[Yoka] Neighbor's cat//2

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I couldn't stop thinking about last night.

What even happend? It was so unexpected, i didn't even know how to react to it. 
Should i mention it? Tell him that he can't just go around licking someones lips saying they got something there. I really don't want to talk about it though, i don't even want to think about it.

Whatever whatever i'm just going to forget it. 

As i was carrying on with my day, i noticed that there was a banner tapped to the board in the hallway downstairs. I stopped on my way outside and started reading it. 

"A neighborhood festival?" i whispered to myself. 

"Will you come too?" i heard a manly voice behind me. I turned around and a guy i had never seen yet was standing there. 

"Ahm who?"

"I'm living over there" he said and pointed to the door i had passed. 

"Oh i'm sorry i haven't met you yet, i'm new here. Nice to meet you" i said and bowed.

"Nice to meet you too" he said and smiled. 
He was kind of cute?

As we started talking about that neighborhood festival, the guy next door came running down. As soon as he saw me and that guy standing there he slowed down and came over. 

"Hey Honey" he said out of nowhere. At first i thought he was talking to someone else so i looked around until he grabbed me by my shoulders.

"Slept well? You looked quite sick yesterday" 

What is this guy talking about?

As the guy i was talking to saw him talking to me like we were close he just bowed a little and went off. When he left i pushed him slowly away from me.

"What are you even doing?" i asked and looked confused and quite angry. 

"Ah don't be so angry, it was just a joke" 
I saw his little grin the second he left.

What a psycho!

----Yoka pov----

That guy is really hitting on any girl he sees. She will be thankful once she finds out that he is total jerk. 

Ah i forgot, i'm late. 
I started running again. They totally distracted me.

Work was a pain today as well, but at least i like what i am doing. Maybe it was a pain because i am getting sick. I didn't feel well since i left in the morning. I shouldn't have said that she looked sick, she probably cursed me. 

As soon as i got home i fell onto my bed. I really wasn't feeling well. I was so hot too, so i started taking of my clothes, leaving on my shirt and boxers. I didn't see my cat around. I guess she went over again.
I looked around a bit more until i fell asleep. 

----Her pov----

I was so tired after work. When i got back i passed by the banner i had seen in the morning. Suddenly i remembered that conversation again. I looked over to that guys apartment and wondered whether he is at home. It was just a quick thought, so i got into the elevator to get home. 

When i finally got to my door and wanted to open it, i already heard a cat inside. Momo got over again. Without opening the door i went over to his apartment and knocked. It took quite a while and no one opened so i thought he wasn't at home, until suddenly the door openend. 

"Your ca- oh you don't look well" i said when i saw him with a tissue and a blanket over his shoulders, seeming to be freezing in this summer weather. 

"Look, i don't have time to play today" he said and went back inside. He didn't close the door behind so i wondered if he wanted me to come in. I wasn't sure what to do but i thought i will just go in and ask if he is okey and then go home. 

"Uhm do you maybe need something?" i asked as i slowly followed him in. 

"Can you make me a tea" he said while sitting down in his blanket. 

"Oh okey, i will make one and bring it over" i said. 

"I have tea here too" he said and pointed to his kitchen. 

I went over to his kitchen as he started to explain where everything was. After a while i looked over and he seemed to be asleep. I had his tea ready and went over. I placed it in front of him on the table and sat down next to him. 
I really wasn't sure what to do but i wondered whether he really was that sick, so i thought to check on him. I placed my hand over his forehead and he was really hot. He seemed so fine in the morning, what happend?

As i was thinking i didn't notice that i had left my hand on his forehead, while he woke up. 

"Wow, you really want to touch me huh?" he said and tried to smile, while i quickly pulled away my hand. 

"You are quite sick"

"Oh you didn't believe me?" 
I just looked away. He does strange things so how should i know. 

"Well you will still need to get your cat"

"Let's leave my cat at your apartment and you stay over here. She will come over once she is hungry anyway" he said and cuddled himself more into his blanket. 

"Or she will eat my little hamsters" 

"She won't, aren't they in a cage anyway" he said and finally took his tea into his hands. 

"Yeah but why should i stay over" i asked. 

"I would feel better" he said and smiled. 
I didnt really know what to say so i silently looked away. After a while it got awkward so i spoke up.

"Are you maybe hungry?" 

"Will you cook for me?" he smiled again. 
Is he teasing me?

"Well for cooking it's kind of late but i could go down and buy something" 

"No it's okey, just stay here" 
Since i was sitting next to him, he just put a little pillow on my lap and put his head on it, while cuddling up in his blanket. 

"You know that there was nothing on your lips the other day, right? I just really wanted to get close to you." he said while his eyes were still closed. 

He got me a bit off guard but i tried to remain calm since he was sick. "I guess."

"I want to do it again, but i don't want to get you sick. You can wait, right?"

My heart started to beat way too fast. I didn't even understand why. He was just playing with me. I should just play along without getting caught up in it. 

"Sure" i said without really thinking. But i mean, two can play this game, right?

He seemed to be surprised for a second but he quickly settled himself. 
"Also, that Kei guy, don't hang out with him. He isn't a nice one" 


"The guy you were talking to in the morning" 

"He seemed nice though." 

After that i didn't hear anything from him. He fell alseep mid conversation. As i was falling asleep myself i heard something and woke up again . It was Momo coming to his bowl to eat.

I slowly stood up, putting his head with the pillow on the couch and getting out of his apartment. 

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