[Hyde/Vampire] Kill him.

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Who is that? Takanori asked. 

"She is the one that did this to me" he said and smiled. 

"She?" he looked at me very surprised. 
"This tiny human" he added and started laughing. 

"Stop laughing. It's already embarrassing enough for me" 

Takanori stood up and came closer to me. Looking me up and down.

"She must be quite something" he said and looked directly into my eyes. But it felt like he was piercing them through my soul.

I looked away at point because it got way to intense. From the corner of my eye i saw him smile. 

"How long are you going to keep her?" he asked Camui. 

"She needs to pay me off for this" he said and pointed to the cut on his face. 
Is this really going to work?

"But who knows, i get bored fast" he added and smiled at me. 

Takanori left that day and didn't show any signs of being interested in me, as Camui had planned. 

"Do you really think this will work?" i asked, when again, Camui was sitting in my room, at night. 
He was coming over almost everyday, even if he wouldn't stay long. 

"It will. I know him well, he got curious when he saw you, he will want to keep you around" he said, while looking into the dark room. 

"What if he finds out what you had planned?" i asked, feeling somehow more chatty with him, since he needed me now and to my knowledge wouldn't hurt me. 

"He will surely kill you, but you agreed to this, didn't you?" 

"I know, i mean, what would happen to you?" i asked and suddenly i saw his dark outlines turn in my direction.

"Don't tell me, are you worried about me?" he asked almost in an amusing tone. 

"Just asking, you said that he is really powerful so..." 

"He won't be anymore if you do everything right" 
He slightly got more annoyed so i stopped asking questions and pretended to fall asleep until he left. 

The next week i went down and saw Camui standing in the middle of the huge hallway. When i walked up to him he turned over.

"Finally, you sure sleep a lot" he said and grabbed my wrist. "We have a wonderful opportunity to get our plans a bit further."

We went over to the kitchen and i saw all the maids in there, cooking and packing food. 

"It's his birthday next week, so i will be sending over some stuff, actually you will be sending it over" 

"I thought you hate him? Why would you send him food for his birthday?"

"Aren't you a bit too naive? Well, of course you are, otherwise you wouldn't be in this situation, right?" he said and smiled. He seemed kind of angry but somehow his mood was over the roof because of his new plan. 

"I will send you and some maids over so make sure that he will see you when you are there." he said and his grip tightened a bit around my wrist. 

I nodded and started helping the others with all the packing. The maid that gave me the knife was still there, so i was glad that he hadn't found out anything. 

Just around 3 hours later we were in front of his house. It was huge, almost a bit bigger than Camuis. I was standing somewhere in the middle of all the maids when we knocked. A guy opened the door and greeted us before letting us inside. I guess they already knew that we were coming.

I was looking around while caring all the stuff inside. Just before we were finished it started to rain heavily. We ran inside with the rest of the food and the butler who had opened the door for us let us stay inside the kitchen while it was raining. 

A few hours later, that same butler came into the kitchen to announce that Mr. Takanori wanted us to stay over since it was raining so heavily and he wouldn't want us 'Ladies' to be outside at this weather. 
I wonder if Camui had planned it out this way?

Since this house was huge, we all got a room, which wouldn't happen at Camuis house. There was surely a seperation between him and the staff in his house. 

We all got shown into a room and since it was late i assumed the maids already fell asleep. 
There was a white nightgown on the bed, but i had no intention in putting that on.

I went over to the window. He may come home at some point, i should be awake and try to talk to him somehow. I got tired after a while but i kept standing there and looking out. 

"Are you waiting for someone?" i heard a familiar voice behind me. I didn't hear the door opening, it must be him. I got tense immediately  when i heard his voice but i tried not to show it too much. I turned over to see him stand there by the door. 

"What a pleasant surprise to see you alive" he said and smiled. 

"Yeah, he still keeps me around" i said and smiled back nervously. 

"I wonder why." he whispered as if he knew what we were planning. He started coming closer to me.

"Why did you hurt him. There must have been a serious reason, right? I mean, no human would try to kill a vampire for something minor." 
I knew what to say, since Camui practiced it all with me, but him coming closer made me more and more scared. I had the feeling that he knew everything and would kill me at any given moment, without a warning. 

"Well, he wanted to try something on me and i didn't want that...Who cares, what he is, i don't want anyone touching me" i said and felt that it was quite unbelievable. 

"Ahh and how did you do it?" 

"A silver knife..." i said and kept looking down, since he kept just looking into my eyes, probably trying to tell if i was lying or not. 

"Where did you get that knife from?" he asked. 

"It was mine, my grandfather gave it to me back then" 
This one wasn't planned but i was proud that i came up with something so fast. 

"Ahh...Just over his cheek.." he said and brushed over my cheek with his fingers. 

I wouldn't dare to look up, this was probably the end of me. He must know everything. 

"You should sleep now" he whispered and suddenly turned around. 
"Goodnight" he said before he went out. 

My heart was about to explod. What was that? He is somehow scarier than Camui. 

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