go on a date? | 22

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I've been thinking a lot lately. About Jaehee. I mean, can you really blame me? We never really did break up. He just forgot about me. Not that he could control it. But do I miss him? Yes. I missed him so much. Seeing him again after I decided to leave him made me almost cry but I've decided I'll try to make him remember. Remember me.

I rang him up and he picked up after two rings. I breathed in and out before speaking.


"Jaehee. I..Uhh.."

I heard him chuckle which made me unconsciously smile.

"Just calm down and speak clearly, Woon."

Woon. He just called me Woon. I've never heard him say that after so long. It felt good.

"Okay, so I just called..to ask whether..."

"Whether? Just say it, Kiwoon.", He said with a laugh.

I sighed and nodded to myself.



"What did you say again? I didn't catch it.", I groaned and pulled on my hair.

"Are you teasing me or are you for real?"

"I'm serious woon! I literally did not catch a single word you just said."

"I asked would you like to go on a date with me you dumbass!"




"Well, if you're really sure about it then sure! A date with you sounds kinda fun."

"Wait. Really? You want to go on a date with me?!"

"Yeah man! You asked me out didn't you? It'd be rude to decline after you manned up like that which I gotta say was kinda cute."

I groaned and covered my face even though he couldn't see me. I was blushing like crazy after he called me cute. It felt like we were starting over from when we first met.

"You're blushing, aren't you?"

"N-No I'm not!"


"Yes you are."

"Okay yes I am."

He laughed heartily which the mere sound of his beautiful laugh made me want to laugh as well.

"You're honestly so fucking cute, Kiwoon. Sorry for my language."

I laughed at how silly he was, "It's alright. Uhh, if I could say, I found you cute too but you're more charming than cute."

"Hey! I can be cute too!"

Sure you can, Jae. I definitely know that.

"Well, I'll text you on the details."

"Sure! Don't keep me waiting, Woon. I'm getting excited for our date."

I felt myself blushing again.

"Shut up dork.", He laughed that beautiful laugh again.

I hanged up and immediately got into booking a place at the restaurant we always used to go on dates at. I'm sure that will jog his memory.

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