[Gackt/Vampire] Take me instead//3

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It was midnight when i arrived. I had hoped he would be asleep, but it's night so he must be more awake than during the day.

A maid opened the door for me. She looked behind me for a second and then away. I guess she was also expecting me to bring that girl. I didn't even speak to him yet but i got scared at her reaction.

I had the blood bags in my backpack and went up the stairs.

I was going so slowly and stopped at some point.

Being afraid now is just useless. I need to try this plan, if it doesn't work then well. I am sure my sister wouldn't want me to kill another girl for her either. It's just wrong.

I knocked.

No one answered.

I thought maybe he isn't even home yet so i stepped back from the door when i heard his voice.

"Come in."

I slowly pushed the handle down.

I almost had to force myself inside.

"I have to tell you something" i said and noticed him looking around me like the maid. He immediately started smiling. What was this about?

"So the girl wasn't there, i went in their house, but no one was there and i thought not to come back without anything so i stole some blood bags from the hospital" i explained while placing the blood bags on the small table in front of him.

He looked down at them quite amused and didn't say anything for a while.

"You dare quite much with me, don't you?"

I got scared immediately, this must be my end.

"I guess you don't care about your little friend anymore" he said and stood up.

I thought he was about to kill me so i looked away, but he just passed me.

"You still have 2 days left, bring me that girl"

I wanted to yell that i couldn't but 2 days alive are better than nothing right?

The next morning i went down to the kitchen and the same maid that opened the door for me yesterday was sursprised to see me there. She probably thought he would kill me after yesterday.

She suddenly rushed out of the kitchen. I was pretty sure it was because of me because there was no one else in there. I stayed in and ate my breakfast wondering what i did wrong, just when she rushed inside again. 

I looked at her and it was obvious that she wanted to tell me something but she didn't speak to me, she just stood next to me for a while, until she handed me a piece of paper and turned away. 

[ I can't talk to you, he will hear us. I know you want your sister, but you will only get her if you kill him. I can't do it myself but i have the weapon. It's a real silver knife, get as close to him as you can and strike it. If you want it just nod. I will put it under your pillow. ]

I looked up to her, she was looking at me expecting to help her. I wanted it so i nodded. At this point not much can save my sister. 

Night time came, i went to my room and hadn't seen him the whole day. I looked under my pillow and there was the knife the maid spoke of. It wasn't really big, i was wondering if this small thing could kill him. 

Now the only problem i had was getting him into my room and close enough to me. 

Crying? Didn't he say he likes to listen to others cry?
Even though it was an, for me, really insane idea i just went along with it since i didn't have any other options.

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