[Mana] A Doll Maker

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I was blessed that day. I finally got my first job as a Doll Makers assistant. A few days ago my father had shown me an article on the newspaper. They were looking for an assistant for one of the best doll makers in this country. Luckily the interviews were held in my town, so i could go and show some of my skills there.  And now? I got my dream job and was on my way to meet my new boss. 

I arrived at a mansion. As soon as i got out of the carriage i picked up a unique atmosphere. 
It was unsually quiet around this mansion. I immediately noticed that i couldn't hear any birds or other insects from, even though the mansion was surrounded by a huge forest.
It didn't seem very normal. 

The man that brought me there, got my luggage and started to walk towards the huge wooden door. He knocked. The knock echoed inside very loudly and i got a bit scared. 

A man opend the door that seemed to be a butler at this mansion. 
We both greeted him and then explained why i was there. The butler didn't show any emotion and just nodded at the information given. 

He signed us to wait, while he went back in and closed the door. 
After 5 minutes the door opened again and this time the butler took my luggage and thanked the man that brought me here, while giving him money. 
The man went off without looking back. 

I followed the butler inside. 
"Sorry, i have a questio-" as i tried to ask him whether i would stay inside this mansion while working, he just put his finger in front of his mouth. 
I didn't understand. Does he mean i can't talk inside here? Or i can't ask him questions?

I silently followed him up the stairs to a room. 
He held the door open and signed me to get inside. I got inside and started to look around. He immediately followed me and put my luggage down beside the bed. 

I wanted to thank him but i wasn't sure whether i could talk, so i just bowed slightly in front of him and he came closer to me to hand me a piece of paper. 

The paper read "Rules of this house" at the top. 
As i wanted to read the rules, the butler bowed and went outside. 

"1. Rule....always keep quiet around the house. If you must talk, whisper." Well i could have guessed that rule. 

2. Rule: Keep it clean around you.
3. Rule: Everyone must be back around dinner time. 

Thats it? I didn't see any other rules written on the paper. 

So now i know these rules, but my questions weren't answered yet. 
I sat down on the bed and kept looking around the room. It was huge, which wasn't very surprising after seeing this Mansion from outside. 

I looked down at my luggage and wasn't sure whether i should start unpacking. Am i really allowed to stay here? I went over to the window and opened up the curtains. I looked outside and saw a beautiful garden. A lot of different flowers were planted there and there seemed to be a small labyrinth in some distance. 

"wow..." i let out as i heard a little cough behind me and immediately turned around to see the butler standing in my room. 
How didn't i hear the door opening? 

He placed a package and an envelope on the tiny table beside the door and went out again, after slightly bowing. 

I went over to see what was inside the package. 
I opened and saw a really pretty blue dress inside. I put the dress back without looking at it too closely to pick up the envelope. 
As i picked it up, nothing was written on the envople directly. 
I took out the letter inside. 


If you are reading this letter, it means i personally chose you 
as my assistant, because i have seen and come to
respect your work. Feel free to rest in my mansion, while
working for me. I urge you to follow the Rules of this House. 
As long as the rules are followed, i gladly welcome you. 
I would like to meet you personally at today's dinner, 
which will be prepared by me. 

An important detail you should know as well is
that i don't talk. If you wish to tell me somehing important or urgent,
i would like you to whisper. Usually things aren't that important though. 
I hope you enjoy the dinner. 

-jrockerxreader//one shots-Where stories live. Discover now