i like you 2 | 21

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Man, I'm so tired. My throat hurts from singing for so long. I need some water.

"Water?", A heavenly voice answered my calls.

I saw a hand holding a water bottle in front of me. I looked up to see..Jay! He smiled and took my hand with his other hand and placed the bottle in it. My eyes were wide open as this point.

"T-Thank you.", Jay smiled that charming smile of his again.

"You're welcome. You did good. I missed hearing your voice in person."

I have a crush on Jay. I mean-Huh?! No I don't! Well...Okay I do. And it's a huge crush. Since Im being honest, I have a crush on Heeseung too. Don't judge me! They're boyfriend material! And they're also dating each other...Well, I always knew I didn't have a chance to date any of them. They're way too good for me.

The moment I saw them three years ago at the audition, I've had a crush on both of them. I also thought they looked like a couple, the way they fought and still make up the next day like it was nothing. It was kinda cute.

"How have you been? Good?", Jay asked me as he sat beside me.

I chuckled awkwardly and nodded. Jay smiled and nodded.

"When Jake said he wanted us to collab, I was over the moon. I'd get to see my favourite Choco ball often.", I felt myself blushing when he said that.

What did he mean by that? Does he like me? That can't be possible, right? There's no way-

"Hey, What's wrong? You're frowning.", Jay interrupted my thoughts and laid a hand on my shoulder.

I glanced out of the corner of my eye, fortunately to see Heeseung not looking at us. He was busy guiding the other members with their lines.

"I like you.", I blurted out and closed my eyes waiting for the slap or punch.

To my surprise, he laughed. I opened my eyes and furrowed my brows, confused.

"I like you too, Won. You thought I hated you?"

Oh. He thought I meant as a friend.

"Not that way."

"What do you mean-Oh.", I nodded.

"Well, I like you that way too.", Huh?!

"Huh?!", I shouted, making everyone look at me and Jay.

Jay laughed awkwardly and patted my back.

"I just showed him a video. It's all good.", They shrugged and went back to doing their thing.

"Sorry..", I whispered.

"It's okay. Come on. We can talk outside.", He whispered to me.

Outside? He grabbed my hand and pulled me outside.

"Wait. Wait, we don't have to-"

Jay suddenly laid his hand on my cheeks and I felt something warm on my lips. Is that..Jay's lips?! We can't be doing this! Jay's boyfriend is literally in the room. I pushed Jay and he hit the wall behind him, rather hard and groaned.

I gasped and went over to him, apologising.

"I'm so sorry hyung, I was just so shocked and-and I-"

"Hey. It's okay, Won. It was my fault. You must be confused, right?", I nodded shyly.

He chuckled and ruffled my hair.

"Truth is. Both me and Heeseung like you a lot. And yes he likes you in that way too.", Huh?!

"Heeseung likes me like I like you? But that's-", Jay chuckled and nodded.

"It's weird, right? Well, let's just say we like each other but we also have a mutual liking to another cute, dimpled boy that is in front of me."

Heeseung and Jay like me. They like me like they want to be my boyfriend..s?

"But how can something like that work? Isn't that complicated?"

"It isn't if you don't make it, Won. I like you, you like me. Heeseung likes me and he likes you. It's like a love triangle but it works. I think they call it, poly relationships?"

I thought about it. I do like the both of them but will it really work out?

"What's wrong? Do..you not like Heeseung?"

"Huh? No! I like him a lot! He's handsome, caring and probably a loving boyfriend too! Which..i'm sure you know that."

Jay laughed softly and nodded, agreeing.

"Yeah. Heeseung is a perfect boyfriend. I think you're missing out, Won. Why not we break the news to him after the recording?", I smiled and nodded excitedly.

Jay chuckled and leaned in to peck my lips without no heads up again. He smiled and booped my nose almost lovingly.

"You're such a cutie."

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