[Kamijo] Let me paint you //3

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Kamijo pov---

"These are not even news, who will believe this?" i said while tossing the paper aside.

"People believe anything that these tabloids write" my manager said while picking up the paper from the floor. 

"I have never stolen a song from anyone, how can they write such lies"

"Someone surely is trying to bad mouth you for something" he continued and sat down in front of me.

"Thank you, i know that for myself, why else would they invent such a bullshit" 
How am i supposed to concentrate and create new songs while, someone is spreading such things about me. I mean it's not like, they never have lied about me in these tabloids, but accusing me of stealing someones song, while i work so hard on each and every of them is just another level."

"Look you seem pretty angry right now, you should calm down first, let me deal with them" he said and stood up. 

"Angry? Of course i am angry, you know how much time i spend on one single song!" i yelled.

"As i said. I will go and try to take this article down" 
Before i could say anything more he was out the door. 

I feel bad for yelling at him. He works really hard and it's not like this is his fault. 
Maybe i really need to calm down. 

Her pov----

I haven't seen him here since a month now. 
I mean it's not like i am waiting for him, but...ah i don't even know. 

I shook my head to get rid of all these thoughts and i guess Satoh-san noticed my concerned look. 

"Are you okay? You seem quite off" he said while mobbing the floor beside me. 

"Oh yeah, just school and all this is getting a bit too much, but nothing serious, don't worry" i said and rushed to the customer that had just stepped into the cafe. 

It got late and i still needed to go to do some grocery shopping before heading home. 
Another problem i couldn't stop thinking about were my assignments. How is one supposed to do so much work in a span of a week. 

"Ah okay, yes i will be there in a bit" i heard Satoh-san say into his phone and wondered if something happend, his shift ends in 2 hours and he needs to close the store. 

As if he was reading my mind, he turned around and looked at me, with a quite frightened expression. 

"What happend?"

"Ahm, i know i shouldn't be asking you this, but could you take over my shift. My little sister broke her arm and i need to rush to the hospital, my parents are at a vacation on the country side so" 

As soon as i heard that i agreed without thinking how i am going to manage all this. 

"Thank you so much" he said an wanted to rush off already.

"Ah Satoh-san, so i just need to get everyone out in 2 hours and just close the store, right?" 

"Exactly, Mina-san will clean the kitchen at the end and head out a bit earlier so you will only be alone at the end."

"Okay alright, go now."

He bowed quickly and went. 

Okay this shouldn't be too difficult to handle, i will only be alone for about half an hour and then i can just go home. 

My hopes of going to buy some food for tomorrow, will be postponed until tomorrow then. 

An hour passed. 

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