[Hyde/Vampire] Kill Him//2

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As soon as we returned the next day, i got called into his room.

"So how did it go?" he asked right away.

"Well we got to talk. He asked me about that wound on your face, how i did it and such." i said, while he came closer to see whether i saw telling the truth. 

"Did he seem interested in you?" 

"I don't really know, i guess.." i whispered more to myself, but i was sure that he would hear me. 

"This is going way too slowly." he said and went back to sit down. 

"What are we going to do?" 

"Since next week is his birthday, we will have one last chance with him" 

Not much was said anymore. That one week passed really quickly, but Camui didn't tell me what the actual plan was for his birthday. 

The day came and Camui, some of the maids and me went over. Of course i was serving as a maid, so i couldn't really talk to Camui about what he had planned. 

When i went out to get some of the food on the tables, there were already a lot of people there, i saw Camui standing next to Takanori, wishing him a happy birthday i guess. I really don't understand this guy, what is he going to do?
While starring in their direction, Takanori caught my gaze for a second before i turned around and went into the kitchen again. 

Camui pov---

"You brought her too?" he asked me, when he saw her serving the food. 

"Yeah, but it's her last day, i am going to get rid of her after this" i said, while picking up my wine. If this doesn't work, i will really need to get rid of her. 

"You seem to like her, why not keep her longer?" he said, while nodding to people who greeted him. 

"She is quite bothersome and i still can't forgive her for this" i said and pointed at my face.

"That's quite unforgivable, right?" he said and laughed. He was enjoying this way too much, but if this works out, he won't laugh much longer.

Her pov----

The night went on and all the guest were enjoying their time as well as Takanori. There were surely 100 people over there eating, dancing, wearing very beautiful dresses and smokings. 
For the other maids and me it was quite a difficult time though. We needed to serve the food, clean up if something got messy and check on people who needed something. 

I got very tired at about midnight, i just wanted to go and sleep but the party was still going on and it didn't seem like it would end anytime soon. I looked around a bit and excused myself for my first break of the day. I said i would need to use the toilet, which i did, but more than that i wanted to grab some fresh air. Since last time we slept over, i remembered how to get to the balcony. 
I went up the stairs and turned left. There were people everywhere so nobody really noticed me going up. 
It was unfortunate but there were people on the balcony too, which was somehow to be expected. 

So i went over to the room Takanori gave me the last time i slept here. I remembered the windows there to be huge. Well actually the windows were huge everywhere in this villa. 

I went in and lucky me, there was no one inside. 

I almost ran over to the window.
Where did i even get that sudden rush of energy? 
I opened them and took a deep breath of the fresh midnight air. 
It was completely dark outside. The room was located with a view towards the forest so there was nothing, i could only hear some animal noises and the wind brushing over some trees. 

Finally my brain fog started to lift off. 

I took a couple more breaths and just starred out of the window. 

I heard something behind me so i turned around.
Did someone come in? Or was it just the noise from the people outside? 
Nothing was there so i turned to the window again after a couple of seconds. 

"You really shouldn't be in here." i heard from behind. 


I turned around and saw him sitting on one of the chairs. 

"Oh i am sorry, i just wanted to get some fresh air. I will get back" i said and wanted to close the windows when he started to talk again. 

"I mean you shouldn't be in here taking breaks, Camui seems not very satisfied with your work anyway" 

Did he tell him that? 

"Oh. Well, i guess he isn't." 

"So since he is going to throw you out anyway, do you want to work for me?" he asked. 

It worked? It actually worked? 
I got somehow happy and couldn't hide my smile. 

"I mean if you need a new maid." 

He stood up and started walking towards me. 

"Well, i don't really need anyone, but i pity you somehow. He is surely going to kill you" 
he almost whispered while already very close to me. 

I didn't really know what to say. I mean, i know if this doesn't work, Camui surely is going to kill me. But i didn't really like him saying that he pitied me. What is there to pity? Does he know that i am doing all this on my own will?

I did a slight bow and said "Thank you for that then"

He smiled a little until i continued "But...I would appreciate it, if you wouldn't pity me" 
I looked into his eyes as i said it to show him that i meant it. 

"What if i still do? Will you scratch me like you did with Camui? Do you dare?" 

"Well i am not sure if i would be quick enough, but i would dare" I said and didn't breakt eye contact. I didn't even lie. If this worked out, it would be more than a scratch.

His smile just got bigger and he said "you are hired" 

I went back to work after that. It must have been around 4 am in the morning when the last guest left and only Camui was there. 

He was looking at me without any emotion so i couldn't tell whether he already knew that i am staying here or not. 

After he got his coat he looked at me. "Let's go" 

"Oh Camui, i almost forgot" Takanori rushed over to us. 

"You said you aren't going to keep her anymore, right? Well, i think she fits here better anyway" he said with a smile. 

I immediately looked over to Camui. He looked a bit confused. 
"Are you sure? She is really bothersome and don't forget about this" he said while pointing at this cheek. 

"I know i know, but she wouldn't dare with me" he said and smiled again, while also looking at me for a bit. 

Camui looked a little bit mad about what was said, but he just shrugged his shoulders. 
"Fine with me, but don't complain later on, my friend" he said with a smile that i had never seen before. 

It actually was working out, right? Now we just needed the killing part done. Which was the hardest i guess. But he was still pretty happy. 

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