[Koichi] Whose Apartment? //3

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It was quite early when we woke up in the morning, i ran over to the bathroom. 
He was awake too, sitting at the kitchen table, drinking some orange juice. 

After i finished in the bathroom, i went over to him, since i wanted some orange juice too. I drank a bit and suddenly had the urge to strech. 
As i was streching my shirt went up, after some seconds i noticed that he was calmly drinking his juice and looking at my exposed skin. 

I stopped streching and he just turned his head away, without any kind of reaction. 

I would have wanted to say something, but since i have been starring at him a lot, i am not in the best position. 

"Uhm what are you going to do today?" i asked and sat down. 

"Rest a bit, you?" 

"I want to go out and walk around the neighborhood to know where everything is." i said and continued to drink my orange juice. He nodded lightly and started scrolling on his phone. 

After washing my cup i went to my room and got ready to go outside. 

As i came out i saw a lipstick on the kitchen table and picked it up. When i took a closer look i realised that it wasn't mine. Is it his? Maybe his girlfriends?

When he came out i put it on the table again, but he had already seen it in my hand i guess. He looked down at the liptsick and didn't say anything at first. 

"I'm sorry, i thought it was mine" i thought he would be mad about me touching his stuff so i tried to explain it. 

"It is yours" he said.

"But, i don't remember having this color" i said and looked at it again.

"I know, i bought it for you" he said while drying his hair.

"Ahm oh well thank you, but why?" 

"I like that color" 
He sat down on the couch, without adding anything to that. 

Why doesn't he ever explain anything?

I put it in my purse and went out, he didn't say anything so i didn't really understand what he wanted me to do. Wear this color for him? 

I went out and after going around the neighborhood and taking some pictures of some shops near by, i decided to actually drive out to the city to look around there a bit. I didn't really want to go back so early after that weird conversation. 

---Koichi pov----

Since it was already saturday and i had some time to rest, i was sitting in front of the TV, while trying some new songs on the guitar. After a while i stopped since i didn't want to disturb the neighbors too much. 

I got bored, nothing interesting was on TV either.
My eyes wandered over to her room. She had left the door open and i mean i would never do such a thing. 

But i was so bored. 

I looked inside and saw a pretty neat room. I wonder if she is a cleaning freak. Maybe i should clean up my stuff. 
I looked over to the couch and saw my clothes at different places. 

I went in, as i saw her make up bag on the small table beside her bed. I looked inside to see what kind of lipstick she has. 
She only had one in very light pink. The one i gave her was more of a dark red. I guess she is not going to wear it. 

But if she only has one?
Instead of putting her lipstick back, i put it into my pocket. 
She still has mine, right?

I had to kind of smile as i went out of her room again. She is probaby going to look for this all around the apartment.

----Her pov----

It was already 10pm when i got back. I actually found a lot of nice stores in the city and could get my hands on some new clothes.

Before i went in i rememered the lipstick. After a minute of just standing there and thinking, i pulled out a little mirror and the lipstick. 

I kind of wanted to know what he would say. This color is a bit too dark for me but it's not like i am going to work with it. 

I was so nervous to go in. I wonder if he is even at home. 

I went in and saw him sitting at the couch watching TV. He looked up and i quite surely saw him glance at my lips, but he didnt say anything other then. "Oh you are back" 

Is he trying to drive me insane? I was so nervous about  what he would say when he saw this and he is just ignoring it. 

I just nodded and went to my room. 

After chaning my clothes i wanted to take a bath so i took some new clothes and made my way to the bathroom. When i got out he wasn't on the couch anymore and i heard some noises from the bathroom. 

I waited some inches away from the door, while looking over to the TV show that was on. 

He suddenly opened the door and looked at me. It looked like he was done in there so i wanted to squeeze past him but he didn't move, so i looked up. 

"Can i borrow that lipstick?" he asked me and pointed at my lips.

"Ah sure, it's in my bag, i will get it for you" i replied and wanted to go back to my room, but i felt his hand on my arm turning me back. 

"It's okay, this will do" he said and pressed his lips on mine.

-jrockerxreader//one shots-Where stories live. Discover now