[Kai] Night Time //2

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"Welcome, what would you like to order?" I asked while taking out my pen and block.

He didn't even look my way and ordered for 2 beers and some snacks.
He seems quite depressed today. I wonder what happend. A few hours passed and he ordered for more and more alcohol.

"Maybe this should be the last one" i said while placing the new one on the table.

"Ha! Why? Are you worried about me?" He said while opening the new one.

"Well you already had 7 of these, don't you feel dizzy?"

"When is your shift over?"


"Ah just answer! You are so annoying i can't believe it."

"I'm sorry for the disturbance, i will tell someone to switch with me"

"When?" He said again, this time looking at me straight.

"Half an hour"

"Perfect! Pick me up when you go"
He is drunk. I shouldn't take him too serious. I nodded and went out.

Half an hour passed and i seriously considered going back to his room, because he was way too drunk, i should just call a cab for him. I stopped at the door but i couldn't go in. He can call one of his friends right? Right.

As i turned around the door behind me opened.

"You really wanted to leave without me. Bring me home" he said.

"I will call you a cab, okay" i said and took out my phone.

"Okey" he said, looking annoyed now.

I called and we waited outside for a few minutes, him sitting on the sidewalk, when the cab finally came. I seated him in and wanted to get out but he pulled me and told me to tell the driver my address.

"No way, just tell yours"

"I'm drunk i don't even remember my name"

"What are you talking about? Stop being childish and tell him your address"

He pretended to fall asleep.

"Stop. Come on" i said and started touching his pockets to find his wallet. The address must be on some of his id card"

"What are you doing, you pervert!!" He yelled and the driver turned around.

"Ahh noo i didn't do anything" i said and held my hands up.

"Please tell me where to drive now" the driver said.

"Yeah tell him!" Kai yelled.
I got embarrassed so i just told him my address. I was thinking the whole way what to do. No way i'm letting a drunk stranger into my apartment.

We arrived and i paid the driver before he took off.

We were standing at the sideway.

"Okey i will call you a new cab now." I grabbed my phone again but he suddenly stole it out of my hands.

"No way, we are already at your apartment"

"That's right! Mine! Not yours, mine"

"Woaah are you always these greedy" he said and started to walk to the building behind us.

"Where are you going?"

"To your apartment"
I ran after him and wanted to get my phone back but it wasn't in his hands anymore.

"Where is it?"

"Sommeewhere on my body. You want it? Search" he said coming closer.

"No!" I said and walked faster towards the building while he happily followed me.

-jrockerxreader//one shots-Where stories live. Discover now