i'll protect you hyung | 13

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I smiled satisfied with the 5km run I had in the morning and walked back to the dorm. As I got closer, I could hear people shouting Sunghoon-hyung's name. I furrowed my brows and peaked from behind a wall.

"What the hell-"

What are Eggies doing here? How did they even know where the dorm is?

"Kick him out! Kick him out!"

"We don't need the faggot idol!"

Why are they screaming to Kick out Sunghoon? Calling him that word too. What did he do wrong? I felt my anger rising as I made a fist. How could they say that about Sunghoon?

I took out my phone and called Sunghoon. I was worried. I didn't see him go home last night so he must be at his dumbass boyfriend's dorm.

It rang for five times as I tapped my foot nervously.

"Goddamnit hyung! Pick up!", I kicked something on the ground as it clanged on metal. I winced as it made a loud sound.

"Minkyu?", My ears perked up as Sunghoon answered the call.

"Hyung, where are you? You're at Enhypen's dorm, right?"

"Huh, oh yes. What's wrong? Why do you sound panicked?"

I kept quiet trying to think of how to tell him. Eggies are calling him that word. I've never seen them say anything like that to our Sunghoon. Our sweet Sunghoon hyung.

"Minkyu! Hey, answer me! Did something happen? Is someone hurt?"

"No, no one's hurt. But hyung..."

"Yes? Just tell me, Kyu.", I would've smiled at him calling him Kyu but I have to be serious.

"Did you come out to the public?"

"Oh! Yes, I did actually.", he sounded happy. I didn't want to hurt his heart but I have to tell him.

"Eggies are outside the dorm and they want you out. They also called you the f word. You know..that word.", I heard silence.

"Oh.", I winced at how hurt and sad he sounded. I shouldn't have told him but he would've found out either way.

"It's all that jerk's fault. I swear to god I told you that Jake is a bad influence."

"Minkyu. Be..very careful with what you say. Jake is my boyfriend and we knew this was going to happen either way."

I sighed and gripped my hair frustrated with the stubborn boy. I would've kept our relationship hidden to protect Sunghoon. I would've loved him better. He just had to step in between us.

Five years ago

I sat in the corner just watching the other trainees dance and have fun with each other. I am very shy. Shy little Kim Minkyu who was afraid of socialising with people and wants to be an idol so he auditioned for a audition show. What a great decision.

"Minkyu, is it?", I looked up to see Sunghoon.

I gaped at him smiling at me. His smile is so pretty.
He crouched in front of me and patted my hair. My eyes went wide.

"Why don't you train with us?"

"They don't like..m-me.", I whispered, shaking my head.

"Come on now. Who wouldn't like you? You're an amazing dancer! I saw you dancing to Billy Poco when everyone left the dance studio. It was super cute!", He beamed as I covered my face, embarrassed and blushing.

He saw me dancing to Billy Poco of all songs! Stupid Minkyu! Why did you have to stay at the studio after everyone left.

Oh I know. Because I'm inferior to everyone. Compared to the others, I lacked in my dancing. I decided to stay back to practice alone. I didn't know someone was watching me and it would be Sunghoon, the trainee that is surely going to debut in the final group.

"You're a great dancer, Kyu. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.", I nodded timidly which made him smile.

He suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me up, making me let out a super manly squeak. Sunghoon laughed and ruffled my hair.

"Now come on. Let's debut together."

From that day on, we practiced together. We bonded over food,singing and slipping while dancing which was mostly me. The final episode of the audition show rolled around and I stood beside Sunghoon as they called the final debut group members.

Only four made it. It was neither Sunghoon or me. I shouldn't be happy but I can't help it. Sunghoon won't forget me this way.

Sunghoon suddenly broke in tears as he laid his head on my shoulder. I awkwardly put my arms around him and patted his back.

"Was I not good enough?"

"No hyung. You are so much better.", That just made him cry even harder and I sighed, pulling him into a real hug.

Present day

I promised myself that I would protect him from harm from that day on. I couldn't even protect him now because that jerk. Jake Sim. He thinks because he was also friends with Sunghoon during the show that he can date hyung?

When Sunghoon told the group that they were dating, I felt sadness wash over me. Then, quickly anger and jealously.

Towards Jake Sim. He doesn't deserve Sunghoon. Only I do.

I'll protect you, Park Sunghoon. With my life.


a/n : gasp! minkyu is finally showing his true feelings?!? omg who could have seen this coming-


he's so hot i can't- if haejin was real, it would be him-

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he's so hot i can't- if haejin was real, it would be him-

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