[Kamijo] Let me paint you//2

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Since two weeks, i kept thinking about him and about that night.

What actually happend?
He hasn't once came into the cafe shop after that night. Is he maybe still waiting for me to come and let him finish the painting?
He made me so confused. The most confusing thing was, that he was so confident about me going back there.

I hate the fact that i keep thinking about it, that's exactly what he wants. He probably already forgot me and is playing the same game with other girls.

I kept cleaning the floor, but quite absent minded, when Sato noticed he called out a few times before i snapped back to reality and turned around.

"Are you okey? I called you a few times now"

"Ah i'm so sorry, i just have so much assignments and yeah" i said and smiled a bit, while putting the mob back to it's place, because i cleaned the same spot probably for 10 minutes now.

"I see, if you have trouble, ask me, maybe i can help in some way. I mean we could also meet-"

Before i could hear him out, someone called out, so i excused myself and run over to the customer to get his order.

It was a long day for me so i was quite tired and even though i was this tired, i still kept thinking about it. On my way home i stopped myself at the train station and took the other direction to his apartment.

Who cares what he thinks, i will just get there, let him finish the painting and get the money.
Maybe it's only about the money, i mean it's a huge amount, only a fool would refuse or even not get this kind of money for just sitting.

I arrived at his building and before i could give this whole thing a second thought i pressed the numbers for his door. As soon as i pressed them i started feeling kind of nervous.

Suddenly i heard "Come in" from the other end and the door slid open.
I guess he saw me through the cam. He probably thinks he won, because i came by my own will.

Before i could think further i got out of the elevator and saw a woman get out of one of the apartments, which i imagined to be his.

She got out and walked towards me, we walked by each other, she looked at me for a short while and then smiled before she caught up to the elevator and left.

When i reached his door, it was already open. I'm quite sure that woman came out of here.

I entered and took my shoes off, before i went in and saw him sitting on his couch, drinking wine.

My glance went over the table and i saw another glass there.
Now i was sure that she was here.

But when i gave it another thought, in what way does this even concern me, there could have been 20 woman coming out of his apartment, i'm only here for the painting. It's like a small job i took on, nothing else.

"So let's finish the painting" i said as i put down my bag, as if i was ready without any doubts.

Without looking up i saw him grinning and taking another sip of his wine.

"Should i get you your supplies or will you do it yourself?" I said still looking at him.

"No need, i'm not in the mood today."

"Why did you let me in then?" I replied, quite confused now.

"I wanted company" he said and put his glass on the table.

"But you had company" i pointed at the empty used glass on the table.

He smiled again and turned around.

-jrockerxreader//one shots-Where stories live. Discover now