collab | 20

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It had been a month after the Instagram live we did and surprisingly, people are starting to support us more. Eggies are not as hateful towards me which is a relief but of course they are those who still want me gone.

Right now, we were on the way to Enha's company for some important meeting. We sat in the company van as Kiwoon drove it.

"Hyung, do you have any idea why they called us for a meeting when we're not their group? CEO didn't even say anything about this.", Minkyu asked Kiwoon, as confused as all of us.

Minkyu had gotten closer to Sunoo and Riki. In fact, Sunoo is sleeping soundly, his head on his shoulder while Minkyu held his hands, playing with his fingers. Pretty fruity if you ask me.

"Uhh, yeah but Jake told me to keep it a secret. He said Sunghoon would be happy if he found out."

Jake? He knows about this? And he didn't tell me? I huffed and crossed my arms, totally not upset.

Kiwoon chuckled, clearly finding it funny.

"He's in big trouble for keeping this from me."


"We're thinking of having Hybe and Enha collab."

Everyone except the Hybe members were stunned to silence. While me on the other hand..

"What?! Really?!", I stood up, shocked and frankly, excited.

Jake chuckled softly and I glared at him, making him shut up and sit like a good boy. He knows he's in big trouble from keeping this from me.

"Yes. They're all on board. Especially Jake. Your boyfriend told me it's been both of your dreams to have debuted together but since you didn't achieve that, this is the next best thing."

That is true. Debuting together was our first goal. We didn't achieve that so we set another goal. A collab.

"Jake brought this up?", Their CEO nodded and I immediately rushed to Jake and hugged him as he groaned and laughed softly, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I love you. I love you so much.", I whispered as I felt him kiss my hair.

"I love you too."

I love Jake so much. We've been through so much. Hiding our relationship for three years and finally deciding to come out even if it was not on purpose and still stay together even as the world was against us.

"Okay lovebirds, we're still here.", Minkyu joked as everyone laughed at that.

I felt myself blushing and hid in Jake's chest as he chuckled, patting my hair.

"Anyways, we're planning to release the collab album after Idols in Love airs which is in four months. It's a perfect time. Anybody disagree?", Their boss asked and everyone shook their head, agreeing with the release date.

"Alright, your producers is waiting at the studio."

I looked around and saw someone missing. Jay and Heeseung. Wait. Heejay is producing our collab?

"Heejay is producing?"

"Hell yeah they are.", We all turned to the door to see Jay standing there with his arms crossed and a smirk.

"We got the song almost finished actually. We just need to opinion of the Hybe members."

"Well? Let's hear it.", I eagerly suggested which made everyone laugh and agree with me.

We made our way to their fancy studio as Heeseung was there waiting for us. He turned to us and his face lit up as a smile took over his face.

"Great, you're all here."

My other members sat at the couch behind as Jake, Jay, Heeseung and me sat in front.

"We're thinking of calling it Blessed-Cursed.", Heeseung started.

"Blessed that we were given all this fame yet cursed because of it."

He plays it and the guitar riff hit straight away, making me smile. Sounds like what Enhypen would make, that's for sure.

"So? What do you think?", Heeseung asked us with a hopeful look.

"I love it.", Jay said as Heeseung rolled his eyes and flicked his forehead as we laughed.

"We produced the song, of course you'll like it dummy.", Jay pouted and laid his head on Heeseung's shoulder.

"Well, I love it too. It really sounds like what you guys would release and I think that's a good thing.", I started.

"But, it's so good that it needs to be longer. Maybe an instrumental break to let the people appreciate the guitar riffs.", Heeseung hummed and nodded.

"Longer..Got it. Anyone else think differently?"

Riki raised his hand as we all looked to him.

"Can I have a rap line? Please, Heeseung-hyung?", He looked to his leader with a pout and puppy eyes.

Heeseung chuckled and nodded.

The other members put in their thoughts on the track and Heeseung listened intently.

"I can't believe we're actually doing this.", I said as I rested my head on Jake's shoulder. Heeseung and Jay was mixing the track as the other members gave suggestions. I smiled at the sight. It was like we were one big group. How crazy would that be?

"Well, I wanted to make our dream come true. You know our boss rejected it three times before I had to fake cry in front of him. It was so humiliating.", I glanced up at him to see him pouting which made me laugh.

"Hey, are you laughing at me?", I nodded and laughed even harder.

He pushed me off and I could tell he was upset.

"Aww baby, I'm sorry. I wasn't laughing at you. I'm just laughing cause you went so far as to cry in front of someone. I appreciate it and...I love you.", I said and pecked his cheek.

He smiled at me and nodded slightly, his cheeks slowly turning red.

"I love you too."

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