first win for noble | 8

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(K as Kei, Leader of Noble)


The next scene we had together is two weeks after Noble's debut. Their sudden rise in popularity after their debut stage meant they gained a lot of fans.

Their debut album has already sold more than 100k. Considering they're from a small company, this was a great achievement. Their title track was third on the charts just behind Insecret who had two songs in first and second.

They just received the news in the changing room at the music show where they could win for the first time.

"We're third?! How-", Haebom said, shocked.

"Hyung, did we actually make it? We did, didn't we?", Leo asked with glistening eyes.

Haebom smiled and nodded which made Leo cry out as he ran to Haebom to hug him. Haebom laughed as he returned the hug. Kei, the oldest and also the leader just smiled softly at Haebom and Leo crying on each other's shoulder.

He went to scrolling through social media where their twitter account was blowing up. Just in a month, they gained 250k followers and 500k on instagram. His dream to make it big with Haebom and Leo was coming to life.

The members of Noble were best friends before they debuted together. They all had similar dreams so they promised to debut together. Only Kei wanted to make it big, the others just wanted to have a smooth debut. Now that they are up there with their senior, Insecret, Kei wants to surpass them.

A knock on the door suddenly caught their attention.

"Come in!", Leo called out.

The door opened as it revealed the main vocalist of Insecret, Taesung. He smiled upon seeing Haebom.

"S-Sunbae? W-what are you doing here?", Haebom started stuttering.

Taesung chuckled and went over to ruffle Haebom's hair.

"Just wanted to congratulate you on getting third on the charts. It's a big occasion for you three. I always knew ever since Haebom came to Insecret's room, that you will succeed."

Haebom's cheeks flushed at the mention of the embarrassing way they met.

"Thank you, sunbae! It means a lot!", Leo thanked him with a bow which made Taesung laugh.

"You're welcome. Oh and I really hope you guys win today. I'm rooting for you. Fighting!"

Haebom smiled and nodded.


Insecret ended their promotions a few days ago and this would be Noble's third last stage before their promotions ended. This was the best chance for Noble to get their first win.

Noble waited on stage as the crowd chanted their names. Haebom smiled nervously and thanked their new fans who they wanted to call Noblesse and were planning to announce it after their last debut promotion. The MC started to reveal the scores as Haebom held his breath.

"Congratulations Noble on winning first place with 'Swim' with a score of 10567!"

His eyes went wide as he snapped his head to Leo and Kei. They looked at each other shocked.

"We won?", Leo mouthed to his hyungs.

The loud screams from their fans seem to answer that question. Kei smiled and pulled Leo into a hug, pulling Haebom into the hug too.

"We made it guys. We made it.", Kei said as Haebom nodded, hugging his best friends tightly.

After while, Kei pulled away, with his eyes tearing up and walked towards the MC to receive the trophy.

They had an encore and Leo could not stop crying. Noblesse awed when Leo broke down into tears as Haebom and Kei hugged their maknae.

Their first win and it came just two weeks after their debut. They were proving to become the biggest rookies since Insecret.

Taesung watched on from the behind the cameras with a smile.

"I'm proud of you, Yoo Haebom."


a/n : the next few chapters might be shorter because i'm focusing on their drama :)

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