new member | 10

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The drama was finally at the point were Noble was five months old and their company decided to introduce a new member to the group. Yoo Hunjae. That's where my twin comes in.

"A new member? Hyung, isn't this a bit too late to be introducing a new member?", Kei asked the boss who sighed and nodded.

"I know but he'll be a great addiction to the team. He's an amazing producer and he'll step up your songs."

Haebom just sat there in their own thoughts while Kei continued to protest against the decision.

"Kei, please. I just want the best for my first big group. You guys are like my children and I want you all to blow up and become as big as Insecret and a producer idol in your group will definitely bring in more interest.", Kei sighed.

"I know it will but we don't even know the guy. What if he's an asshole?"

CEO laughed and nodded.

"Alright I understand why you don't want a new member. But it's already been decided. Just try to get along with him? Please?", Kei sighed and nodded, flinging his arms up in defeat.

"When are we meeting him?", Haebom asked their boss.

"He's actually at the studio right now so you guys better hurry and meet him."

"What, is he working on our new album already?", Kei asked, laughing.

"Uh, yeah. He actually is.", Kei gaped with shock.

"Hyung! Are you serious? Giving him that privilege even before we meet him?"

"Kei, he's an amazing producer and you'll find out why when you meet him so please just accept it."

Haebom and Kei went over to the studio in slience. Apparently Leo was already there because its Leo. He loves new friends. Especially a new member.

Haebom dreaded meeting the new member. Because he knew who it was. His twin brother.

"You're quieter than usual. What's wrong?", Kei asked Haebom who sighed and turned to Kei.

"Hyung, I need to tell you this before we meet him. Yoo Hunjae is my-"

"Haebom.", Speak of the devil, Haebom thought.

He turned to his twin brother who was smirking. Haebom rolled his eyes.

"Haebom? No, wait, you're Hunjae?", Kei asked in confusion.

"Yeah. He's my-"

"I'm his twin brother. Couldn't you tell by how handsome I am?", Haebom rolled his eyes at his twin's ego.

They looked pretty much identical. In fact, they had the same hair colour when they were born before Hunjae decided to dye his hair blonde when he turned 18.

"Ugh. I already hate him.", Kei whispered to Haebom who chuckled.

"Tell me about it. We have to depend on him for our music."

Hunjae has already worked on some songs for their new album and as much as Haebom and Kei didn't like the guy, Leo loved him. He's being super clingy with Hunjae. Hunjae loved the attention the cute small boy was giving him.

"Here's the title track.", Hunjae said before clicking play.

The track played out and Kei found himself falling in love with it. Haebom knew how good Hunjae was at producing songs so he wasn't surprised it was good, in fact he was levelling up his standards, which Hunjae met.

The track stopped and Hunjae looked to his new members for their opinions.

"Hyung, I love it!", Leo beamed with a big smile. Hunjae felt his heart flutter as the cute boy smiled. Oh boy was he falling in love.

"Hmm, I must be honest. I expected a lot from you when Ceo-nim praised you so highly. And you didn't disappoint. It's a catchy tune and I think it'll definitely be good for their title track.", Kei said his opinion.

"Thank you, hyung. Haebom?"

Haebom looked up to his twin brother before sighing.

"It's good, I guess. I have no problems.", Hunjae felt so happy that his twin finally praised him, even though it wasn't much, he could feel Haebom was being sincere.

Haebom cleared his throat and stood up.

"I-I'm going to get some fresh air."

Everyone nodded except for Hunjae who was looking at him with curious eyes.

"Don't follow me.", He told Hunjae who immediately took that as follow me.

Haebom left and Hunjae made up an excuse to leave before going to Haebom at a quiet place where no one could hear them.

"So, you didn't even tell me you were joining my group? Since when were you even signed to the company?", Haebom asked his twin.

"Two months. CEO came to me knowing I had experience in producing songs for Insecret so I accepted it. Because I really missed you, Haebom.", Haebom glared at Hunjae.

"You missed me? Where were you when mom passed away? You were off with your producer boyfriend who's like 21! Five years older than you at the time!", Hunjae sighed and nodded.

"He was my first love, Haebom. Please understand that I depended on him and when I heard Mom passed, I went to him because he knew how to comfort me. Then I heard you went with Dad. The person who left us and Mom."

"I didn't have a choice! It was either Dad or the orphanage! Where were you? Where were you when I needed you?! I depended on you! My own twin. My face!", Haebom let out all of his frustrations he pent up over the years.

He didn't even realise he was crying. Hunjae looked at his twin brother and struggled not to cry.

"I'm sorry Bom. I'm so sorry. I don't know how to make it up to you other than support you with being your producer and member for the rest of our lives."

Haebom looked at his twin brother and pulled him into a hug which Hunjae returned without complains.

"Don't leave me ever again you asshole.", Haebom whispered which made Hunjae chuckled and nod into his shoulder.

"I won't. I wouldn't even think about it."


I cleared my throat and pulled away from the hug, wiping my tears as Sungyoon did the same.

"Wow! That was great! Good job guys.", Jaehee said with a smile, patting us on the back.

"Thank you hyung.", we said at the same time.

We looked at each other. Our swollen eyes. Real stray tears on our cheeks. We smiled at each other at the same time.
He laughed softly and ruffled my hair which I laughed while trying to get away from him.

I think I don't hate him so much. I missed him a lot and our scene together made me realise just how much I missed my annoying twin brother. I can't believe how easy the tears was for me.


a/n : this chapter is such a rollercoaster of emotions :,(

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