four months later | 23

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"Jake, Come over here for a second!", I called my boyfriend over as I checked twitter.

We had just released our collab album and the premiere of Idols in Love was also today. They were both trending and surprisingly, our duo song we decided to record on a whim and include in the album is trending at number one.

"Yeah? What's up?", Jake asked as he went to my side, watching over my shoulder.

"Look at this. They love our duo song!", I beamed excitedly and showed it.

Jake's smile slowly grew bigger as he looked at me with loving eyes and ruffled my hair.

"We did that.", He said, smirking.

"Hell yeah we did.", I added, laughing heartily.

"Oh yeah! The first episode is today right?", I nodded.

Jake smiled like an excited little kid which made me love him even more.

"I'll get the popcorn and ice cream.", He leaned in and pecked my lips as I closed my eyes, enjoying his soft lips.

Jake rushed to the kitchen as I shook my head at him. Popcorn and ice cream. Only Jake would like that combo. While he got the snacks, I searched on Netlfix and got ready to play the first episode.

"Wait! Don't play it yet!"

"Hurry up slowpoke!"

Jake came rushing out with a bowl of popcorn and ice cream, separate of course. I chuckled as Jake gave the bowl of popcorn to me and flopped on the couch.

"Okay, play it."

I pressed play and Jake sucked in a breath. I looked at him like he was crazy and smacked his shoulder.

"Stop being dramatic."

"Sorry..I'm nervous. It's our first acting drama."

"You're not alone Jake. You did good. Have you seen them praising your acting on twitter?", He pouted and shook his head.

I melted like an ice cube. He's so cute when he's all pouty. I ruffled his hair as he scrunched his nose.

"You're amazing, Jake. Never kick yourself down."

Jake looked at me with glistening eyes as he slowly took a big spoonful of ice cream and ate it. I rolled my eyes playfully and pushed him gently. He just leaned in to hide his face in the nape of my neck.

"I love you.", He mumbled with all that ice cream in his mouth.

I smiled and patted his hair like how you would a puppy.

"I love you too."

We spent the next hour watching the episode while Jake literally finished the ice cream and ate half of the popcorn. I don't know how he doesn't gain weight. The episode was mostly flashbacks of Haebom and Taesung when they were kids and then separated only to meet each other as idols a few years later. The end scene of the iconic scene where Haebom trips and lands on top of Taesung.

"We had to take so many retakes because you wouldn't stop laughing when you landed on top of me.", Jake said, laughing as he laid his head on my lap.

I smiled, remembering the retakes.

"It was an awkward position, you can't blame me.", I defended myself, my cheeks flushing.

"You were thinking something dirty, weren't you? Huh?", Jake accused me as I gasped, feeling offended from this untrue accusation.

"N-no I wasn't!"

"Yes you were!"

"No I wasn't!"




"Oh my goodness, can you lovebirds stop shouting?!", we froze as we turned to the source of the voice.

"Jaehyun-hyung? When did you get here?"

Jaehyun? Jake's older brother? How did he get into the Enhypen's dorm? He sighed and held up a bag of..soju and beer?!

"Tada! Surprise!"

"You bought Soju and beer?!", Jake rushed to his brother, leaving me pouting and my lap empty.

"I love you hyung. I didn't even ask you to buy them. You even bought a 12 pack!"

Jaehyun chuckled and ruffled Jake's hair like a brother does.

"Wanted to congratulate you both for the drama and album. I love both of them by the way."

"Oh! Taeyong said he wanted to collab with Enhypen."

"No way. Really?!", It was my turn now to get shocked.

"Yeah. He loved your duo song and he told me himself he wanted to collab with you two."

"Oh. Well, I'm afraid we're kinda packed for the next year.", Jake started.

"Sunghoon delayed his solo debut because of the collab and the drama so he's going to be busy. While for me, I already have new drama offers coming in."

Jaehyun took all of it in and nodded.

"I understand. I'll let him know. Oh! Sunghoon, are you okay with Jake taking on drama offers?"

"Of course. Even if it ends up a romance or another boy love and he has to kiss another boy.", I glared at Jake teasingly as he chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

"I'm glad that you guys have an healthy relationship. I'm in debt to you for making my brother happy."

"No, Don't thank me, hyung. It's my duty now anyways and I'll continue doing it."

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