stay with me? | 15

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"It's best you both stay here. It's pretty bad at your dorm, Sunghoon.", Heeseung suggested after going over to his dorm to scout.

Sunghoon sighed and looked down at his fingers, fidgeting with them.

"What's so wrong about liking Jake?", he whispered.

I frowned and laid my hand on his fidgeting hands. He glanced up to me, smiling.

"Of course nothing's wrong with liking Jake or men in general. Fans can be quite obsessive, you know that. Me and Jay have been thinking of coming out but seeing how they reacted to the both of you..we're not sure.", Heeseung sighed and rubbed his forehead.

"Hyung, I just realised something.", Heeseung looked at me with curiosity.

I stood up and paced around the room.

"What is it, Jake? Just spit it out."

"Engenes have only been supporting of me and Sunghoon, right? It's only eggies who are against it."

Heeseung's eyes widen as if I just said a genius observation.

"You're right! That means if me and Jay come out, eggies have no say in our relationship. Only Engenes.", I nodded with a smile.

"'s selfish of us to come out now when the both of you are struggling..."

"Hyung, do what you want. Me and Sunghoon can work it out ourselves."

Heeseung shook his head firmly.

"You're both my best friends. I can't just ignore and not help. I'll figure something out. You both don't go out or let anyone see you."

He went out of our dorm after. I sighed and sat beside Sunghoon on the couch. Sunghoon still looked adorable in my oversized hoodie that I lent him even if he was stressed.

I can't help but feel like it's my fault. What if I didn't kiss him on set? I thought it was okay because the staff on set didn't seem like they had a problem. We didn't think about our fans. Hybe's fans.

"Wanna cuddle?", I asked my boyfriend.

He just laid his head on my shoulder and nodded. I hooked my arm underneath his legs and and one on his back, carrying him bridal style. Sunghoon giggled and smacked my chest gently this time. I carried him to my room and laid him on the bed. I squeaked in surprise when Sunghoon pulled me in, his arms around my shoulders.

Somehow, he managed to flip me over so I was below him. I looked at up at my boyfriend who was smirking.

"You're a mischievous boy, aren't you?", Sunghoon winked at me making me laugh. He's just so cute.

"Stay with me?", he asked me with a pout.

I reached out and laid my hand behind his head, pulling him into a kiss. He was clearly taken by surprise from the surprised moan he let out. I pulled away just before it got hot and steamy.

"Only cuddles?"

Sunghoon smiled and nodded. He moved from his place on top of me to beside as I turned and wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him closer to my chest. His body fit mine so well. I rested my chin on his head as he played with my fingers.

"Jake?", he whispered ever so quietly.

"Yeah baby?"

"Do you ever wonder what would've happen if I didn't insult you on live television?", I chuckled for a moment which Sunghoon clearly did not find funny as he slapped my hand.

"Sorry, it's just funny."

I could tell Sunghoon was pouting even though I couldn't see him.

"Well, we would have definitely came out a lot earlier. 3 years is pretty impressive."

"I can't really say what would be different but all I know is that no matter what I would've still be here on my bed, cuddling my baby boy.", I leaned in to peck his cheeks.

"You're so sappy.", He mumbled which made me laugh.

"Hey, you asked and I delivered!", I could see from the corner of my eye that put a smile on his face which made me happy.

Anything to make my baby boy smile. We decided to watch a movie but after a few minutes, I heard soft snores coming from Sunghoon. I cooed at his adorableness and planted a kiss on his hair that smelt so good. I turned off the movie and quickly fell asleep with my boyfriend in my arms.


a/n : i'm so sorry for the late update for a short af chapter 😭 ive been super busy with stuff and idt i can update my books so often :(

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