[Hyde/Vampire] Kill Him//4

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I couldn't sleep at all. I was too afraid. I couldn't think of anything or come up with a plan. He is surely going to kill me as soon as he suspects me.

I was sitting up in my bed all night, i dozed off for an hour at dawn, because i got so tired of all the anxious feelings that had build up during the whole night. 

Unfortunately for me the day went by very slowly, i was only thinking about what to tell him the whole time. I did all the chores without really forgetting that, not even for a second. Then finally night time came.

I entered his room. He was sitting up in his bed and reading, just like last time. When i entered he didn't lift his gaze to look at who was coming in, but i was sure that he always knew who was behind the door, before they entered. 

I looked over to where he was sitting and wasn't sure whether i should go any further or wait here. My heart was beating so fast, i was feeling nauseous and wanted to cry, all at the same time. 

After a few seconds, which more like felt like hours, he put his book down on the bed and got up. As i saw him get up, my heart started to beat even faster, which i didn't know was possible. My knees were getting weak as well. I was surely not this afraid when i met Camui back then. Not even when he had his hand on my throat, ready to kill me. 

Somehow the calmness of Takanori is even scarier. Is that why he superior to Camui, is that the reason for why Camui wants to kill him?

He walked a few steps towards me and then just stopped. 
As he was looking at me, somehow i understood that he wanted me to get closer now. 

I also got a few steps closer to him. He seemed a bit annoyed that i didn't come all the way over, so he got closer. Now we were only one arm length apart. 

"So?" he said, not wanting to wait any longer. 

"I will tell you" i paused "but you have to promise me that you won't hurt me" 

He grinned a little. "Are you going to tell me something, that would get me to hurt you?" he asked. 

"Well i am not sure how you will react to that" 

"Fine, just tell me i am getting impatient with you" 

For this to work i stepped even closer to him, closing that gap between us. "It's actually quite simple, i wanted to stay with you because i somehow got to like you" i said and looked down. 
He grabbed my chin and lifted it up very fast. I assume, because he wanted to look into my eyes and see whether i was lying.

"I am afraid of you, but i respect you and i also like you" As soon as "like" left my lips i couldn't keep the eye contact. 
He seemed a little suspicous of that. 

"I am also very disgusted with myself" I said and again looked into his eyes. "And i am ashamed" I looked away again. 

"Are you insulting me?" 
"Well i guess so, even though i like you, i shouldn't. I hate both of you. And yet, here i am, falling in love with something that wanted to kill me."

I saw a grin on his face again, which was relieving, because he was enjoying it, as it seemed. 
"You dare a lot, don't you? I like that."

"I am sorry and i know that i shouldn't even dream or think of such thing, but you wanted me to tell the truth. I would understand you wanting to get rid of me now, but just keeping me around you would be enough, i wouldn't annoy you or cling onto you."

I was feeling so anxious. What would he say or do now? 

As he came closer and was about to start speaking, we heard the doorbell. 
It was fairly late so it was surprising to hear the doorbell at this hour. 

"Who is that?" I whispered. 
"I wonder..." he said while having a big grin as if he knew. 
We both went down, him a few steps ahead of me. He walked closer to the door and openend it. 

What a surprise. It was Camui. Couldn't he have come a few minutes earlier? Then i wouldn't have to go through all that lying. I started cursing him in my head. 

"Good evening" Camui said. 
"Good evening, come in" Takanori said and step aside so he could come in, while glancing at me for a second. Just then, i realized that i must have been looking quite terrified, so i looked down immediately. 

"Good evening" Camui said, while looking over at me. 
I returned the greeting in a whisper and excused myself, while starting to walk to the kitchen. 

"Where are you going? Stay with us" Takanori suddenly said in a calm voice. 
Why? Why would i stay with them? 

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