I chuckled at his rant which made him stop. He retracted his arms as he frowned at me.

"Did you just laugh at almost scaring me to death?"

"Sorry hyung. I didn't mean to make everyone worry. I'm still doing it, don't worry.", a train of relieved sighs sounded out which made me laugh.

"That's great!", I rolled my eyes and ignored the enthusiastic puppy who followed me all the way to my seat beside Jake. He had the audacity to sit right beside me.

"What the hell are you doing?", I whispered to him.

"I'm trying to restore our twinship."

Twin ship? What the hell is that?

I just rolled my eyes and ignored him for the whole of the meeting.

"He looks so much like you. How did they manage to get someone who can play your twin so well?", Jake asked me with a whisper.

Oh Jake, I wish I could tell you. You'll just find out that maybe you almost slept with my twin instead of me.


a/n : you're meeting the full cast in the next chapter! there's some attractive men that's for sure-

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