[ Tsuzuku ] - One meeting

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"I can't hear you" i almost yelled on the phone with my friend on the other end. 

"I...at...bar...hear...can you?" i only heard. After the conncection didn't approve at all, i hung up and just messaged her. 

After a few minutes i finally got an answer, about where she exactly was. 

"Go left and then right around the corner? What kind of directions are these?....and then just go through the door next to the stage" At least there was a street name and number attached to the message.

I followed her vague instructions and arrived at a building, which was clearly some type of club. The music was quite loud and i couldn't see a lot because the lights were flashing all the time. I still managed to find the door next to  the stage. I walked all the way to the back and opened the first door there. I looked around for a second, but no one seemed to be inside. As i wanted to call out my friend, i suddenly felt someone standing behind me. 

"Ah not again" i heard a deep voice. I turned around and saw a tall guy with dark long hair standing there, looking slightly down at me.

"Listen, you can't just come backstage"

"But-" i tried to explain but was cut off when he threw the cigarette he was holding on the floor and grabbed my arm. 

"Do i really need to call Security?" he warned me. 

"Why would you call the? Listen, my friend is here" i pleaded. 

He started looking even more annoyed. "Your friend is here too? Are you guys crazy?" he almost yelled. He started looking around for my friend i guessed and dragging me with him. 

"My friend said she is backstage with one of the musicians, she told me to come here" 

"What?" he asked as if he didn't believe a word i said. 

"Honestly, i can show you the message" i begged. He would't really listen and started dragging me out  of the room. I almost pushed my phone into his face. He turned his head away, seemingly annoyed at this point. But at the second glance he read the message. 

"You are the wrong venue. This is the second building, you need the first one on the left side."

"Ohh..." I looked down thinking about the directions she gave me. It was very vague, no wonder i am in the wrong place. 

"Well, i guess i was wrong, but you didn't have to push me around like that, you could have just let me explain it" 

Without responding he just rolled his eyes. 

When i was to make my way outside, i heard people coming down. He immediately grabbed my arm again and dragged me to the end of the room. 

He opened the other door there and pushed me inside. He also got inside and turned the light on. After i saw that we were now standing inside a bathroom, i wanted to protest, as i thought he had some weird intentions by dragging me here. 
"What are-" he suddenly put his hand over my mouth. He opened the door just a crack and looked outside. 

For a few seconds there was complete silence outside. I only could hear my own heartbeat and it was beating fast. He looked over to me again. Did he perphaps hear my heartbeat too?
He put his finger up to his lips as if to sign me to be quiet. I nodded and he stopped covering my mouth. 

He closed the door suddenly. My eyes widened when he looked over to me. What was this? 
"Listen-we just need to stay here for a few seconds, otherwise my manager is going to see you and he isn't in the best mood. Some girls came backstage last week and it was quite chaotic." 

I understood what he was saying but it felt like it didn't have anything to do with me? I am not a stalker or anything like that? Why can't i just explain it to his manager and go my way? 

"Since now i know that it was a misunderstanding on my behalf, i would like to apologize" he insisted. 

I nodded again and he cracked a little smile. 

We suddenly heard the voices again, but this time much closer. He put his ear against the door and listend for a few seconds. Suddenly someone tried to open the door. We both jumped a little. 

"Eh? Who is inside?....Tsuzuku?" 

He opened the door just enough so he could see through. "Yeah it's me, i am not feeling very well, could you maybe get me some water?" he begged. 

The person on the other side asked what was up with him and that they still had to perform in half an hour. He calmed him down and said that he just needs to freshen up and it would be alright but he still demanded some water. I guess to get him out of the room?

The guy on the other side agreed, so he closed the door again. We could still hear him outside. 

When he closed and moved a little closer to my side, his hand brushed against my leg. As i was just wearing a skirt for the night out, i felt the warmth of his hand directly on my skin and shifted a bit to the side. He noticed that and smiled a little. 

"Your legs are pretty cold" he said and suddenly put his whole palm on my leg. I brushed his hand off immediately. "I am not cold at all." i protested.

"Why are wearing such a short skirt during this weather if you can't handle the cold?" he mocked me. 

"I am not cold!" i repeated. "Besides, look who is speaking, you are wearing a fishnet top, i can see your whole chest." 

"But i am not cold."  he grabbed my hand to put it under his shirt. He wasn't lying, i felt quite some of that heat while touching his chest, but i didn't want to admit it. 

"You are colder than me!" i almost screamed and he put his hand over my mouth again. 

"Do i need to come even closer, so you will believe me" he moved towards me, my heart started beating faster than before. I turned my head away. My hand was still touching his chest. I tried to pull away but he held it in place. I could feel his breath on my face, when i suddenly realized what a weird situation is actually is and pushed him aside. He looked at me for while and then just smiled. After i distanced myself even more he put his ear against the door again.

"It seems like they are gone, let's get you out." he said with a smile. 

 He brought me outside the room and explained the way to the other building. Even after the weird situation in the bathroom, i appreciated him helping me. My night out could have also ended with me getting dragged outside by the security. 

"Thanks, i will surely find the way now." I turned around to walk away. 

"I will be here next Saturday, would be happy to see you again." i heard him blurt out.

"We will see" i said with a smile this time and went out to find my friend. 

-jrockerxreader//one shots-Where stories live. Discover now