[Koichi] Whose Apartment? //2

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It was around 6am when we both got up. Both needed to head out pretty soon. When i went over to the bathroom, he was still inside, so i went over to the kitchen to drink some water. Since you could see the bathroom from the kitchen, i saw when he came out. I was a little bit startled, even though i knew he would come out of there at some point. 

He came out, a towel was wrapped around his waist and he was drying his hair with another towel. 

"Ah morning" i said and looked away because i didn't want to make this situation more awkward by starring. He didn't seem to care much. I was putting down my glass of water when he came over. 

"Can i?" he said and pointed at the glass. 

"Ah sure" i handed it over and he started drinking from my glass. I saw waterdrops still falling from his hair and some smaller ones on his chest. Then i noticed that i was starring, which i didn't want to, unfortunately to me he noticed too. So i just went around him quickly and into the bathroom.

I finished showering and noticed that i didn't bring in any towels and then i noticed that he actually took my towels. I hung them up yesterday and he just took them. 
How didn't i notice when i saw them on him. I must have been really distracted.
I was kind of angry but i didn't know what to do right now. 
I heard some noises from outside to i went over to the door. 

"Ahm are you out there?" i asked. 


"Ahm the towels, i need one, please" i said and wondered why i couldn't actually tell him that those were mine. 

"Ah i am sorry, i didn't bring in my clothes and couldn't just go outside naked. I won't use them anymore" 

I heard him coming closer to the bathroom door. I opended the door a bit and streched my hand out. He put the towel into my hand and i quickly closed the door again. 

"It was still quite wet and i didn't really know if i wanted to use it.  How does one get into such a situation?
 I just dabbed it over my body so i could put my clothes on and hung it up there again. 

When i went out he wasn't there anymore. He already went out? 

I got ready in the next hour and wanted to fill up my bottle for later, when i went over the the tap, i saw the pizza box on the kitchen table. 

{Good luck for today}

was written on the box, with i assume a black marker. It actually made me smile, when i noticed that i already needed to head out. 

I arrived in front of the company and quickly went up. I wasn't really late, but i didn't want to be there at the last minute. First impressions matter, after all. 

After 10 minutes of waiting with the other applicants. The first 5 went in for the interview. I am sure there are at least 20 people here and they only take in 3. Suddenly i remembered the note he left on the pizza box. At least i have one friend in this new city. 

But wait, are we even friends? Or only roommates. It's so strange to define this relationship, since i don't even know him. 
As i was sinking deeper into my thoughts, i heard my name being called out. I stood up immediately, just like 4 others and we all went in.

--Koichi pov--

I wonder if she saw the note on the pizza box. 
Ah, i need to buy towels before going home. Using hers was maybe not the best idea. 

She was surely starring when i came out-

"Morning!" i heard from the side. I looked over and saw Genki coming over. 

"Ah morning" i said, while he sat down in front of me. It was still early in the morning so we met up in the cafeteria in our company bulding. 

"Hey, how is your new apartment?" he asked, since i have been telling him about it the last week. 

"Yeah, quite nice" i said. 

"Let's celebrate after work, i want to see it" he said. 

"Ah i don't really have time today" i said. Even though i wanted to show him my apartment, it was impossible, how was i  going to explain the girl. 

"Oh alright, how about on the weekend?" he asked. 

"I am not so sure yet, i will tell you later" i said and felt already bad. He didn't really look like he was believing me either, but he didn't say anything more and got over to get us some coffee. 

Photoshoot and then filming for our next music video, that was my whole day. Filming took up a lot of time and energy, since we had to do some scenes over and over again, but it needed to be perfect. At the end i was quite happy that we finsihed half of it. 

I was quite tired but nonetheless i needed to go and buy some things for myself. I can't use up all her stuff. 
I went into the convenice store 2 streets down from our company and bought towels, a new shampoo bottle, a small pot for all the ramen i will need to cook and some ramen. 

I headed back to the apartment and wondered if she was already home. She must be, it was just an interview, right? Can't take up that much time.

When i opended the door i could smell ramen being cooked. So she is home. 
I went inside and saw her in the kitchen cooking up ramen, just as i thought.

"Hey" i said and she turned around. 

"Oh hey!" she said very happily. 

"Since you seem so happy, i guess you got the job" i somehow asked and she started smiling and nodding. 

"They gave me a 2 year contract!" 

"Congratz, i am happy for you" i said and sat down in front of  the small table next to the couch, which was now also my bed.

She brought over a bowl full of ramen and some side dishes. 

"Ah thank you" i was kind of surprised that she cooked for me too. Even though i wasn't that hungry, i ate up. It was delicious. 

"Actually, i am sorry but can i ask you what you do for work?"

"Music" i said shortly. I wasn't sure if i wanted to tell her everything about me yet. 

"So what are we going to do now?" i asked, before she could ask me more.

"Now? ahm sleep i gue-" 

"About the apartment" i added before she misunderstood more. 

"Oh about that. I am not sure yet, we both need this apartment right. We could maybe look for another one the next weeks. Since we both work it's going to take time, right."

"Sure let's do that" i said and smiled. She didn't seem too worried about living with me. Do i really look that innocent? Maybe i should tease her a bit.

--Her Pov---

I wanted to wash the dishes when he suddenly took away the plate out of my hand. 

"You cooked, so i will wash up" he said and started washing the dishes.

"Ah thank you, that's really nice" i said while standing there and watching him mindlessly. 

"Do you need something?" he asked and looked over to me. 

"No, i just...I will go to sleep now. Good night" i almost whispered and ran off.
Why am i starring at him so much and why does he have to notice it every time.

-jrockerxreader//one shots-Where stories live. Discover now