[Mana] A Doll Maker // 3

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Days passed and I kept painting new dolls for him while also doing the job I was hired for. I felt like I had been painting dolls all night for the past few days. Barely sleeping. I also lost my appetite, I kept thinking of what kind of doll he would like. I kept showing him a few dolls.He looked at the last doll.

I hoped to get some type of expression, but there was nothing, as usual. I didn't know at all whether he liked or disliked any of the dolls. Why would he be so cruel and not show any reaction in this kind of situation. It was killing me.

Again, two days passed, and I showed him some more dolls.He came closer and closer. It felt like his eyes were piercing through my soul. I just hoped he would give me some kind of expression so I would know what he was thinking.He again looked at the doll and then threw her to the side.

Today was the last day. I wanted to skip dinner, but being present at the dinner was one of the rules, and I didn't want to break any rules in this situation. The only thing I could do was eat quickly and then excuse myself. As I was eating the last pieces of my bread, I jumped up and excused myself. I promptly walked back to the studio and started painting a new doll. This one needs to be good. I was almost done with the eyes, but I had to redo the lips for the 4th time. They didn't look right.

My whole body felt so warm. Was I getting sick?I can't get sick now. Not now. I tried to keep my eyes open, but it was very difficult.My body was slowly but surely shutting down. I was so tired I felt my head hit the table suddenly. It hurt, but I also couldn't do anything, I was too tired. I felt my body slide off the chair slowly. I was falling down when I suddenly started floating.
Was I unconscious?

My body felt like it was just floating in the room. Suddenly I heard footsteps. I tried to open my eyes to call for help, but I could only open them for a second, and everything went black after that. In that one second, I saw him above me. I felt his warmth, was he carrying me?
At first, I could only hear the footsteps, but in that one second, I could also feel my body going up and down in the rhythm of his footsteps.

My head felt like it was going to explode. I heard the door and my eyes finally opened. I looked at the door, but no one was there. Did someone knock?"Hel-" I wanted to say, but my head started throbbing, so I tried to remain in the same position until the headache lessened.

I opened my eyes again and tried to look around. I fainted, I remember that. And after that?
Tomorrow is the last day and here I am, sick and in bed. I tried to shift my head to the window. It was night already, I don't even have a day left. I have to get up.

I put my hands to my sides and tried to lift my body up. My head started hurting again, but not like before, so I kept going. I shifted my legs off the bed and as soon as I put my feet on the ground the door opened.
He looked at me, trying to get out of the bed. I put my whole body weight on my feet, which was not the best decision. I couldn't hold myself up anymore and I fell on my knees.

The next second, I felt his hands on my arms, lifting me up and putting me back onto the bed."I..m...not done-" I tried to mumble so he would understand. He shook his head and pressed me against the bed lightly. He returned to the door, where he had left the tea on the side table. I guess he put it there while rushing to help me. I felt the fever coming back.

There was a knock on the door. The butler came in with a bucket of water. He wanted to bring it in, but Mana went over and took the bucket. The butler seemed slightly surprised but handed over the bucket and left again.Mana came over again and put his hand on my forehead. I almost could see a concerned expression, but I was so hot it felt like I was hallucinating.I again couldn't keep my eyes open and fell asleep. I felt something cool on my forehead just before I drifted into sleep.

I felt the sun hit my face. I slowly opened my eyes and saw the butler opening the curtains and looking back at me. I wanted to say something, but I still felt weak. My fever was gone, though.I watched the butler walking out and saw a chair beside my bed. Did he sit here all night?

Suddenly I felt something moving beside me and my head shot to the other side of my bed, and he was lying there, sleeping. Did he really stay here the whole night? I felt even worse. First, I broke his favorite doll, and now he had to nurse me back to health.

I looked at him sleeping, wondering what he was always thinking, what his voice actually sounded like. That one moment felt very peaceful, as if all my problems had vanished. 
While I was looking at him, he suddenly opened his eyes. The peaceful moment was gone, I looked away immediately.

He sat up beside me and put his hand on my forehead again. After a second, he stood up and came to the other side of the bed, and suddenly pulled out the doll I had painted last night. I was surprised and tried to sit up. I guess this is the last time he will judge one of my dolls. Furthermore, I looked at him, and he turned the doll around. The eyes were the same, but I remember redoing the lips and not finishing them. The lips were black on this one, just like his. Did he finish painting the doll? I was confused, things didn't look good for me, did they?

I looked over at him, but there was no expression at all, as always.Suddenly, he leaned in close to my face. My heart started to beat very fast. What was happening? He looked into my eyes, no expressions still. In the next second, I could feel his lips press against my cheek. He remained there for a few seconds and pulled back.

I looked at him, baffled. He held up the doll again and shook it lightly to show me. After that, he left the room, with the doll in his hands. He didn't throw it to the side. That's a good sign, isn't it?

I put up my hand to the cheek he had just kissed. It felt nice.
Did that mean I could stay?

-jrockerxreader//one shots-Where stories live. Discover now