[Koichi] Whose apartment?

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Finally i could move to a bigger apartment. The last year has been exhausting but now everything is going to be much better hopefully. This new apartment is my first positive sign for this year, so i am more motivated. The fact that it was cheaper than expected is just the best.

I had only one suitcase with me, i didn't have so much stuff in my old apartment anyway so i sold the furniture and threw away a lot of the other things. Only taking the important things with me i moved to another city now. 
Since tomorrow will be my interview for the new job i wanted to come over pretty early. To be exact it was 9am. 

I was standing in front of the building now. I looked it up and down before i entered the lobby. Someone was standing next to the elevator. I went over and greeted that person. 
We both entered the elevator and just now i noticed his unique hair color. I couldn't see it from behind because he had his hoodie on, but now that we were in the elevator he pulled it down. 
How did he actually get it to such a bright pink, mostly when people dye their hair pink, it doesn't look that neat. 

I guess i was starring too long, when i caught him looking at me, i turned away. As i was looking down now, I saw that he had a sports bag with him. He must be living here too. 

As the elevator doors opened and i got out, i noticed that he got out too. He can't possible be my new neighbor? Ah i shouldn't haved starred like that. 

I kept going. My new apartment was at the very back of the hall, there was one more apartment before mine, when i passed that one, i assumed him to get in there. But he was still behind me. When i got to my apartment i turned around quickly. 

He stopped and starred at me. 

"Are you following me?" i asked him. 

He didn't say anything but looked a bit confused at me. 

"Look i didn't mean to stare like that, it also didn't mean that i am somehow inviting you over to my apartment!" i almost yelled because i was getting scared of his quiet behavior. 

"He came closer and was standing only inches away from me. He was pretty tall too. I had to look way up to him. 

I got into a defense position. Ready to punch if he did something but he just turned to the door and opend the door with his key. Before i could react he closed the door. 

What? Was i in front of the wrong apartment?
I looked at the number again, but it was the right one. How did he?
I quickly got my keys and opened the door and it did unlock with my keys, so i can't be wrong. 
I entered too and he was still there taking off his shoes. He looked at me, this time in shock. 

"Hey. How did you get in?" he asked. Surprisingly his voice was pretty deep. 

I held up my keys. He touched his pockets because he thought that i had taken his, but he pulled them out. He looked at them for some seconds and then back at me. 

"There must be some kind of misunderstanding." I said and took out my phone. I had to call the landlord. 

I called but no one picked up. He set down on the floor and looked up. 

"He doesn't pick up. You try it too" i said.

"It's useless" he said without trying. "He scammed us. I was already wondering why it was cheaper than usual" 

"Well, same. What are we going to do now?" i said already panicking about my job interview tomorrow.

"2 options, either one of leaves or we live together until the other finds a new place." 

"I can't leave! I have  a job interview tomorrow i need to get ready and rest a bit. Could you maybe...?" I was already feeling bad for kicking him out but i really needed this apartment, i couldn't go anywhere else after moving here from another city. 

"Sure" he said without hesitating. I was so thankful to him.

He looked at me for a second and then went further into the apartment. 

"Hey, where?" 

He turned to me. "It's okey, i don't mind living with you" he said. 

"What? Well, that wasn't exactly what i mean-"

"Don't worry, i will only be at home to sleep, i work all day" 

I wasn't sure if that was very comforting. 

"I was sleeping at my friends house. It was quite difficult to find a place, so i can't really go back to that. I hope you understand." he said and put his bag on the couch. 

Well i guess we all have our struggles. I shouldn't be too selfish. 

"Fine, for today let's do this, i need to prepare for tomorrow. I will look for an apartment after that." He just nodded and continued unpacking. I just stood there awkwardly still thinking if i should really stay here. 

"You can have the room" he said and pointed to the bedroom. "You also have the key for the bedroom right?" he said and handed me his copy of the bedroom key. "Don't worry, i won't come in."

He seems like a pretty decent guy. I got happy and thanked him before going in the bedroom and unpacking myself. 

"I am going out then" he said after half an hour of preparing his stuff. "I will be back pretty late so don't panic when the door opens at night" 

I nodded and he went out. 

"I wonder what he does..."

After putting everything it its place in my room i opened my laptop to check on some things about the company i applied to. 
At this point i wondered if i really wanted that job. If i didn't get it, i could still go back. That would be somehow less of a stress, than starting to look for a new apartment while working. 

I fell asleep after reading on and on about that companies policies. 
Hearing the door open i instantly woke up. I didn't have a deep sleep so anything could wake me up. I looked at my phone and it was already past midnight. 

I heard him going over to the shower. 

I was still up when i heard him come out. I honestly couldn't sleep, because i was thinking what would actually happen tomorrow. 

Suddenly i heard him yell out, so i opend my door. He looked up. 

"Are you okay?" 

"Yeah, just stubbed my toe on the couch" 

"Ahh, must hurt" 

"Why aren't you sleeping yet?" he asked while robbing his toe. 

"I am kind of nervous, because of tomorrow."

"I see" he said and sat down while still holding his toe. 

"Ah also, i ordered pizza and left you some too. I just wanted to thank you for giving me the room and the key."

"Thank you for letting me stay too." He smiled and I smiled back before going to my room and wishing him a good night. 

-jrockerxreader//one shots-Where stories live. Discover now