[Yoka] Neighbor's cat

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----Yoka pov---

Ah finally that old hag is moving out, i couldn't even listen to music, without her coming over and telling me to only listen to music via headphones. 

I hope someone decent will move in this time. I can't handle another one of her.

As i went out of my apartment to get to work i saw the old woman still moving stuff. I just politely greeted her and went my way. 

Today was quite a special day. Our new album is going to get released and we needed to attend some interviews beforehand. Not such a busy day but i was still nervous, i wasn't sure whether this was all we could have done for the album or should we have just took more time. I guess i won't ever be 100% satisfied with anything. 

After wrapping up the last interview i headed home. 
I had totally forgotten about the old woman moving so i got a little surprised when i got up to my apartment and saw a young girl standing there. 

There was a lot of stuff around her. I wasn't sure if she was moving in or if she was just helping the old woman move out. 
I got kind of shy and didn't want to ask. As soon as she heard me getting out my keys she turned around. 

"Oh hello" she said and smiled, surprised.

"Ah hello" i said more sursprised than her.

"I guess i am your new neighbor" she said and came closer to shake my hand. I shook her hand and bowed a bit. She is really cute, i couldn't deny that. Is she really moving in? This is like a dream, after that old annoying woman, this was already heaven. 

"Nice to meet you" she said and wanted to continue but one of the helpers that were getting more of her stuff up called her. 

"ah i'm sorry" she said and went over. 

After watching her and the guy get into the apartment i also got into mine. We surely will have more opportunities to talk. Also i was kind of tired and had to feed my cat already.
As soon as i got in my cat approched me. 

"ohh did you miss me?" i said and she started pouring and brushing herself against my leg. 

"you must be hungry, i will make you something" 
as i went to the kitchen to get her food she started meowing and looked up.
"yeah i know i know" 

I put her food in front of her and she started eating while ignoring me now. 

---Her pov---

"Thank you very much" i said and bowed to the workers who had helped me move all my furniture into my new apartment. 

This was a really tiring day. Moving is such a pain, i think i lost quite some weight the last week. 
Guess i can order some fast food now. 
I got excited and almost forgot to feed my little hamsters. It must have been stressful for them too. I quickly unpacked one of the packages to get their food.

"There you go, guys"
After watching them eat for a while, i again remembered that i wanted to order something. 

"Hmm but that's going to take time as well, maybe i should just go the the convenience store"
I got up and dressed to go down to the convenience store. 

It was already late when i got out but i could get everything pretty fast since almost no one was at the store at this time. 
When i came back to my apartment i heard some noises and thought the hamsters were just moving around since it's their activity time, but when i looked over i saw a cat over their cage. 

"Eh? Whose cat is that?"
I quickly went over to get the cat away from my little hamsters but she started hissing at me. I didn't know what to do. 
I looked around and saw that the window was slightly more open than before, i guess that's how she came in. 
As i looked out i saw the window of my neighbor quite closly to mine. Neighbor? Ah the guy i saw in the afternoon. 

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