[ Kamijo ] Vampire Hunter

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"Do you think this is going to work?"We finally had the opportunity to meet after 6 months, I was so excited to see the others, but we didn't have much time to talk about anything else but our next plans.

"Why are you being so suspicious? It already worked 3 times" she replied instead of me."Maybe we should hide for some time" I liked the idea, I would love to have a break from this, but I knew there was no way.

"We can't just take a break! You know how many people the last one had killed. They won't just stop for us to take a break" He said and he was right. "I am okay, we can continue" I said, setting aside my own desires. That moment my new mission started.

- 3 months later-

Today was the day. Finally, he would be back and I could start my investigation. I have been working in this mansion for 3 months already and I haven't been able to find out anything.
I felt like I was just wasting my time sitting around waiting for him to be back in the country already. I only had one meeting with him at the beginning when i was hired as his seamstress.

I washed my face and got dressed. It was very early in the morning and everyone was preparing for his return. The maids were cleaning every corner of the mansion, the cooks were cooking a feast for his return. Everyone could sense the stress and excitement that came along with his long-awaited return.

I was looking over all of his outfits, taking them all out and searching for holes or any damages they might have. That's what I have been doing for the past 3 months. Looking over his clothes and making some new coats I hoped he would like.

As soon as I was done I went down to join the others and maybe help them out there. It was time, some maids were already waiting in front of the mansion for his carriage to finally arrive. I went out as well and lined up next to the maids. After 10 minutes of waiting he arrived.

He got off the carriage and the staff was excited, some smiling, others pretending to be happy. He went around greeting everyone. He seemed quite humble to be honest. The greetings didn't go on for too long and we were back inside. He went up to his room and we only saw him at the dinner table. They prepared a feast for him, he seemed happy and appreciated the effort, after the dinner he went into the kitchen, I guess to thank the cooks.

After that exciting day, everyone went to sleep pretty early. The next morning I saw the maids prepare to go to the market. I needed to get to the city myself to contact the others and tell them that he was back and everyone needed to be ready if something happened.
I told the main butler that I would like to buy some new materials and he didn't think too much of it and gave me permission to join the maids. We took the carriage in which Kamijo arrived yesterday.

As we were on our way to the market through the forest, the carriage suddenly halted and we heard the coachman scream. The maids got scared immediately. I signed them to stay quiet. I opened the door slowly and stepped outside closing the door behind me. I saw 4 men in front of the carriage, i looked to my left but the coachman was gone. They probably thought some wealthy people were sitting inside since the carriage looked expensive. The men started smiling when they saw me, I knew where this was going. The one standing in the front started to come towards me.

"Oh were you all alone in there?" he asked. "Sorry about your coachman" he said and started laughing, as the others joined in. Did they kill him? He was already standing close. I needed him to get even closer.
"But" he looked me up and down. "This dress doesn't seem to match the carriage" He added and looked towards the carriage.
He turned to open the door, which was my chance to take his sword. As soon as I took the sword, I kicked him to the ground and then added a second kick to his chin. The other 3 charged toward me. 2 of them weren't very skilled with their swords so I took them out quickly the same way as the first one. The last one was much better and managed to kick me to the ground and slit my back quite deep.
 As I screamed and thought he would surely kill me now. I looked behind me and saw him on the ground as two maids were standing there holding a huge rock. I smiled out of relief and tried to stand up. The maids immediately came over to help me. The next second everything went black.

My head was throbbing, I slowly opened my eyes and felt the cold sweat all over my body. I looked down and saw my dress partly drenched with blood. I looked around and realized that I was back at the mansion. I felt a huge relief and closed my eyes again, knowing I was not in danger anymore.

I had a nightmare and woke up. I couldn't remember what I was dreaming but I felt a sharp pain in my back. It was already dark outside when I looked around. Everything was pitch black, I couldn't define any shapes yet. I tried to sit up but as soon as I put my arms around and tried to lift my body, the sharp pain came back. My back was hurting so bad. I slowly laid down again. Tears were flowing down my eyes at that point.

"You shouldn't move around too much" I heard. Even though I was still quite dizzy and disoriented I immediately knew whose voice it was. Why was he in here? 

"Yeah" I only managed. My eyes looked around the room to capture any moving shape but i still couldn't see much.

"I was wondering if you would wake up, your wound looked bad" I heard him again and my eyes were desperately looking for him. I couldn't fight him being in this weak position. Was he suspicious of me already?

"How long was I gone?" I asked and suddenly saw a candle being lit. I could see part of his face. He came towards me and put the candle on my nightstand.

"4 days" he said and looked down at me. "Thank you" He suddenly added. I wondered. "For what?" I asked.

"For saving my staff" he said and put the back of his hand on my forehead. "It's good, your fever is gone too."

As I felt his hand on my forehead I winced. I wasn't expecting it, he noticed that too and withdrew his hand slowly.

"I am glad to hear that they are alright" I almost whispered, because I was getting tired again. "You should sleep now" I saw him take the candle again and leave the room.I fell asleep again.

The next morning I was feeling much better. The maids had come pretty early and changed my bandages. I took some medication and drank the tea they had brought. Before they left they thanked me and one even hugged me for saving them. It warmed my heart.

After a few hours of resting, I wanted to move around a bit. After all I had been laying around in bed for a week already. I stood up and tried to put on my dress over my white nightgown. I took my dress from the chair and made my way to the mirror. I turned around to look at my back. It was all bandaged, I guess it will leave a big scar. The next step was to get the dress over my head but I couldn't lift my hands that freely. I felt the sharp pain again after the first try and the dress fell onto the floor.

As I carefully lifted it, the door opened. It was him again. He was standing there looking at me, as I tried to cover my front with the dress in my hands. I was expecting him to leave when he stepped back into the corridor and looked around, but then he suddenly entered the room again and closed the door. 

He moved towards me. There was a big vase on top of the fireplace. If something happened I had some type of plan, but could I lift it? Would I be fast enough in this condition? He was standing in front of me and didn't say anything, until his hands reached for the dress. "Let me help you." I guess he didn't see any maids around so he came in to help?

I let go of the dress and put my hand up to cover my chest. I felt uncomfortable standing in front of him in my nightgown. He put the dress over my head and helped me get my hands in too. He carefully turned me around to zip up the dress. After a few seconds, I felt his hand on my back. He was touching my wound. I guess he was checking out how bad it was. Suddenly I felt his hand up on my neck, caressing it very carefully. My whole body tensed up, what was he doing?"It was you, wasn't it? He said and I wondered what he was talking about. "2 years ago at the Mascarade"

The Mascarade. I almost forgot about that. He was there too. Back then I was trying to catch another vampire and had a different identity. But I had a mask on, there is no way he could be sure it was me.

"What are you talking about, Sir?" I felt his hands tighten around my arms. Could I break loose? I was too weak to fight him off, I shouldn't even start.

"Wasn't it you that night, who tried to seduce my friend?" he asked. I stayed still and didn't want to show much of a reaction."I don't know what you are talking about. I wouldn't do such a thing" He was right, I was there to catch another Vampire but I wasn't seducing anyone. Unfortunately, that Vampire escaped and I couldn't find him since.

"I am sorry, I guess you two just looked really really similar" he whsipered into my ear. He wasn't buying my lie, but why was he pretending?
"What a pity, I was quite attracted to the woman at the Mascarade" he added and finally let go.

At this point I wasn't sure whether I should stay and continue or disappear as long as I could.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2023 ⏰

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