coming out | 12

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I was glad that the drama was finally going to end filming but I've gotten closer to everyone. The cast, staff and even Director Jaehee. He asked me about Ki woon a lot. How he was doing, whether he was picking me up after filming was done for the day. I think Jaehee remembers who Ki woon is to him but I can only sit back and watch what they'll do.

And Ki woon was actually picking me up today as well after the final filming day was done.

Anyways, onto the last scene! Haebom and Taesung have been dating for a year now and it was time for the year end award shows. As usual Insecret dominated and sweeped the grand prizes. Except Album of the year and Song of the year which Noble surprised everyone and took it from under their grasp.

"The winner of the Album of the year goes to Noble's Obsessive! Congratulations!"

Their title track Moonlight which also won Song of the year, played as Noblesse cheered loudly than any other fandom in attendance which shocked even the members.

They went up on stage while also waving at Noblesse who screamed even louder when their idols looked in their direction.

They walked and looked like a veteran group. Confidence oozed out of them. Knowing they dethroned Insecret of two grand prizes was a crazy feeling for the members. Especially Kei.

"Ah, Thank you everyone. Especially Noblesse."

They screamed Kei's name which made Kei laugh, his cheeks flushing from embarrassment.

"Hyung, Can I say something?", Haebom tapped Kei's shoulder who looked at him in surprise.

"Of course.", He stepped aside and Haebom stood in front of the mic.

"I just wanted to say thank you to our global fans who are watching us from your phone, tv, anywhere."

"And I wanted to come out and say thank you to Insecret's Jo Taesung.", Everyone gasped at that, clearly not expecting Haebom to thank a new rival.

"You've supported me throughout the year and I can't thank you enough. I love you so much..Taesung.", he confessed out of the blue which shocked everyone at the venue.

He did it. Kei smiled softly and put his hand comfortingly on his shoulder, knowing he would be struggling after what he said. The other members hugged Haebom and they escorted him offstage. The other members went to the changing room, leaving Kei to comfort Haebom.

"I did it hyung. I came out to everyone. I said I love Taesung just because he said he loves me too. God, I'm such an idiot. What if our fans don't accept me? What if I have to leave you guys? I don't want to-"

"Yoo Haebom!", The familiar voice of his boyfriend shouting his name startled him.

Taesung ran over to Haebom and instead of slapping or punching Haebom, he pulled him into a hug.

"God, I fucking love you so much more baby. You're so brave baby. I didn't even ask you to do that and you were so brave to do it.", Haebom suddenly let out all of his tears and sobbed into his boyfriend's shirt, clutching his collar hard.

"I've got him Kei.", Kei smiled and nodded, patting Haebom and Taesung's shoulder before going into Noble's changing room.

They were out. They were finally out with their relationship. Albeit, Taesung has to also confirm that Haebom and him are dating and he pledged that he would definitely confirm their relationship.

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