[Gackt/Vampire] Take me instead.

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I ran until my lungs were burning. I wouldn't stop until i reached his house. She must be there, there is no other place she could be. I will get her out no matter what. 
How could her father do such an horrible thing.
He better not have touched her or i will kill him with my own hands. 

Just a few miles more i kept saying. I couldn't afford to take a break, there was no time. 
As i was within reach of his house, i saw that the lights were on, so i doubled my speed. I thought i was going to cough blood once i reached his house. 
I wanted to burst open the door as soon as i got there but i calmed down for a second and tried to think through what else i could possibly do. 

When i finally reached his house, i went around and looked in from the windows first. The lights were on but i couldn't see anyone inside. But i was sure that they were both in there. 

I heard a little crack before i felt something heavy hitting me on my head. Everything went black. 

When i woke up, it was freezingly cold under me. I put my hands down to get my body up but my head was hurting so bad i couldn't really get up at the fist try. The cold marble floor was no help, i just didn't want to touch it anymore, it was so cold. 

"I suppose you are here to get your little friend" 
It was him, although i couldn't clearly see him at the moment, i was sure it was his voice. 

"Where-where is she?" i said while still struggeling to get up or see clearly.

"It's already over, i bought her, her blood is mine now" he said without any emotions in his tone. 

My blood got through the roof when i heard him say those words. "I'm going to kill-ah"
Everything went black again and i felt my head banging against the cold floor. Am i going to survive this? I need to. 

I woke up again. This time feeling a bit better. The ground wasn't so cold anymore. When i opened my eyes i realized i was actually outside. It was warmer here than in there. I looked around and saw a shovel lying beside me. I got up slowly and looked to the other side, where i saw a big plastic bag. 
Are they trying to bury me alive? 

I heard someone coming so i pretended to be asleep again. As soon as that person got near enough, i grabbed the shovel and hit him across the head. He fell down after that one hit. 

I wasn't sure whether i killed him but i didn't really care. I have to get her out. 
I took the shovel with me when i got up. I decided to get inside through the door where he came out. This wasn't the main door so i guess it would be easier to get in.

I was going through a hallway until i got to a huge kitchen. This looked more like a kitchen from a restaurant than a normal house. 

Three guys where in there cooking. 

I wasn't sure what to do to get through the kitchen without being noticed. 
I don't know what it was but suddenly one of them made a mistake which led to a little fire. While all of them ran over i crawled my way through the kitchen. 
This must be some sign. I will get her out. 

I was again in that room. I saw the marble floor i was lying on before. Holding on to the shovel i made my way through the room, which was huge. No one was in there so i hurried and ran up the stairs. 

I need to find him. 

I slowly opended the first door i came across. No one in there. Second one, no one in there. 

I got to the third one and heard a voice. "Come inside." 

It's him. I tightend my grip on the shovel and slowly walked in. 

"What a pain you are"
I heard him say while he was sitting on a big chair, putting away the book in his hands. 

"Where is she?" i asked and was ready to attack him. 
I couldn't even blink fast enough before he suddenly was standing in front of me. 

With one small movement he took away the shovel and grabbed me by my arm. 

"So?" he asked in a calm tone. 
I couldn't get anything out, this all went so fast, i couldn't breath. 


"I could kill you in a heartbeat, but since i respect the fact that you were brave enough to annoy me twice, i will let you explain yourself. So?" he said while his eyes were piercing through me. 

I tried to calm down, this may be my only chance. 
"I want my sister back. You can't take someone because someone else decided to sell her. She is not a bag of blood, she is a human." i said and it didn't seem to his liking. 

"I guess you already know that i am no human. As i am superior to your species, i may take what i want" 

"She is only 11." i said while holding back my tears. 

"What does her age matter?" he asked, like he was actually curious about it. 

"Listen. You can kill me instead. Just let her go. It doesn't matter, right?"

"You may think it doesn't matter, but i specially choose her. Do you want to tell me that i don't know what's good?" He came closer and smelled my neck.
"I am staying with her." 

"B-but..." i didnt know what else to say and he got even more annoyed before i felt my whole body slamming against the wall. He grabbed my throat and was tightening his grip. 
"Your time is up"

"pl..ease..i..will do..any..thing" i got out as my last words. Before i fainted i felt his grip opening. I started to breath heavily and coughing.

"Well since you killed my butler, you can work in his place" he said while going back to his chair. 

I really killed him?

"You won't kill my sister, right?" i said. 

"No, but she will stay here" 


"I will let her go when i like your work" he said. 
I didn't say anything anymore, i needed to do this. I was afraid, more afraid than when i walked in here. 

"Your first job will be to get me a new human, if you don't want me to kill her, get me another one like her" he said and i could see his grin while he sat down. 

-jrockerxreader//one shots-Where stories live. Discover now