secret | 1

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For the next few weeks we went on secret dates. Places where people won't recognise us or even blink an eye at us.
Our relationship was going better than we both expected. The media and our fans was still keeping up the love for our rivalry too which is great.

"Hey, don't you think some of our members are dating each other too?", I asked out of nowhere making Sunghoon stop and laugh.

"What are you saying now you lunatic. If they were they would tell us."

"No but I swear Heeseung and Jay are dating each other..I swear I heard them whispering that they loved each-"

"Hey, Heeseung and Jay? Dating? Baby, have you cleaned your ears?", my jaw dropped at that.

"H-Huh? You don't believe me?"

"Of course I don't. Those two always bicker with each other, why the hell would they even like, let alone love each other?"

Well, they still do but I swear there's something different about them.

Sunghoon suddenly smacked my shoulder which startled me. One of his slightly cute habits. I say slightly because they hurt. A lot.

"Oh! Speaking of them, when are we going to tell your members about us dating? We told mine already and they took it pretty well, except for Minkyu..I don't know what that boy's problem is."

Minkyu clearly likes Sunghoon. I can tell by the look on his face when we told them. He was jealous and then just mad. At me.

"Hey, wipe that expression of your face. He doesn't like me, don't be a jealous boyfriend.", I pouted at him.

"I can't be jealous that a boy might like my boyfriend?"

"Well, I didn't say you can't, I just said you don't have to be jealous of Minkyu or anyone for that matter. I like you and you only.", Now that made me the happiest boyfriend and probably person in the whole world.

I pounced on him and he fell on the couch with a squeal.

"What-Hey! What was that for?!"

I didn't answer him and just blew strawberries at his neck which always tickled him.

"N-Not again please-H-Hey! It tickles!",I smiled as cute giggles came out of his mouth.

I don't know when exactly I started liking him. All I can remember was that the first time I saw him, I was stuck to him. Even our friends thought we were dating. I guess they weren't wrong.

In high school

"Honey~Let's go to the pc cafe after school~", I spoke like his boyfriend which always made him shiver.

Sunghoon turned around in his chair with a glare and pushed me gently.

"Stop flirting with me, you crazy man!"

I pouted sadly and leaned my head on his shoulder as I felt him jump slightly.

"Honey~I'll buy you food if you go with me to the pc cafe. Hmm? How about that?"

He just kept quiet which definitely did not hurt my pride. I heard our friends laugh at me which made me glare at them, still leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Hey, you guys really do look like boyfriends. Fuck, do you guys have sex too?", Now that made me angry.

"Hey! What the fuck did you say? Come here you brat!", I stood up and started walking to him as he jumped up from his chair and ran away.

"Help! Someone is trying to kill me!"

I was really angry then. I clenched my fist, wanting to punch him for saying that but when Sunghoon placed his hand on my fist, I immediately calmed down. He smiled up to me which made my heart flutter.

"Sit down you dork. I'll come with you to the PC cafe so just sit down and continue lying your head on my shoulder."

Later that day, we definitely did not go to the PC cafe. It was a code name. It actually meant my house. None of my parents are home so we had all the time to do whatever I wanted us to do.

"Mmh! H-Hey, slow down..", Sunghoon pushed me back from kissing and took in deep breaths.

"Hey! Are you in the swimming team or what? How can you breathe for so long?"

"I'm in the football team, Hoon. It's important to have good stamina.", He looked at me dumbfounded which was cute.

I smirked and dove into his neck and placed sweet kisses.

"Ah..stop teasing me.", I smiled against his skin and started biting it.

I wanted to leave marks so everyone knew he was taken. Nobody would dare to come near my Sunghoon.

"Hey! D-Don't leave too-Ah! Too many-", he let out a loud lewd moan which aroused me.

"You sound like you love it. Why are you holding back in school, hmm? Honey, you want to scream you're dating Sim Jaeyun, don't you?"

"Don't be too confident in yourself. Ahh, that's the spot!", One time he's being a tsundere and the other a cute submissive boy.

It was so fricking cute. I wanted to devour him.

Present day

I was lying on the couch as Sunghoon laid his head on my chest. I was concentrated on playing with his soft hair when he suddenly called me.

"Jake. I just remembered something."

"Hmm? What is it?"

He raised his head from my chest with a smile which made me raise my eyebrow.

"Okay, what's so funny?"

He giggled and shook his head before laughing. I smiled at him, totally not confused as to why he's laughing.

"Why are you laughing?"

"I just remembered our secret make out sessions at your house when we were in high school."

He found that funny? My boyfriend is really weird..

"It's just funny how we were already doing things only boyfriends do but we never did crossed that line. We agreed to stay as best friends."

Well that is kinda weird now that I think about it.

"It's funny because we decided that now is a good time to cross that line?", I asked him as he nodded, smiling at me.

"I don't regret it though. I've been waiting for you to ask me to be yours.", He admitted, leaning up to kiss me. Before he pulled away, I wrapped my arms around his cute waist and deepened the kiss.

I love this cutie so much. I'm going to do my best to not let anyone think we were dating. Except my members and his, of course.

Just how wrong I was to think we could do it for long.


a/n : and that's their relationship leading up to the main plot of this story which the next chapter will be them three years into their secret relationship :)

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