[Gackt/Vampire] Take me instead//2

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I was sitting in the room he granted me. There were so many room in this place. Why is he even living here, he doesn't use up these rooms. All his workers sleep down there. 
And then he tells me that i can stay up here because i need to stay close in case he needs something. 

I would never admit it but i am really afraid of him and this place. If i could i would run as far as i can from here but i can't leave without her. No one else will come for her. She must be more afraid than me right now. 
I layed down on the bed, which was way too big for me. I rolled to a corner and stayed there until i fell asleep. 

Some days passed with him telling me to get him normal things like Tea, Water, Food. He didn't mention my sister ever. The first time i asked him after agreeing to work for him. He told me not to annoy him or he would kill her in front of me. 
I didn't ask him anything since then. 

Almost every day women were passing around the marble floor. I would see them go up the stairs. Some i would see leave, some i never saw again. 

I wanted to search around for her, he told me she was in the right half of this house, but he didn't allow me to go over there. I would see some maids go over with food. I really hoped it was for her. I couldnt imagine if he killed her already and still kept me here.

When i was on my way to the kitchen to get some food one of the maids called me over. 

"He called you to his room" she whispered and i thanked her before i almost ran up. I felt so disgusted with myself. How did i turn into this puppet of his. 

I slowed down before his door. 
"What are you doing? Come in." he said. 

I opened the door and went it. 

"Ahm the maid said that you were calling for me" i said and looked at the ground. I really couldn't look at him in the eyes. It was scary. 

"Here" he said and held out a picture. I quickly went over and took that picture from his hands. A little, blonde girl, that was playing outside was on it. 

"What am i supposed to do with this?" i asked. 

"Did you already forget our deal?" You get me another girl and i let your friend go. 

I looked at the picture again. She was maybe around 8 or 9. He really doesn't care for age, does he?

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing, i will get her" i said without really thinking. I was afraid of myself for a second. I was only thinking about my little sister. There was no other chance to get her out. 

"I want her within this week" he said and took a book into his hands, which i guess was my sign to leave. 

When i got into my room i took a deep breath. 
I can't possibly do this, right?
I guess i didn't gasp the situation yet. Not being able to sleep or do anything else, i layed down on the bed and stared at the corner, for what i thought, were hours. 
At some point i fell asleep. 

I instantly woke up crying after having a nightmare. 
I tried to calm down by breathing in and out a few times. 

"Nightmare?" i heard from a corner and immediately sat up. It was him, just sitting there. He wasn't even looking in my direction. 

"What-what are you doing here?" i asked and put the blanket over myself, even though i was fully clothed. 

"I like the sound of you crying" he only said and stopped. 

Have i been crying through my whole sleep? 

"It's quite emotional. Even though i haven't felt any emotions since a while, i can somehow feel the sadness in your cries" 

I have been crying into the sleep the last few days, does that mean he was always somewhere near to listen to it?

I looked over again, yet he was still looking into the dark in front of him. 

"Can i ask you a question?" 

He didn't say anything, which i guess meant yes. 

"It's not like i question your decicions, but there are some other ways to get blood, so why kill innocent children?" 

"I already explained to you why i want your little friend" 

"Why are you calling her my little friend? She is my sister!" i said, kind of fed up with him. 

"Because you guys don't have the same blood."

"So what? We are still family! I was taking care of her since she was born." 

"Do you think anyone would do the same for you? Trying to save you from a monster like me." he asked.

"Well i mean-"
I somehow even felt bad that he called himself a monster.

"No one would. Not even your little friend. At some point everyone leaves" he said and finally looked over to me with a grin on his face. 

"That's not true." 

"I want to see when you are going to leave." he added.

"I won't! Could you please leave now, i need to sleep to have engery to get you what you want." i said without realizing i shouldn't be so rude now. 

"Don't you dare command me." he said in a quite calm tone and in the next second i couldn't hear him anymore. 

I headed out in the morning with the address he had gave me. I approached their house and saw a mother with her little daughter, which seemed to be the one on the picture he gave me. 
I had no intention to kidnap her. I couldn't. This whole night i was thinking about it. I can't do it. But at least i had some kind of plan. 

I was waiting outside their house when they came back. I told the mother that i had something to talk to her about. 
To my luck she worked as a nurse and could get me some packs of blood. 

And with that i headed back to his house, not knowing whether this would be mine and my sisters last day on earth.

-jrockerxreader//one shots-Where stories live. Discover now