[Hyde/Vampire] Kill Him// FINAL

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I was pacing around in my room. I heard the maid talking about the event at Camuis, they will be going over there early tomorrow.
How? Just how am i supposed to ask him to let me go over with the staff? Would there be any logical reason for someone to want to go to work instead of stay in this huge mansion and relax?

Just as i was lost in thoughts someone knocked on my door.
I was looking over to the door when one of maids entered. She opened the door just enough for her head to pop in.

"He is looking for you" she said and pointed out.

"Ah yes, i will be right there, thank you" i said and she closed the door.
I was on my way out, when i rememered what i had told him just before Camui interrupted us.

The embarrasment i felt was unmatched. How could i even tell him that?
If he believed it though, then it saved my life. didn't it?

I went up to his room.
He was reading when i came in. He didn't look up as always.

I got closer to his bed, where he was leaning against the frame of his bed and reading.
"You can sit down over there" He said and pointed to the chair i had once sat in.

I went over there and sat down, without asking any questions.
He finally looked up from his book. After looking at me for 5 seconds he put down his book on the bed and stood up.

He came over and stretched his hand out. I put my hand into his and he pulled me up from the chair. I bumped into his chest and suddenly felt his hand on my back.
I put my hands on his chest and tried to keep him away , but i was too afraid to push him away.

"We were interrupted before, i almost forgot about your confession after Camuis visit" he smiled and suddenly hugged me.

"I..i would like to go with the rest of the staff, i would like to continue working" i blurted out, without thinking too much.

"Well...that is a very unusual request from someone in your position" he almost whispered into my ear, while still hugging me.

"I know. When you told him that you don't want people to see me as a Maid anymore, it felt weird. I am very happy that you would do that for me, but i don't deserve it." I couldn't think of any other reason to go.

"Is that really the reason?" he whispered again, while putting his hand on my head.


"Are you sure?" he hugged me a little tighter.

"Yes" my voice was shaking, i was so afraid that he wouldn't let go.

But he did. He stopped hugging me and took a step back.

"You can go" he said. I am sure i looked guilty. I was. I was lying, he really seemed sincere this time, but i was lying to him nevertheless. It wasn't about me, it was about my sister.

I turned around and walked a few steps towards the door, when i felt myself being pulled back. He grabbed my arm and turned me around to face him again. Not even a second later he kissed me. He kissed me, while pushing my body against his. I put my hands on his chest again and tried to push him away. As soon as he stopped, i pushed again and he finally let go.
"Don't go" he said. "If you go, i can't guarantee for anything" he continued. My heart was racing, i knew what he meant. He knew something was up.

"I am sorry..." i said and walked out as quickly as possible. When i closed the door and was finally walking towards my room, i heard some really loud scream and smash coming from his room. As if a window broke. I got scared and run up to my room. I coulnd't sleep all night, i was afraid he would come into my room.

When morning came, i was the first at the carriage and helped load it up with some spices and wine.

We arrived at his house. We brought all the stuff to the kitchen and everyone got assigned some chore by the main maid.

I went into the storage to see what we needed to get once we went out to the market later on. Even though we had brought a lot of stuff, it was still not enough for all the people that would come.
As i grabbed a pen to write everything down, the light went out. I immediately turned around to the door and saw it being shut close.
Someone was inside and i knew who it was.
I felt the heat of him very close. When i stretched out my hand, it bumped into his chest. As soon as my hands touched him i pulled them away and took a step back.
The storage was tiny so after that step there was not much space to go anymore. He took a step forward and i felt his chest bump into me again.

"His staff can't see us together. We don't know who could sell us out" he whispered.

"Alright.." I said and turned away, as i felt his breath so close to my face.
Even though he was already very close and i could feel his chest, he still tried to come closer.
I put up my hands up and tried to hold him in place.

"I told you, we need to keep it down"
As if that was the reason he was so close to me.

"That's just an excuse, you don't have to be so close to tell me something" i said and tried to push him away.

"Well, you are right, it is an excuse" he said and put his hands over mine.
I looked up to the place his voice was coming from, i couldn't see him at all.

"I hope you missed me as much as i missed you" he added.

-jrockerxreader//one shots-Where stories live. Discover now