he's what?! | 16

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It's been two weeks since we came out and eggies have not given up even when my company has stood behind me and supported my relationship with Jake. I understand they're not happy but can't they just understand how in love I am with Jake?

My phone suddenly rang, startling me. I stared at it for a second. Sunoo was calling me? Maybe he's worried?

"Hoon? You're not going to pick it up? It's been ringing for a long time.", Jake's voice snapped me back to reality as I nodded and answered the phone.


"H-hyung! He's gone He d-disappeared!", I furrowed my brows.

Who's gone? Why does Sunoo sound so panicked?

"Calm down and breathe. Sunoo. Who's gone?"

I heard him talking deep breaths before he dropped the bomb.

"Minkyu is gone, hyung. I don't-I don't know where he went! I was holding back on telling you but he..he hasn't been back for two weeks! I'm worried, hyung.. what should we do?"

Minkyu has been gone for two weeks? But he called me a few days ago saying he'll fix everything.

"Okay, I understand. We'll find him, okay? Don't worry. I know how much you adore him so...I'll find him. Don't worry."

"Okay. I'll try not to..Please don't tell Riki that Minkyu is missing. He'll freak out. That kid adores Minkyu more than me and we both like him a lot.", I sighed and nodded.

I knew Riki and Sunoo has been dating for awhile but I didn't know they both liked Minkyu. Why is he making these two boys worry so much? Minkyu, you're so stupid. I said bye to Sunoo and hanged up. I stood up from Jake's bed and went straight to the closet, searching for a coat.

"Hoon? Who called you?"

"Sunoo. He told me..Minkyu disappeared. I'm going to try to find that stubborn kid."

"What? Minkyu disappeared? Like missing?", I sighed and nodded, my anxiousness rising.

"I just..why the hell would he disappear like this? Making his members and me worried to death? When I find him I'm going to kill him myself I swear!", I didn't realise it but my hand was making a fist.

Jake wrapped his arms around my waist, hugging me from behind. I immediately leaned my back against his chest. He always felt so good when we hugged like this.

"Hey. Calm down baby.", Jake's calming voice helped to calm me down but my anxiousness is still there.

I can't let Minkyu get hurt. What if he's in danger? I'm the leader. I can't afford to let my members get hurt.

"I'm sure your company will find him. Just stay here. I can't let you get hurt from either your own fans or worse, homophobes on the street."

"Jake. You don't understand! I just can't let him get hurt!", I felt regret from shouting at Jake but I'm just so worried.

"He's a grown man, Sunghoon. Minkyu doesn't deserve your care if he's worrying you like this."

Minkyu doesn't deserve my care? He's my own member and my own boyfriend who is supposed to understand how i'm feeling says this?

I smacked his arms away from my waist and turned to him. Jake was clearly surprised by it.

"He doesn't deserve my care? How? He's my member Jake!  I thought you would understand how I felt about my members."

"You make it seem like he's your boyfriend. Not me.", I gasped and gaped at Jake.

There is no way he just said that.

"Are you kidding me? You're questioning whether I love you or Minkyu? It's two different things Jake!"

"Yeah? Well I don't see it! You clearly love him more than me if you're prioritising him and not your own fucking boyfriend!"

I punched him as hard as I can and he groaned and fell to his knees, clutching his face. His eyes wide and shocked like mine.


"Don't. Just..Just don't. You clearly don't understand how it feels to learn that your members who you see like family go missing with no reason."

Jake glared at me this time and stood up.

"I don't understand? My brother left for eleven years. He made no contact with me or dad for eleven years. But yeah I don't understand."

His brother left? Jake said he was on a business trip. I didn't..know that.

"I didn't..know that."

"Of course you didn't. Because I lied about it. It's not fun to tell the love of my life that my own brother basically went missing for years."

Love of my life? Jake laid a hand on my cheeks as he looked into my eyes. His cheek was already starting to bruise.

"I'm sorry. Punch me all you want. I deserve it. I shouldn't have said what I said.", I frowned and shook my head.

"No..I should be sorry. Oh my god, what have I done?", I lightly graze the cheek that I punched as he winced making me feel like crying.

"I've gotten hit harder.", He teased me with a chuckle.

This jerk. He's so mean. I slapped his chest as he groaned and laughed.

"I shouldn't have punched you. We haven't fought like this since high school..."

"Yeah. And I'm going to let you do whatever you want now so that we don't fight anymore.", He says as he pulled me into a hug and I melted into it.

"Go and find that dumbass and make sure he's safe or whatever. I don't really care.", I chuckled and smiled into his chest.

"Thank you Jake."

I felt him rubbing my back with made me sigh in content.

"No need to thank me baby. Now go."

I grabbed his coat and had to give him a kiss before he lent me the coat since it was his favourite coat. I told him to ice his cheek and that I'll be back as soon as I can and went off to find that dumbass.

Minkyu, you better get ready for some punishment when I find you.


a/n ; okay ngl..i almost cried while writing this 😭 it hurt to make sunghoon punch jake and then shshshdhdhdb but I couldn't make them hate each other for like ten seconds lmao-

also, peep the subtle minkyuxsunooxriki-

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