[Kei] Helping someone

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I was walking back home from a very long shift when i walked past a side street and saw some guys gang up on another guy. I walked back to hide behind the wall. I peaked out and saw them shoving him around. It was quite late already, so not many people were around. I pulled out my phone and immediately called the police and told them where i was and what was going on, in a rather whisper, so i had to repeat myself a couple times, but it was better than talking loudly and getting caught by those sketchy guys. 

I wanted to walk away since i had done my job by calling the police but they were starting to beat him up and who knows when the police would arrive. 
I gathered all my courage and yelled "The police is already on their way" and ran down the street to hide behind another wall. 
I couldn't hear them too well put i heard footsteps and it seemed like they were running away, to my luck they were running in the other direction and not to where i was standing. 
After a few minutes i walked up to the first wall and peaked out. Nobody was there. Not even the one guy that was being beat up. Did they drag him away?
Maybe i shouldn't have yelled out. I was getting anxious, when i heard a police arrive. I looked in the direction of the noise when suddenly i felt someone put their hand around my mouth and drag me around the corner. 
My heart was pounding, they are surely going to kill me for calling the police on them. After the shock settled, i tried to fight my way out of his grip, until he turned me around and it was the guy being shoved around a few minutes ago. His face had bruises and there was blood coming out of his nose.
I was looking at him, while he still had his hand over my mouth. 
He kept looking around the corner.
I tried to push his hand away, but he kept it there and signed me to be quiet. I nodded and he let go. Even though he had already let go, he was still very close and he kept looking around the corner. 
"Are you running away from the cops?" i whispered. 
"Well, not really" he said. 
"You were being beat up by some guys, why don't you report them to the police, they are right there, i called them."

"I know, thanks for that." 
"I can't report them or i will need to report my friend too" he said. 
His friend was among those guys? 
"Let's go" he said.
"What? I am not going anywhere with you" i said and tried to go in the other direction. 
"Fine, don't come with me but let's walk in this direction so the cops won't see you" 

He started walking without looking back. I looked around the corner and the cops were coming in our direction so i panicked and followed him. 

I was just a few steps behind him.
"So why do you call someone who tried to beat you up, your friend?" I asked. 

"He wasn't among them."

"But you said-" 

"My friend has borrowed some money and can't give it back so they are bothering his friends and family now" 

"Oh, i see"

"So anyway, thank you for helping me. Here..." he said and was holding out a business card.

"Hm, a ramen shop?"

"I am mostly around at 10pm. If you come over, i will buy you dinner for helping me." 
I took the card and looked up at him. He didn't show much of an expression. He slightly bowed and went his way. While walking back i tried to recount the whole scenario a few times, because it was too crazy. 

He didn't show any type of expression the whole time. Not even, while he seemed very nervous because of the cops. I pulled that card out of my pocket and googled the address. It was 2 streets down from here. 
Maybe i can go tomorrow.

2 weeks passed without me going there. Work got me very busy and i was mentally not feeling like getting to know someone new. It was Christmas, so it's always quite stressful this time around. 
I was leaving work and started to look for a coupon i had put there yesterday, which was for a fish that would be on sale this week. As i was looking around in my bag, i came upon his card again. 
I don't know why but as soon as i found it, i wanted to immediately go and see if he was there. 

I googled the address again and started walking over there, forgetting about the coupon for now. 
The ramen shop looked quite small, but as i entered it seemed to be bigger.
I looked around and didn't really see him. I didn't really have a plan B for this. I thought i would just come in and see him around, because it was already past 10. 
Now i need to order something, just walking out would be weird. I was about to sit down at a free table when i saw someone walk out from the kitchen. It was him. 
"Oh" i said and stood up again. 
He just put his head to the side and starred at me before approching me. Did he forget me? 
"It took you quite long to visit me..." he said. 
I guess he still remembers me.

He sat down before me, so i sat down as well. Another guy walked out of the kitchen and he just signed for him to bring us 2 bowls of ramen, i guessed. 

I looked at his face and the bruises where still there.
"It still hasn't healed?" i asked. 

"It did, but they found me again" he said casually. 
"What?" i almost yelled.

"Why don't you just go to the police and tell them? You can leave out that it's about your friend." I whispered, because i didn't want others to hear what this was about. 

"Why did you come so late?" he asked, ignoring my question. 
"I got a bit busy, to be honest i wouldn't have come if i didn't find your card in my bag today" i said, while looking around a bit. 

"I see." 

I didn't want to bring up his friend again, he didn't seem to want to talk about it anyway. 

"I will be back in a second" he said and disappeared behind the curtain leading into the kitchen. 
The Ramen came and it looked delicious. I wanted to dig in but that would be impolite so i tried to focus my attention elsewhere until he came back. I pulled out my phone. 

After a few minutes, he came back and before sitting down he held out a box for me. 
I looked up at him "What is this?" 

I thought dinner might not be enough. 
It was a little box and when i looked inside i found a pair of red gloves. 
I took them out and admired them, they were very cute, the design was quite simple, but there were little snowflakes stiched into them. I smiled "Thank you very much, i love them! You really didn't have to though." 

He cracked a little smile and nodded a bit. 

"Your hands were really cold that day" He said. 
"That's why i got you the gloves" he said. 

I tried to recount the sitation again. I remember him putting his hand over my mouth and at some point also holding back my hands so i wouldn't run away. 


He stayed silent and looked at the people coming in. 

"Do you work here?" i asked.
He shook his head and pointed up. "I rent the apartment above" 
Ah that's why he is around here a lot. 

"Want to see it?" he asked without any expression. 

It's really difficult to guess what he means when he says things. Like is he meaning just to go up to see it or go up to and be alone or? Whatever whatever. I didn't want to overthink it. 

"It's okay, i am quite hungry, let's eat, i will need to go soon anyway" i said and started to eat. I took a bite and stopped for a second "But i might come again, if thats okay with you?" I asked. 
He seemed a little surprised but he just nodded and kept eating.  

-jrockerxreader//one shots-Where stories live. Discover now