he remembers?! | 24

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Four months. Four months and still no luck in making him remember me. I've tried everything I could. Brought him to our favourite restaurant three times, (which he said himself that the food was the best he's ever tasted) gone on dates at our favourite places and I even gave him the Polaroid I gave him on his 20th birthday!

Jaehee has been taking a long break from directing but he told me he's ready to start working again.

Now I'm sad.

"Aww, come on baby. I'm sorry but the both of us have to support the relationship, right? I can't just rely on you."

Well, he asked me to be his boyfriend two months earlier actually. I love having his attention and love of course. His kisses and cuddles especially. Being little spoon again made me the happiest boy in the world. But now, I'm upset.

I pouted up to Jaehee who chuckled and leaned in to peck my pouting lips.

"I promise you I'll try to set aside time for my baby boy."

"You'll do that for me?", Jaehee smiled and nodded.

"I will. I promise."

Okay now I'm feeling a lot better.

"Oh and I'm glad I found you.", I furrowed my brows at him.

"Found me?"

Jaehee smiled and laid a hand on my cheek.

"You know, you didn't have to leave me like that even though they told you I could have lost my memories."

What? What is he talking about..Wait. Huh?! Then that means-

"It's true that I lost part of my memory but I never forgot about you, Kiwoon. How could I? I loved and still love you so much.", He revealed as he caressed my cheek.

I was shocked. All these years of crying and pain from having to leave him and I didn't even have to leave him?
I felt angry and smacked his chest as hard as I could. He groaned and stumbled.

"You-You jerk! You could've just called me! All these years I thought you had forgotten me and I cried so much. I cried over how much I missed you and your kisses and..and all this time you actually remember me?!", I shouted making him shocked.

Good. He should be.

"Kiwoon..I thought you were breaking up for real so I-"

"Why would I break up over you getting in an accident?! I was scared! Scared you wouldn't remember me so I left before I could even hear you ask me who was I but I guess it was all for nothing!"

I fell to my knees and the tears were flowing out as my whole body shook as I sobbed.

"You could've called me and asked me to come back and I would but you didn't so I though then, you definitely forgot about me.."

I felt Jaehee's arms around me and I shifted closer to him. Needing his comfort.

"I'm sorry, Kiwoon. I didn't know you wanted me to call you but I know that I'm stupid for that and Im sorry. I want to make it up to you. Restore our relationship. That's why I contacted you."

"Technically, I had found a reason to contact you at that point so I took that chance. I was surprised that Sunghoon picked up the call himself."

"You knew it was him?", Jaehee chuckled and nodded.

"Why didn't you tell him that you knew it was him?"

He shrugged and pulled me closer to him as he sighed in content.

"I don't know. But I'm glad I did call you. Seeing you so flustered in front of me told me that you still liked me and that made me happy."

I groaned and hid my face in his chest as he laughed.

"I'm sorry if it was embarrassing to you. I found it cute if that makes it better."

I smacked his chest again, this time softer.

"I hate you. but I'm glad you're here. I missed you so much."

I felt him ruffle my hair which felt like heaven.

"Me too."


a/n : second to last chapter soon :)

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