together | 25

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"Congratulations to Enhypen and Hybe for winning Collab and Album of the year!"

We hear from the stage as that was the sign to walk up onto the stage. It's surreal walking up onto the stage with the Enhypen members seeing as we were supposed to be rivals just a few months ago.

Jake slipped his hand into mine and intertwined our fingers while we walk to the MCs. I looked at him with a shy, flustered smile. He smiled back and leaned in.

"Can you do my speech for me? I'm always nervous in front of crowds.", I almost laughed at that but I remember this is a award show.

"Of course baby. Whatever you want."

"Thank you, Sunghoon."

I accepted the trophies from the MC and thanked them as they walked off. I smiled as I looked at the trophies.


The crowd laughed as I felt flustered at my own thoughts.

"Sorry. I'm just so amazed that we actually won this. Together.", I looked over to the other members as they grinned at me.

I gave the two trophies to Jake as he passed it down. I cleared my throat and got ready to deliver Jake's speech.

"Jake is supposed to be saying this but-", I felt a smack on my back which made me laugh.

The crowd clearly found that funny as they laughed. Jake was blushing super hard. I smiled and patted Jake's cheek and turned back to the audience. I felt my heart flutter as I heard them awed at us. I'm so glad they accept us.

"Eggies and Engenes. We want to thank you all for putting aside this rivalry that we have and working together to win us this award. Without you all, we wouldn't have done this."

"In terms of the future...Maybe we will have another collab or maybe something more."

The crowd gasped which made all of the members laugh.

"What Leader-nim is trying to say is that we're considering merging our groups together.", Heeseung explained with a smile.

I patted his shoulder and thanked him as he nodded.

"We're not sure if it is even possible or if they will let us but I ensure that we all want this to happen as much as you all do. Thank you.", I bowed and the members followed me.

The venue shook with how loud the chants and shouting was as we continued to thank them as we walked off the stage. Since we were done with our performances and awards, we went to our company bus.

"Leader-nim?", Heeseung called me from the seat beside me, teasing me.

I chuckled and pushed him gently.

"We agreed that if we were to merge our groups, we would both be leaders.", Heeseung smiled and nodded, extending his fist.

I laughed and fist bumped.

"Did you guys see the articles out already?", Sunoo rushed to us, showing us the articles.

Wow, they're fast. I like the headings though. They're always so dramatic.

"We're going to break the world if we actually merge our groups. The og fans from the audition show days will be happy. They've always wanted us all to debut together.", Jake said as he snuggled his face closer to my neck, his arms around my waist.

"But for me, seeing Sunghoon everyday is all I want.", I laughed heartily and ruffled his hair, cooing at how cute he was being. He was like a puppy. So cute.

"Oh! Hyung, there's also articles about how you both are the gay power couple of the Kpop industry.", Sunoo said which made me and Jake laugh.

"Yeah! We're the Gay power couple!", Jake beamed with a laugh.

"Sounds like a good title for a movie.", Jay mumbled from beside Heeseung.

I didn't even realise he was there from how he's clinging to Heeseung.

"Jay, I want cuddles.", Jungwon suddenly whined from behind them.

Jay turned around from his seat to see Jungwon pouting at him. He sighed and nodded.

"Sorry Hee."

"It's fine! Give our chocoball his cuddles. I can give him cuddles after you too."

Jungwon's ears perked up at that as he nodded eagerly.


"Hey, stay still.", Jay scolded Jungwon which made Jungwon stop moving as Jay pulled him between his lap, wrapping his arm around his waist.

Jungwon revealed to us that he started dating both Heeseung and Jay a few months ago. They're cute together of course but I'm worried for Jungwon. What if he wants to come out? I don't think the fans will be as accepting.

"Hoon, we have another award show to go to together, right?", Jake whispered.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. The KBS Drama Awards. I can't believe we got nominated for Best Couple."

"Yeah, well we are the cutest gay couple in Kpop and did you see how much they loved Haebom and Taesung?", I chuckled and nodded.

Everyone loved our drama and the main characters. We're getting nominated for Best Couple and Best Male Actor. Though the latter award, only one of us can win it. The drama is getting nominated for Best Drama. Jaehee even got nominated for Best Director. It's safe to say, the Drama changed the industry.

Jaehee is working on another BL drama and if he wants me to be in it, I would accept without hesitation. Jake is already in the midst of picking a good BL script. I liked one of them. I think it's called Semantic Error. He should definitely pick that script.

"I'm so tired.", Jake suddenly blurted out making me look down at him yawning.

I smiled and patted his hair.

"Close your eyes. I'll wake you up when we're at the dorms."

Jake smiled and leaned up to kiss me. I closed my eyes and enjoyed his lips. He pulled away before it could get steamy.

"I love you.", He whispered before he laid his head on my shoulder and closed his eyes.

I love you too Jake. I will always love you.

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